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James Baker, american retreat, media darlings, blueprint for surrender

Baker Street peanuts

By John Burtis

Friday, December 8, 2006

The Jim Baker report is sure juicy and Lee Hamilton looks really good in a suit, and their report sure looks like a blueprint for surrender.

But isn't it just like us. Kick out a bunch of thugs from a dilapidated Iraq in nothing flat, fix it up, return it to the rightful tenants, try to police their ongoing squabbles, hang the old landlord, and, when that doesn't go as well as we'd hoped after a repeated series of bloody noses and a growing loss of life after a superb campaign on the ground, we launch a plan to invite the thugs back in for a round table, tea, cakes, and a headlong exit. and we marvel at the shabby behavior evinced by the terrorists as we run for the cars in a Le Mans retreat.

Since we're dealing with Iraq, it's 2006, the UN is all but worthless for anything but double-talk and theft, and Jimmy Carter is off on another good will tour bandaging the broken voting system in Venezuela so Hugo Chavez can be annointed President for life without a hiccup, we have to pull in Jim Baker, who was last used to counter Gore's full blown assault on freedom in Florida a few years back.

Of course, as it has been pointed out ad nauseam, this being today and Jim being Baker, the production of the whole novella has been draped in photo ops, shiny magazine covers, and repeated televised appearances by both Baker and his newly attached alter ego, Lee Hamilton--as if public relations can change the taste of canned ham.

But what are the high types on the Baker committee trying to tell us beyond the body language, the tailored clothes, the haughty know it all attitudes, the sheer size of the tendentious tome, and the dandy cross section of the bi-partisan – which always means to lower yourself to the new Democratic “ideals”--membership?

as Ralph Peters explains in the Weekly Standard article, ‘From Metternich to Jim Baker', “No matter the politically correct language in which it may be couched, the group's fundamental recommendation will be a return to a foreign policy in which the quest for stability trumps freedom, ignores human rights, frustrates the will of the people, and violates elementary decency.”

and what do these prescient lines remind you of? Everything the new Democratic Party stands for. and still the progressives, the left wing journalists, and the obnoxious pundits like David Gregory complain about the contents of this nebulous screed.

Peters encapsulates the goals of the new Democratic Party perfectly, and how they view the american electorate and the role of government in his description of this ouyline for surrender. The left is revolted by the Electoral College, they fear ballots, they worship exit polling, they believe that human rights matter only as a tool for power, decency is seen as a dinosaur to be jettisoned unless it can be dragged out of the primordial slime and hung around a Republican's neck, and freedom is a threat to their tenuous grasp on power, while the Constitution is a mere scrap of paper.

This most famous report ever delivered in quite some time, beyond its grounding in new Democratic ideals and its comparison to fruit salad, is based on the old Jim Baker. and it includes his favorable views of arab dictatorships, open pleading with Syria and Iran, giving the so called Palestinians most of Israel, giving Iran as many nuclear weapons as they want, guaranteeing a regional bloodbath as soon as we say adios, and our hasty retreat from the Middle East, with apologies all around.

and just when you'd thought that Jimmy Carter--that life long expert on the same region, the personal hagiographer of Yasser arafat, the humbug's humbug, a man who regularly chastises Kofi annan for being too expansive and forward thinking, noted author and accused plagiarist, legume grower, carpenter, brother of the Billy Beer fabulist, and Quran-toting, anti-Semitic ex-President with a penchant for cheap jacking the country that gave him a steady job at every available opportunity--had taken a powder, his favorite concepts appear in the report, almost verbatim.

But no sooner do both reports see daylight, than Carter's key grip and gaffer, Ken Stein, up and resigns because the ideas contained in Jimmy's latest polemic concerning the need for the democratic world to kow-tow in front of the Palestinians and have Israel pay for the folly are said to be filled with errors and, “simply invented…,” among the bagatelle of charges he levies at Mister Peanut.

and the Big Peanut--not one to mince words, unless US citizens are being held hostage by Islamists, inflation is going through the roof, oil is above a hundred bucks a barrel, his rescue mission is a disaster, his pixilated brother has just micturated on the State Department building in the company of a group of Libyan renegades, and his daughter has decried the same nuclear proliferation he is now praising among the budding state sponsors of terror-- can no longer recall hiring the man.

Funny, but nobody thinks that the Baker blather may be as empty of factual grounding as the Carter malediction.

Of course we can count on the terrorists--the guys who are still hot for murdering us, whom the Baker team and the new Democrats are quick to overlook--finding the report a roadmap to their victory, with no dangerous downsides.

and with Rumsfeld back at his Maryland home, the New York Times outed some time ago, where he watches the front gate on the camera in the birdhouse, with Bolton packing his belongings at the crumbling UN (though I suspect he travels light), and with the moon rising in the house of Kentucky bourbon, who can blame the boyos in the balaclavas?

Yep, it's quite a time to live in america and to repeat all the follies of the downfall of Vietnam, with fewer dead, far less whimpering, without the Winter Soldiers, save for one rather well coiffed survivor who still clutches his map and cap, and the same doggone reports charting retreat and begging for surrender --ours.

Meanwhile Iraq will descend into chaos again, the forces of evil will be strengthened, the neighbors will be less inclined to step in as the allies are openly terrorized by the return of the newly emboldened thugs, who will soon have the run of the place again. and all of our work won't be worth a bag of peanuts on Baker Street.

But I guess I'd rather haggle over the idiocy contained in the Baker report than listen to and watch the endless knavery of Carl Levin, Chuck Schumer, Henry Waxman, Barney Frank, and the rest of the shameless hucksters who'll soon be offering their shabby performances in televised hearings as they investigate big business, big government, big oil, and everything else they can get their meat hooks into except intelligence.

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