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Arab language only Public schools, taxpayer sponsored Madrassas

So great the con of Khali Ghibran

By John Burtis

Monday, August 13, 2007

The beginning of the Arabic only "public" school in Brooklyn, NY, this fall, the Khalil Ghibran International Academy, sure spells the end of the notion of education being "common" to us all as espoused by that now certifiable antique Horace Mann ( ).

And oh, what humanity is to be found in today's liberal notion that education in America, funded by the steadily disappearing Anglo speaking taxpayer, is to be taught in foreign languages rather than in that dreadful, haughty, illiberal, phony English, the voice of the majority. Best that education should now appear cloaked in taxpayer sponsored Madrassas rather than that classic public school personae where the Pledge of Allegiance, the American Flag, and pictures of George Washington once adorned the hallowed halls of learning.

And surely it's better that chador garbed educators rule the classrooms via the tenets found in the Qu'ran rather than have the teachers of yore walk the aisles with rulers while the United States Constitution looks down from the wall. After all, leading Democrats, liberals, communists, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Norman Thomas, the ACLU, Teddy Kennedy, Justice Kennedy, Dick Turban, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton have all shown us that the Constitution is mere claptrap and not worth the paper that millions have died for, the antiquated words printed on it, and that it really died during the exalted and prolonged rule of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, America's first king before William I of Clinton, or William the Black.

Nope, today those great prevaricators found in the US Senate, who are fighting for open borders, for unity with the Third World, to turn America into a Third World country, who no longer wave the bloody shirt save in the election season and who now prefer to wave the white flag before our sworn enemies, are no doubt weeping with joy now that a publicly supported school will be taught exclusively in Arabic.

When I was a kid a real public school was one where any parent in the district could drop in, sit in the back of the class and pretty much follow exactly what was going on. And if you called ahead, they'd have a text book ready for you so you'd have the day's lesson in front of you ready to go.

Suppose you live in Brooklyn today and decided you'd like to drop by the old public Madrassa and see what's cooking in the Arabic only classroom. You know, the one you're footing the bill for. Would you be welcomed? Would the folks in the main office have a crisp new Qu'ran ready for you with a bookmark indicating the class of the day? Or would you be discouraged, as an infidel, from attending and learning exactly what it is you're paying to be taught there.

Now with all the folderol attendant with the proper racial mix and so on connected with public schools, will a good solid cross section of kids from Manhattan or the Bronx be bussed into the Khalil Ghibran Academy? No, silly. It's because it's a public Arabic school and only folks who are Arabic can go there. And since it appears only folks who are Arabic and Muslim can apply, it perfectly fits the new American idea of an open public school.

But everything isn't rosy over at Ghibran High. No sirree, Muhammed.

It seems that the first principal of this rather happy liberal establishment has already opted for a full and spontaneous retirement because she decided to start a business there in the t-shirt department. And not with just any run of the mill t-shirt like "Go, Khalil Go" or "Fight, Ghibran Fight" but with " NY Intifada." You know, that clarion Palestinian or Arab, depending on which side of the street you live on, call to annihilate or to rise against the Jews. And Brooklyn being Brooklyn, there was bound to be the occasional Semitic presence in the Madrassa's neighborhood – something she was sure to know.

And yes, the t-shirt fiasco was noticed and there was the usual uproar about the episode from the usual crybabies who fail to understand the real meaning of liberalism, "public" schools, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, today's liberal mores, the need to allow Mohammedans to do whatever the hell they want, and the importance in funding more radical Madrassas among us.

Much has been said about Osama bin Laden, the outlaw leader of a band of international thugs bent on our destruction and the elimination of our nation from the world stage, and Nikita Khruschev, Stalin's good old paladin and the guy who promised to destroy us. Both have said that they would use our systems and our products to defeat us.

Today, it sure looks like Osama is doing a far better job.

Sure'n Begorrah, Nikita had ICBM's, Sputnik, the Stasi, the KGB, and the ACLU in his pocket, but the UN and Dag Hammarskjold, John F. Kennedy, and the public schools were decidedly anti-communist.

Today, Osama bin-Laden has Teddy Kennedy, the New York Times, CNN, much of the US Senate, and a good part of the House of Representatives on his side. And now, thanks to the great con of the Khalil Ghibran, his views are beginning to enter the US public school system and he's getting the US taxpayer to pay for it all.

Perhaps al-Qaeda is slicker than Nikita was. Or perhaps our elected leadership, from the president on down to the city level, is more hopelessly out of touch than it has ever been before.

My bet is on the latter.

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