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Minority victimization, American tradition, capitalism, national sovereignty and security

Is Pro-American Sovereignty & Security Just Anti-Immigration?

By J.B. Williams

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

People seem to have figured out that the easiest way to promote an un-American agenda, one at odds with American interests, in a post Vietnam, sexual revolution and socially evolved world, is to frame the discussion in terms of minority victimization. It works every time. Don't mess with what works...

People aren't pro-traditional marriage and family values anymore, they are anti-gay rights, because gays are a numerical minority and that alone makes them a protected species in progressive America.

We aren't just pro-life, we are anti-women when we suggest that each innocent human life has a right to exist, and deserves protection from would be killers, especially if that killer happens to be the child's mother.

We can't just be pro-capitalism and American free enterprise today, we must be anti-underachiever, greed driven rich folks seeking to profit by keeping the poor, well, poor, simply by pursuing happiness ourselves.

Likewise, those who support abortion (the right to take the innocent life of another human being) are not anti-baby or anti-life, they are simply pro-woman. We could go on and on with example after example, but the message is clear.

To promote that, which would otherwise never receive broad support in any morally sound society, re-direction is required. The tables must be turned. Good must become evil and evil good. Better yet, there should be no such thing as good and evil, right and wrong. Such judgments are after-all, judgmental and we all know that being judgmental is an ugly and wholly unacceptable practice under modern multi-cultural progress.

The debate over immigration has suffered this same twisting of reality. One, who loves, supports, upholds and defends America's constitutional right to protect its borders, the security of its legal citizens and its national sovereignty, is no longer a "patriot" but an anti-immigration bigot. They are no longer pro-American, pro-rule of law, pro-civil order and security, but instead, anti-immigrant. In other words, they are anti-minority voting bloc.

Those who arrange such twisted realities, the re-direction needed to seek un-American agendas under politically acceptable terminologies, live by a code of moral relativism. The only reality that matters to them is the reality that serves their agenda, even if that reality is a complete fabrication, as it usually is.

First they were called communists until everyone learned what that term meant. Then they changed their name to socialists, a kinder-gentler version of the same product and belief system. Once people learned that socialism and communism were one in the same thing, they began to call themselves liberals, and when liberal became a dirty word, they changed yet again to progressives.

From start until today, the ideas, methods and agendas are all the same. Only the name of the agenda and the people behind it has changed in order to continue promoting an un-American agenda that would otherwise be tossed out of America on its face. Their current operating term du jour is progressive democrat and their agenda is progressive democratic socialism.

It is this constant re-inventing of reality by people who seek to promote an agenda at odds with American interests, which causes confusion in the minds of many a man on the street who simply want to do the right thing, if they can just figure out what that is... This new reality now infects all facets of life.

It's what makes some think common terrorists are "freedom fighters" or "insurgents". It makes some think that volunteer American soldiers are "Nazis" running "Soviet styled Gulags". It makes victims out of criminals and criminals out of victims, just like the two border patrol agents sitting in prison right now for simply doing the job of protecting American borders from unwanted intruders, drug runners and invaders. 

But there is another reality, one that makes sense, is supported by real facts and evidenced by true historical lessons from the past. It is this reality that we must return to as soon as possible, before we reach the point of no return.

Few Americans are unaware of the important roll immigration has played in the immigrant nation known as America.

Yet most Americans can still recognize the difference between organized legal immigration, which has melded people from all walks of life and all corners of the globe into the greatest human experiment known to mankind, America, and unregulated illegal immigration, which seeks to erase our national borders and meld America into a global One World commune in which Americas resources can be taxed out of the private sector and disbursed more generously across a needy world.

The latter is the agenda of what we know today as progressive democratic socialism. It's why self-styled progressives are more concerned with the UN than the US and more interested in how France or Russia feels about the USA than how we feel about ourselves. One must think globally to understand fully...

But in the real reality, many Americans who are indeed pro-American sovereignty and security are not in the least anti-immigration or anti-immigrant. They are only anti-illegal immigration, anti- crime, anti-chaos, and anti-terror 9/11 repeat. Why do they feel so strongly about protecting American sovereignty and security?

Who wants illegal immigration?

Many have suggested that illegal immigration is a product of illegal cheap labor and therefore, the fault of companies or individuals who hire illegal labor. They have gone so far as to suggest that the problem could be solved entirely by simply fining (taxing) private resources away from these dastardly employers until there is no such work available for illegals in this country.

Note: This theory makes the illegal intruder the victim, a minority group of course, exploited by big bad business and capitalism as usual and the cure is what it always is, to tax or fine the real evil doer, the employer without ever directly addressing those who broke the law by being here in the first place.

Others have suggested that immigrants, both legal and illegal, are simply lured here by the promise of freedom and individual liberty, capitalism and the chance to provide their families a life they could never provide back in their home country. I think there is little doubt that this is true or that those unable to come here legally are willing to come illegally just on the chance that anything is better than staying home.

Note: This theory focuses less on any particular victim and seeks no particular villain. It instead recognized only what we know to be true, that few addressed  on earth are more desirable than an American residence, for all the obvious reasons. It is what brought almost every American here, in one generation or another. But it offers nothing in the way of a cure. We can't stop people from wanting to be here unless we make America a less desirable place to be. A cure I wouldn't recommend.

Still others believe that modern American politics and politicians always in search of career extending votes is the cause of the problem. Hence the endless political pandering to this voting bloc of legal immigrants, trying to legalize their illegal relatives. It also explains why our politicians are so generous with our money when offering gifts from the treasury, even to people who don't belong here at all.

Note: If there is a villain in the matter of illegal immigration, one would have to say it is the politicians who continue to use tax-payer funds to lure illegal invaders across the border and reward them with more gifts and a means of staying here, while they work around the clock towards some legislative amnesty. In the meanwhile, if they can jack up the taxes on evil employers, all the better... Right?

Are rich Republicans seeking cheap labor on behalf of their rich business buddies the problem?

Face it, with a 4.4% national unemployment rate, finding cheap labor is not as hard as finding labor period. The simple truth is, most of the 4.4% currently unemployed are in fact unemployable, largely due to their general lack of interest in gainful employment. Are Republicans concerned about keeping a flow of employees willing to work at all at any price? Maybe...

But that's a statement about how strong our economy is and how it requires more labor in general, not more cheap labor. And there are easy ways to solve this problem, like with; you guessed it, a guest worker program of some sort.

Are progressive Democrats, always in need of a burgeoning proletariat class to advance their primary cause of increasing central federal power the problem?

One can easily make this case... Do I really have to in light of all the overwhelming evidence all around you?

The real point is this; nobody in Washington seems interested in closing and securing our borders. In part that's because American voters themselves seem divided on this as well as all other subjects at present. Both voters and politicians seem more concerned with how to best capitalize politically on the issue than fixing the issue. The same can be said for just about every other issue facing our nation today.

Yet the threat of another 9/11 remains very real and in the opinion of most counter-terrorism experts around the globe, it's inevitable. Are we really so politically charged now that we can't even see the need to save ourselves?

Is there really any debate over whether or not illegal immigration should be allowed to continue? Is upholding, protecting and preserving the American way of life, the rule of law and order and the security and sovereignty of our nation, really a bigoted un-patriotic act now?

No matter what I say or what the real facts demand, some will twist those facts and shape that reality to suit their un-American agenda. Does this now account for the majority of Americans?

How insane is the notion that we should just turn our collective heads, re-write our laws to accommodate the law breakers and penalize the victims, the US taxpayers, both private and corporate?

There are no issues that can't be solved. There are only people more committed to capitalizing on those issue than solving them, both voter and politician. As long as this remains the case, the issues will go unresolved and America will remain divided and vulnerable.

Of course, this suits those seeking a new progressive America less concerned with such silly ideas as American tradition, capitalism, national sovereignty and security.

Maybe that's where we need to start!

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