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Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid

An Open Campaign of Lies, Bribery and Treason

By J.B. Williams

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The full-court press to turn Iraq into the next Vietnam is a story of international intrigue, wholesale lies, congressional bribery and systemic partisan treason on a scale never before seen in the United States. The entire world is watching, including our enemies, and nobody is calling it a scandal?

Today's Democrat Party has reduced itself to the most anti-American organization in the world, yet the American press has yet to question a single outright lie, shine a light on the wholesale bribery used to buy the anti-American votes calling for retreat, surrender and defeat in the war on terror, or point out a single overt act of treason, now common place among liberal Democrats.

Speaker Pelosi and Senate Leader Reid call their surrender bill a "$124 billion bi-partisan Iraq spending bill to support our troops". But every word of it is an outright lie!

It isn't a "bi-partisan" bill at all. It narrowly passed with a 51-46 vote in the senate with only two (2) Republicans voting YEA, Hagel (R-NE) and Smith (R-OR), and only one (1) Democrat voting NAY, Lieberman (ID-CT). The House vote passes along similar partisan lines and would not have passed at all had Speaker Pelosi not used over $28 billion in pork barrel bribes completely unrelated to Iraq, our soldiers or their mission, to buy the votes she needed from fellow corrupt Democrats in order to pass the bill.

Most importantly, the $96 billion actually authorized for the Iraq mission is tied to effectively, an immediate retreat in defeat clause forcing the American military to agree to surrender in Iraq as early as July '07, but no later than October '07. This is modern Democrats' idea of "bi-partisan support for our troops."

Chairman Dean of the Democrat Party presents the story this way in a Party communiqu to his kool-aid swilling traitors…

"President Bush has hit a new low -- and I'm not talking about his 28% approval ratings.

Today, he ignored the majority of Americans and he defied the majority of Congress. And what's worst, he told our brave men and women in uniform that they will be the ones to pay the price.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: a Democratic president wouldn't veto that bill. We put forward a thoughtful plan and the President rejected it."

Meanwhile, during the process of bribing votes out of fellow Democrats, Senate Leader Reid announced to the world that America had already lost the war in Iraq. Speaker of the People's House Pelosi traveled the Middle East on an "unauthorized" treason tour, meeting and negotiating with known enemies of the U.S.A., misleading enemies on both American and Israeli foreign policy positions, in an overt effort to demolish all official U.S. foreign policy initiatives, in direct violation of the Logan Act, not to mention her sworn duty to protect, preserve and defend the United States of America from all aggressors.

Predictably, appropriately and as promised, President Bush immediately vetoed the surrender bill. It was dead on arrival and every Democrat that voted to pass the bill knew it would be.

Iraq was never Vietnam until Democrats seized an opportunity to turn it into Vietnam for political gain. Democrats who created the disaster in Vietnam, are now hell-bent on turning Iraq into another Vietnam, having crossed so many anti-American lines in that effort that the entire Party could be successfully charged with treason today, if we had any court in America still interested in America.

Yet the press has no comment, and the President wants to meet for negotiations???

Where's the silent majority? Why are they still silent, even in the face of bold faced lies, wholesale bribery and repeated acts of treason aimed at forcing our soldiers to surrender the war on terror as early as July? Where is the outrage?

Democrats state openly that America has failed and already lost the war in Iraq. Is it true?

Of course not! Iraq is made up of 18 provinces, all of which lived in terror, tyranny, torture, murder and mayhem under one ofthe most brutal regimes known in modern history. Today, 15 of those provinces are more peaceful, productive and prosperous than ever in history. Three provinces remain a challenge as members of Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hussein regime remnants and common criminals resist notions of freedom and self-determination in a part of the world they are accustomed to ruling by brute force and tyranny.

It is on this basis that Democrats claim a U.S. defeat. They call it a "civil war" that we have no business involving ourselves in. But it is in reality, a small movement run by terrorists and criminals resisting a new free Iraq, not innocent Iraqi citizens resisting America.

Democrats are either the most ill-informed, dangerously ignorant group of misfits and malcontents to ever hold power in this country, or they are so craven for political power that they are willing to throw the entire country under the bus in order to throw Bush under the bus. They might be both… The bill Bush just vetoed is nothing less than an overt effort to bribe Bush and the military into accepting surrender in return for their funding…

But where are the rest of us?

The Democrats have sent a clear message to the world…
  • They will travel around the globe to negotiate with known terror states and enemies of the U.S., Iran, Syria and North Korea, committing treason every step of the way. But they won't cross the political aisle to negotiate with Bush.
  • They will authorize funding for our troops, but only if they accept unconditional surrender in return for the money.
  • If they don't have legitimate support for their agenda in congress, they will buy it with pork barrel bribery.
  • They have no commitment to the war on terror, let alone to supporting the difficult mission of standing up for a free democratic Iraq.
  • They dislike and distrust Bush and Cheney more than Bin Laden, Assad, Ahmadinejad or Kim Jong Ill.
  • And there is clearly no price too high in their quest for control of all branches of the federal government.

    Meanwhile, our so-called free, independent press is reporting what? Rosie O'Donnell left The View, Alec Baldwin needs counseling from Dr. Phil and Imus is a racist, even if he is a loyal liberal.

    The Speaker of the House and Leader of the U.S. Senate are both "traitors", openly engaged in acts of treason, bribery, political corruption and overt efforts to mislead the American people into defeat and retreat from the war on terror. They call it "re-deployment", but it is pure surrender and retreat… Ask any soldier…

    Al Qaeda is using quotes from American Democrats to scare Iraqi citizens into thinking American soldiers are preparing to leave them in the hands of terrorists. American soldiers are forced to stop their work and take time to convince their Iraqi counter-parts that there is no truth to the Democrat lies being regurgitated by Al Qaeda.

    U.S. Soldiers have spent the last four years working to gain the trust of the Iraqi people, only to have Democrats undermine that trust by providing aid and comfort to the enemies of America and civilized Iraq. It is truly insane! Beyond comprehension and inexcusable!

    But the press has attacked Democrats for what? Being disloyal to their Code Pinko base and international socialist friends?

    Bush did the only thing any decent President could have done by striking their surrender bill down with his veto pen. But then he immediately announced that he thinks he can negotiate peace with the traitorous left…

    He has no more chance of negotiating peace with our enemy within than negotiating peace with Islamofascists still plotting to bring America to her knees. What Washington is Bush living in?

    As for the rest of us, who sit silently watching this demoralizing circus of deceit and anti-American corruption, doing nothing about it, who say we love and support our troops, but sit and let losers like this attack them and hold their funding hostage for political gain, I'm ashamed of all of us!

    We all know that evil will prevail anytime good people do nothing and we have done nothing about this particular evil within for far too long. They don't even operate in the shadows anymore. They are out in the open, now convinced that nobody is going to even challenge their anti-American agenda, much less charge them with the treasonous acts they now commit on a daily basis.

    Thousands of illegal aliens marched in our streets on May Day, a communist celebration, demanding their rights as illegal invaders of the U.S. and not a single INS agent picked up a single illegal, and not a single U.S. newspaper asked why? Most of the press and all Democrats refer to these criminals as "undocumented American citizens denied their constitutional rights by bigoted Americans!" Are you kidding me?

    If this is truly where America is today, half full of evil anti-American traitors and the other half too busy, too disinterested or too cowardly to stand up against all of it, then America as we once knew it, is indeed finished.

    Anti-American socialists control the Democrat Party and now congress. They are clearly committed to whatever it takes to control the other two branches of the federal government by the 2008 election and nothing, including American sovereignty and security is safe in that quest for ultimate power.

    If good people continue to say and do nothing, 2008 will mark the year that America passed the point of no return. Not a single Republican in Washington is taking a stand against our most dangerous enemy now running congress. The press is reporting none of it.

    And the average American still sits with their head in the sand, hoping it will all go away.

    If we really are this busy, this disengaged, this spineless - then shame on us! We deserve whatever comes from the destruction of a great country nobody has the stones to defend anymore!

    Shame on Bush and every cowardly Republican in Washington and shame on us for allowing it to continue for one more second!

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