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Republicans, Patriots, Americans

No Americans left in Washington DC

By J.B. Williams

Saturday, May 19, 2007

When recently asked in an interview, who I thought won the first two Republican debates; I answered Fred Thompson and Newt Gingrich. They're the only two candidates conservative enough to not be in this stupid race yet... They're not late, the others eager beavers are early!

They're the only two not joining the chorus of ten, eager to demonstrate their lack of conservative credentials in a futile attempt to attract both conservative and liberal voters. As a result, they're also the only candidates not losing supporters in the debates.

Like "patriot", the moniker "American" is not assigned to an individual simply on the basis of residency or job title. We have lots of folks living in this country, both legally and illegally, who could never qualify as "Americans", including some who wouldn't want to, even if they could.

Now we have a growing list of politicians in Washington DC that could never be accused of being "Americans" either, working around the clock to destroy the country they were elected to protect and defend, pandering to the non-American vote since all real Americans are fed up beyond voting.

Republican voters removed republicans from power in '06 and now with democrats even lower in approval ratings than Bush or the previous republican congress, American voters are running out of options. If Bush or any other politician were half as committed to securing America as they are to securing Baghdad, both illegal immigration and homeland terrorism would already be a thing of the past.

Real Americans want their borders secured, period! But clearly, no noteworthy elected Washington representative supports such an idea. You won't find a single Washington insider of any power, from either party, working to enforce existing immigration laws on behalf of legal Americans. If you want to hear from your elected official on the subject of immigration, you'll have to attend a La Raza rally, where you will hear politician after politician promise civil and civic rights to illegal invaders, at odds with and at expense to, every legal American citizen.

Both parties see potential new voters in the 12 to 20 million illegal alien constituency and they are willing to ignore 280 million legal Americans in pursuit of the illegal vote. Democrats blame republicans and their corporate friends, which is more fair than not. But let's get real; nobody is pushing harder for legalizing illegal immigration than liberals and labor unions in search of a bigger proletariat class of federal dependents who can always be counted upon to vote Democrat.

We have American troops currently in battle, dying for a country that doesn't even support their mission. We have politicians on both sides of the aisle who voted to send them into that battle, now desperate to force retreat and defeat by cutting off funding and emboldening our enemies with anti-American rhetoric and traitorous war propaganda. Everyone claims to support the troops, but few actually do.

Our elected officials have become wealthy beyond imagination while bankrupting the most productive, prosperous nation on earth. They have secured their own financial future while destroying ours.

Every politician rails against spending and growth of government, but each and every one contributes to insane spending and an endless growth of government. Clearly, all politicians believe Americans to be too stupid to worry about. Based upon what we continue to let them get away with, it appears they might actually be right about something for a change!

America is a sovereign nation built upon certain specific principles. Those principles include unalienable God given individual rights to Life, personal Liberty and a right to define and pursue individual Happiness, establishing individual social and economic order through individual effort and sacrifice. Yet congress and their judicial minions alienate all of these rights daily.

America is a nation built upon a belief in the individual, no matter where they came from, no matter what color or religion they are, no matter which side of the tracks they grew up on. America is a nation that believes in free enterprise, not socialism. America believes in personal freedom, not some so-called greater common good. There is no common good greater than individual freedom! Yet those in Washington DC disagree, believing instead that there is no common good, greater than themselves.

To be "American", one must believe in, support, defend, promote and preserve fundamental American ideals and principles for future generations, just as those before us preserved them for our generations. But today, Washington DC works to undermine it all.

Washington DC no longer supports free enterprise, national sovereignty, freedom or individual rights. They support the further empowerment of themselves, over the people they were elected to represent. They divide by voting bloc, for purposes of personal gain. They won't unite, even for the sake of national survival. But they will for the benefit of illegal aliens and foreign enemies.

Every elected official in this nation, from the President to every member of congress, from every judge that sits on a bench to every governor and state legislator, down to every mayor or city council member, takes an oath of office, sworn before the people who give them power and the God who made America the greatest nation on earth. And almost without exception, they work today towards an un-American or even anti-American agenda, breaking that oath without so much as an apology.

These folks can not be called "American". And so long as they continue to act against the interest and will of the American people, they represent the single largest threat to the American people and the future of this nation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. (From the Declaration of Independence)

There are no more Americans left in Washington DC today, demonstrated by the current move to erase rather than secure our borders, by the trust given a corrupt United Nations over American sovereignty, by the lining of their own pockets via the plundering of ours, by the demand for a military failure in Iraq and the broader war on terror, by their insistence upon the rights of terrorists over the right of American citizens to be secure.

The list of examples is endless today and the sum of that list can only be described as destructive of American ends. There is nothing "American" about it!

The time to reverse this trend is passing and only a second American revolution will re-install the fundamental principles of the greatest nation on earth. When those given power by the people no longer listen to the people through peaceful means, less peaceful measures will eventually be taken.

There are no Americans left in Washington DC, but there are all across America. One must hope that they will unite and stand together peacefully soon, to turn the tide by replacing un-American politicians with American politicians, before the only choice remaining it to abolish the government which only serves itself.

May God Bless these United States and every true patriot willing to stand and be counted, whatever the cost. Freedom has never been free and it never will be.

Thomas Jefferson warned us in no uncertain terms, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

A radical extremist thought?

I fear this day is soon coming... Americans will not allow forever, the anti-American agenda of Washington DC...

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