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Sales and Marketing capitol of the world

Anything Goes in America
If you know what to name it!

By J.B. Williams

Friday, May 25, 2007

Welcome to the sales and marketing capitol of the world. Nobody can market ideas like Americans can and today, Americans are buying some of the worst ideas in history to prove it.

It isn't the quality of the idea that matters. It's the quality of the marketing that will determine which ideas resonate with American voters. No matter how ill-conceived the idea, no matter the mountain of evidence or historical data proving what a bad idea it really is, the right marketing, the right name, can drive consumer confidence. Perception trumps reality every time!

Nobody knows this better than today's liberals, who have managed to sell too many Americans an almost exclusively anti-American agenda.

Socialism would never sell in America if it were marketed under its real name, communism. But when leftists call it "progressive" or "social conscience", well, who doesn't want to be known as a socially conscious and progressive individual? Once given a new name and a new consumer friendly shine, through clever marketing ploys, socialism has sold like free gold. In fact, it's been sold as free gold.

If anyone tried to tell Americans that it would be okay to murder over a million innocent defenseless children each year, just to avoid the time and resource consuming chore of raising an unplanned child, most Americans would gasp in revolt. But when liberals marketed the idea as "women's rights" and "individual liberty" for females, again, what American wants to step on a women's right or individual liberty? Of course, calling the child anything other than a "child" made the sale much easier.

If politicians told American voters that the idea of national sovereignty and security were no longer valid ideas in today's open society world, Americans would drag them from their offices into the streets for a tar and feather party. But name it "immigration reform" and every American believes that our out-of-control immigration situation is in desperate need of reform. The question is what kind of reform?

Americans and their elected official disagree on that part, which means, liberals don't have the marketing quite right yet.

Clearly, Americans will buy anything that is well marketed. Today, it seems that they only buy things that are well marketed, like retreat in defeat from the war on terror wisely marketed under the false name of "redeployment". American voters are even fine with congressional efforts to undermine our troops and their mission, sometimes bordering on acts of outright treason, so long as they call it "support for the troops".

Even though we lost 3000 fellow citizens in the biggest terror act in world history a very short time ago and it's no secret that terror organizations all over the world are plotting to dwarf that event with an even more deadly attack, Americans are no longer resolved to defeat terrorism abroad before it can visit our land again.

The facts are counter-indicated, but the marketing of defeat and retreat has been one of the most successful marketing campaigns in the history of marketing.

Americans no longer support the war against international terror regimes because it has been poorly marketed by those who must lead that charge. Compared to how well retreat in defeat has been mass marketed, liberals and their press have clearly out-marketed those who must find a way to stop the next 9/11, regardless of low public support.

In short, I guess I'm saying that Americans make gullible consumers. They seldom let the facts get in the way of a good marketing campaign and as a result, they find themselves buying all sorts of ill-conceived garbage on the basis that it sounds good, regardless of what the facts say.

Apparently, we have forgotten the fundamental rule of good consumer scrutiny, that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't true.

I recently looked closely at the abortion issue in an attempt to figure out how such a barbaric un-American practice has found a comfortable home in American culture. It confirmed the "name" and another theory of mine, that in any democratic society, it is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.

In sum, we have legal abortion in America simply because the pro-abortion lobby outspends the pro-life lobby 4 to 1. In case you have not figured it out by now, your representatives don't want to hear from you directly. They will only listen to you through a paid lobbyist.

For all our talk about how strongly we feel about a fundamental right to life, assured in our Declaration of Independence as an unalienable human right in America, we do NOT put our money where our mouth is when it really counts.

In the end, the squeaky wheel of the pro-abortion lobby has a voice in Washington four times louder than the pro-life lobby. So, we have abortion and congress can't even be held accountable because congress has passed no law making abortion legal. The courts passed that piece of legislation.

It is now generally accepted that the majority of Americans support "abortion". It isn't true. But it is true that most Americans quickly support the notion of "women' rights", which is now assumed to include a right to take the innocent life of another at will.

However, when on rare occasion asked more specifically, in which cases Americans will support abortion rights, you find that few actually support abortion beyond the 2% of cases involving rape, incest or a real verifiable threat to the life of the mother. Americans have never supported abortion on demand, as a woman's right and a form of after-the-fun birth control and most never would.

So, even though only 2% of all abortions involve rape, incest or a threat to the mothers life, these rare circumstances are used to market the much broader idea that women have a right to kill their own at will, for convenience sake alone as a form of birth control.

In reality, it's a very simple question. Do you believe in every child's right to life, or in every mother's right to kill? We all believe in a women's right to chose whether or not to conceive a child. But once she has conceived, does she have the right to kill? It's no more complicated than that, until we enter the marketing campaign.

It all comes down to the marketing, what name we sell ideas under.

Iraq was the best know terror state in the world for fifteen years before 9/11. It is currently the central front in the international war against terror regimes operating in more than 60 nations, but concentrated in Iraq. Both parties engaged in the war agree on that. Therefore, only an ill-informed fool can disagree.

But the marketing effort to convince the average American that Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism or the war effort to protect America from future terror attacks, has caused Americans to lose sight of just how important it really is that we win the war for a peaceful free Iraq.

Because public perception is, that the war in Iraq is disconnected from the war on terror and therefore unimportant, the means by which it must be won are unacceptable and the price of winning looks higher than the price of losing. Bin Laden knows where the central front in the war is though...and he has publicly said so on several occasions, not that the facts should impress anyone.

America could never be divided and conquered from the outside. It had to be divided from the inside if it was ever to be conquered. It had to be divided down ideological lines because American ideals are all that once united us. Not an easy task, unless sold under the guise of something American sounding.

By this method, America is now not only divided and polarized, but galvanized down those ideological lines. Divided we can not continue to stand as a free sovereign nation of individuals who came from all over the world to unite around the fundamental values and principles unique to America for over 200 years.

If you think this is a "partisan" column against one political party or another, you are wrong. Today, anti-American ideals thrive within both major political parties in Washington DC. Third party alternatives are not an option in a nation to be governed by the will of a majority. So, a majority must be reformed and either party could be used to facilitate that reform.

As a result, I will support any politician that stands for fundamental American values and principles and oppose any politician who does not, regardless of their party affiliation. I am pro-American, not pro-partisanship. That's what ALL Americans are supposed to be...

If Americans want to save this nation from certain destruction from within, they will have to do the same. They will also have to learn to ignore the clever marketing ploys common in all modern political campaigns and focus on the reality of the notions being sold, no matter what they are called.

Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried. Much of the western world that once lived under communism and socialism is moving away from those failed principles towards American free-market ideas. There is no reason why America would be moving towards those failed concepts, except that those ideas are being cleverly sold as something else, something American.

The American people had better wake up and realize that they are being sold the concepts that will ultimately choke the life out of their own nation. They are being systematically trained to vote themselves into federal tyranny. It's called "democratic socialism". How could it be wrong if it's registered as "the will of the people" by free democratic vote?

The same way Palestinians used their new found freedom to vote themselves disaster by electing terror group Hamas to lead their government, Americans are using their all but forgotten freedom to vote themselves into federal tyranny and self-destruction. All under a different name of course...

Every time you hear a politician promise some so-called free benefit from the treasury for any particular voting bloc, you are also hearing them promise to rape and plunder another group of Americans in order to pay for it. Sooner or later, these two groups will become one in poverty.

Time is short... A revival of American ideals among American voters is the only answer to every problem facing this nation. Without such a revival, America is on a path to self-destruction.

The 2008 election will mark either a turning point, back to fundamental American principles, or a point of no return, beyond which the march towards immoral and un-American principles will have taken a strong hold in our culture that can only be reversed by force one day.

That's what the 2008 election is about. The revival of the real American spirit has little time to rise up and reassert itself. The clock is ticking and the enemy is at the gate.

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