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America being redefined

Redefining the Past
To Shape the Future

By J.B. Williams

Saturday, June 2, 2007

If you ever find yourself asking "how did the land of the free and home of the brave lose respect for it's foundation and become a nation of wimps and losers always in search of government solutions to personal problems?", you might start here in your search for the answer.

America has been slowly but systematically and certainly redefined to the point that current generations struggle to understand what America is now. They can't decide if it's friend or foe, a beacon of light or a symbol of evil. America has lost its collective soul, but not by accident.

America has been redefined. I'm not just talking about the overt re-writing of history, changing facts to accommodate the agenda or dropping out entire lessons from the past, so that we'll be doomed to repeat the same mistakes again soon. I'm talking about the conscious agenda to "redefine" nearly everything we once knew as truth, one word at a time.

When most people like me signed up to be "conservatives", the definition of conservative was simply "Preservative; having power to preserve in a safe or entire state, or from loss, waste or injury.", taken from the 1828 Webster's Dictionary, not that I was born in 1828. This is what I knew conservative to be though.

But today's definitions of conservative make it sound like a mental disorder or chronic disease, fearful of change, only a statement of political party affiliation, tending to be stuck in existing views without any ability to consider new information or imagine, marked by moderation in style, taste and manner. Sounds like the un-cool kid unable to keep up in class, doesn't it?

Likewise, when most Americans signed up to be "liberals", the definition was equally simple, "Of a free heart; Not selfish, narrow or contracted; catholic; enlarged; embracing other interests than one's own; a liberal mind; liberal policy.", also taken from the 1828 Webster's.

But again, this definition no longer applies either, redefined now as, lacking moral restraint : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms: marked by generosity : associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives.

Lots of words have been redefined since 1828.

Gay no longer means "Merry; airy; jovial; sportive; frolicksome."; Marriage is no longer "The act of uniting a man and woman for life; wedlock; the legal union of a man and woman for life, instituted by God himself for the purpose of preventing the promiscuous intercourse of the sexes"; and Patriot no longer refers to one who simply "loves his country, and zealously supports and defends it and its interests." Now it includes those who commit common acts of treason under the guise of political dissent.

Our foundational god given unalienable right to Life has been replaced with a more "progressive" mother's right to kill. Individual Liberty has been dumped for the greater common good. And our individual right to define and pursue our own Happiness is being taxed out of existence, redefined as a right to free stuff which now seems to trump freedom for many voters.

In fact, progress is no longer defined as "A moving forward in growth; increase; as the progress of a plant or animal; Advance in knowledge; intellectual or moral improvement; proficiency."

Instead, bigger, less efficient, more intrusive and ever more tyrannical central government, rooted in the digressive failed ideas of men like Marx and Lenin, are now considered to be the only acceptable form of progress in a nation that was once brave and free.

No wonder our "greatest generation" looks around and sees nothing they recognize as America. No wonder our children shoot each other in class rooms. America is well on its way to redefining itself right out of existence, and we've been trained to call it "progress"...

The average American no longer respects the founding American principles of freedom, individual liberty, life or individual happiness through personal achievement in a free market environment. It seems that determining one's own destiny, financial condition and personal happiness was just too tough. Who knew that unparalleled effort would deliver unequal results, leaving some to feel cheated from their birth-right to economic happiness, concluding that freedom is simply too unfair?

Today's Democrat Party now represents the modern definition of progressive, rooted of course in the digressive principles of socialism. And many wonder if today's Republican Party is any more conservative than the DNC version of Marxism. Based on recent republican spending habits, global agendas and obvious lack of interest in national sovereignty or security, how could one help but wonder?

The effort to redefine America has been so successful through academia and the press that it has already altered the shape of America's future, and we are already reaping the early fruits from that which we have sewn.

We now murder over a million innocent children each year because it is too hard to just say no to unbridled sex and just too inconvenient to let the birth of an unplanned child stop the party. In doing so, we told our children that their life has no real value, so now they kill each other too, just as they practice in their favorite video game, played while home alone, since many parents are now too busy to parent.

We already have 12-20 million non-American's living here illegally and our government charged with the job of securing our borders now seeks to simply wave a white flag and legalize illegal immigration. It's just too hard to enforce the immigration laws they passed years ago. We don't know how many, who or where they are or what they intend for the future of our once sovereign nation. But we have decided that there is nothing we can do now but legalize the practice of coming here illegally.

Our open society now tolerates known terrorists next door, who seem to have more right to be here than we do now. We dare not try to find them before they find a way to get off another attack, because doing so would infringe upon their constitutional right to be left alone until they attack and just about all means of weeding them out from innocent society would smack of racial profiling.

Liberals hate conservatives and conservatives hate liberals. Democrats and Republicans are more alike than they are different now, so it is all but impossible to see a way out of the mess we have created.

To reverse it all is far too complicated at this point and nobody even knows where to begin.

Politicians only care about political power and the average voter is just too consumed with American Idol, which dirty debutant is going to jail or rehab this week, their new BIG screen TV payment and living like there are no consequences, to even notice that there's a problem.

All they know is, why kill ourselves to get ahead when politicians are willing to bid for our votes with gifts from the treasury? If you can't beat them, join them, right?

This is not the America that became the worlds most free, prosperous, powerful and generous nation in earth's entire history. This is the America that is on it's way to becoming the next third world country, equal only in common poverty and despair.

But this is apparently the America we want because at the end of the day, we are the people. Our government is us. We decide what America is or is not and we have apparently decided that the America that was the beacon of light, of life, liberty and happiness, of personal achievement and prosperity, of those free and brave enough to stake their own future by the sweat of their own brow and imagination, is no longer worth preserving, defending or conserving...

The generations before handed us the greatest nation on earth built upon principles nobody seems to like anymore. A generation that follows will one day look back through history and see that our generations threw it all away.

Then another generation will rediscover the real America that once led the world in every respect and they will build it once again, on the same principles that made it great the first time.

And they will hold us, all of us, in contempt for what we have allowed to happen to the greatest society of free people ever known to mankind.

But what the hell...It's just politics...right?

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