r Behind the Amnesty Agenda: Time to Go to the Source

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Behind the Amnesty Agenda

Time to Go to the Source

By J.B. Williams

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The American people are up in arms over the current push to legalize illegal migration from south of our border. But unless they are prepared to take up arms, they are likely to lose the battle over immigration reform.

Our government tells us that they have already allowed somewhere between 12 and 20 million illegal aliens to migrate to America in violation of existing immigration laws and that rather than enforcing those laws, we should simply look the other way while they make new laws that simply legalize the practice.

If we don't like it, that's tough!

Though Americans have been quite outspoken in their opposition to such an anti-American agenda, that opposition appears to be falling upon deaf ears in Washington, DC and push is well on its way to shove on the matter.

Illegal invaders are marching in American streets carrying Mexican flags and demanding full unfettered American constitutional rights, including voting rights and many of our elected representatives in Washington have spoken at their illegal rallies promising to comply.

Washington is clearly listening to somebody, just not to the American people.

Americans are clear on the subject. We want enforcement of existing immigration laws, period. We want the people we elected to protect and preserve our sovereign nation to do just that. Until this happens, we have no interest in new immigration statutes of any kind.

But Washington is not listening, at least to the American people. So who are they listening to?

Democrats are fully behind illegal immigration and they have been for many years. It is a vital ingredient in their effort to build an unbeatable proletariat voting majority that will insure Democrat victories at the ballot box for decades to come. These unskilled minimum wage workers are going to vote Democrat and nobody knows this better than Democrats eager to pass some form of amnesty, even allowing voting rights, in time for the '08 election if possible.

But Bush and many Republicans are equally determined to help the Democrat Party pick up millions of new voters and unless you look closely at who is behind the Amnesty Agenda, you can not figure out why…

Key political lobby groups are pushing your representatives to pass Amnesty, legalizing illegal migration and they are pushing much harder than you are pushing back.

The formidable pro-Amnesty lobby includes the Roman Catholic Church, eager to fill their pews and collection plates with largely Catholic Mexican migrants. If you are a Catholic opposed to Amnesty, you need to take that up with your church leadership which is pushing Washington to legalize illegal immigration.

Software giants Oracle and Microsoft, both enormous supporters of both political parties, threaten to move more high tech jobs out of the country if electronics corporations don't get more contract migrant labor. If you are an employee of these companies or many others like them and you oppose legalizing illegal immigration, you need to make your case to the boards of these corporations, not the senators they are threatening. If you are a consumer of computer goods and services who opposes illegal immigration, you had better stop buying products from these companies and let them know why.

Many other corporate spokespeople also announced they were looking for ways to revive the Senate bill in which they'd invested so much political capital. Are you working for or buying products from any of these companies? You had better start looking…

As reported by Political Affairs, "The National Immigration Forum and the DC umbrella group it initiated, the Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, were key players in this strategy. Behind them was the Essential Worker Immigration Coalition, which brought together over 40 of the largest corporate trade and manufacturing associations in the country, under the aegis of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. EWIC head John Gay, also head of the National Restaurant Association, chairs the NIF board."

This is a very broad powerful lobby my fellow Americans and it is very well organized and very well funded.

Demands to pass Amnesty are coming from groups as diverse as the National Restaurant Association, the National Council of La Raza, the New England Apple Council, Unite Here, a union representing apparel, hotel and laundry workers, the United States Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers and the National Federation of Independent Business and the Business Roundtable. Farmers and ranchers from coast to coast told the Senate to get the job done!

The American people may be no match for such a powerful pro-Amnesty lobby.

Spokesman for Democrat Senate Leader Harry Reid, James P. Manley, said the news media criticism had "zero effect" on the majority leader. Many have questioned the strength of his commitment, but Senator Reid insisted, "I have every desire to complete this legislation."

Senator Reid promised Friday to "keep the Senate in session on weekends if necessary to complete work on the immigration bill this month."

Internet giant Google and software stalwart Intel are also pushing for low-cost migrant labor and both are well known for their decidedly liberal (read Democrat) views and support of the global socialist movement.

So, for those of you, who think rich republican capitalists are front and center behind the Amnesty agenda, think again… Some are, but they are not the driving force behind the agenda, they are the foolish followers of the agenda.

The TOP 527 contributor in the 2006 mid-term election that shifted congressional power to Democrats was the Service Employees International Union, giving $33 million in 2006 alone, nearly all of it to Democrats.

"Voters in the 2006 mid-term elections sent a strong message to elected leaders that Americans want Congress to fix our failed immigration system," wrote Andy Stern and Anna Burger, the International President and International Secretary-Treasurer, respectively, of SEIU. "We look forward to working with you in the 110th Congress to pass a workable, effective comprehensive immigration reform package the President can sign."

The bottom line is this…

The American people are going to have Amnesty stuffed down their throats one way or another, like it or not and here's why.

Washington, DC listens to the loudest voice and that voice is always whoever spends the most money to lobby for their agenda. The American people can scream all they want, but politicians on both sides of the political aisle are deafened by the millions being thrown at them from the pro-amnesty lobby.

So long as congress is allowed to pass unwanted legislation by piggybacking it on another piece of desirable legislation, or by bribing supportive votes with ear-marked pork for unrelated pet projects, they will find a way to pass whatever they want and right now, they want amnesty for millions of new Democrat voters more than they want anything else on earth.

The way to stop it…

Since Bush and congressional Democrats now in control of congress are united on amnesty, and remain deaf to demands from the American people who insist that there be NO AMNESTY and FULL ENFORCEMENT of existing immigration laws, the American people will have to go directly to the source of the Amnesty Agenda.

Those companies and organizations currently engaged in bribing or threatening Washington into amnesty must begin to hear from the American people directly and immediately.

So long as they remain exempt from penalty for their efforts to push their anti-American agenda upon Washington, they will remain committed to and victorious in those efforts.

Washington is caught between these organizations and the American people. They are indeed largely to blame for their current situation. Had they enforced immigration laws in the past, they would not be trying to figure out what to do with 12 – 20 million already here illegally now.

Either those listed in this column and others like them are going to dictate Washington policy, or the American people will. Time is running out. You decide…

I'll go after every member of congress that votes in support of Amnesty at the ballot box in 2008 and I bet a lot of other folks will too.

But until then, the way to stop this thing from passing is to stop or at least reduce the pressure on Washington to pass it, by going direct to the source of that pressure. Start with the organizations named in this column!

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