
July, 2023

Some States Want Non-Citizens Enforcing U.S. Laws

It shouldn’t be this hard.

So why are the Marxist Democrats always attempting to disrupt our lives with offensive plans that insult their own citizens. At this point, I honestly don’t expect much intelligence from either side of the aisle. The Democrats are the party of bad ideas and Republicans don’t seem to have any ideas at all. Instead, they sit on their hands and watch the American public constantly being victimized by radical left indulgences.

By Milt Harris - Monday, July 31, 2023 - Full Story

The dynamic duo of climate grifting, Al Gore and John Kerry, predicting that the polar ice caps would be gone by 2014. There is no “climate emergency”

How many times in succession do the climate apocalypse-mongers have to be wrong before people finally realise the whole thing is a monumental scam, fabricated as a pretext for unelected globalist bodies (like the United Nations and World Economic Forum)

By News on the Net -- Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media)- Monday, July 31, 2023 - Full Story

Wuhan 2.0, What’s Going On In Reedley California?

Furniture, chemicals and devices were improperly stored.
Superior Court of the State of California

From October of 2022 until March of this year, a secret lab has been operating illegally by Wang Zhaolin of Prestige Biotech in Reedley California. Located in the central San Joaquin Valley, the lab was discovered accidentally by code enforcement officials in what was supposed to be an empty building. The officers spotted a garden hose attached to the building and investigated.

In a report filed by the MidValley Times:

By Milt Harris - Monday, July 31, 2023 - Full Story

The story of Couy Griffin needs to be heard by every American

Couy is the first American since 1869 to be removed from elected office for “insurrection”. Couy was a duly elected County Commissioner in New Mexico who received a misdemeanor trespassing charge for being OUTSIDE the Capitol on J6

By News on the Net -- Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka)- Sunday, July 30, 2023 - Full Story
