
August, 2023

Changing of the Guard, Barack Obama Style

Both the media and Dems with their many minions would call the following idea a “CONSPIRACY”. I choose to call it what it really is: the raw reality hurtling closer to us by day.

President Joe Biden is not suffering dementia, and is not nearly as incompetent as the mainstream and social media repeatedly describe him. Ole Joe is a stand-in for what is coming; a Moment in Time.

By Judi McLeod - Thursday, August 31, 2023 - Full Story

Inflation: Out of Control?

The strongest run of “Inflation” in more than forty years is underway, and pundits claim that it has much further to go. Indeed, popular and highly regarded financial talk shows are reporting that “All paper currencies have eventually gone to zero”. Inevitably, such would indeed be catastrophic.

By Bob Hoye - Thursday, August 31, 2023 - Full Story

Isn’t it About Time to Go After Joe Biden’s Butt?

Now that the Democrats and the liberal mainstream media have gotten their jollies about the indictments of former President Donald Trump, it would seem appropriate and logical to go after the real criminal politician, President Joe Biden and his family.

Any impartial person seeing what the Democrats have done to Donald Trump, realize that all his legal woes are the result of vicious politics and not the rule of law. Ask yourself this question, if Donald Trump was not running for election as president, would any of the flimsy charges against Trump be in play? Obviously not. This attack and harassment against Trump was and is a personal vendetta of a former president who threatens the “Deep State” politicians and bureaucrats who inhabit the “D.C. Swamp”. Included also, are even some Republicans.

By Chuck Lehmann - Thursday, August 31, 2023 - Full Story

“Gender Industry” Targeting Children for Medical Mutilation

ORLANDO, FL – The Journal of the American Medical Association published a new study last week analyzing the number of people in the U.S. who underwent medical mutilation procedures––what it referred to as “gender-affirming surgeries” (GAS)––discovering that more than 48,000 people, including 3,678 patients aged 12-18 years, were surgically mutilated between 2016-2019.

By Liberty Counsel - Thursday, August 31, 2023 - Full Story

Something Is Amiss In Maui

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but in the world we live in today it’s awfully hard to believe almost any explanation. When word of the Maui fire came out, I can remember thinking that it seems almost inconceivable that a fire could spread that quickly with so little warning. That thought was intensified when I started hearing the death toll numbers as well as the number of people still missing.

By Milt Harris - Thursday, August 31, 2023 - Full Story

Tragedy in Maui: How Left-Wing Government FAILED Hawaiians

The Maui wildfire tragedy is a microcosm of the failure of progressive government everywhere. This failure is tragically ironic because the core tenet of Democrats – at least according to how they market themselves – is that their government is always there for the people. 

Glenn reveals how the policy priorities of Democrats ensure that in an emergency like the one the town of Lahaina faced recently, the system fails people when they need it most. So far, 115 people have lost their lives, with perhaps as many as 1,000 still missing. 

By News on the Net -- Glenn Beck- Thursday, August 31, 2023 - Full Story

Loon nailed the landing..

Notice how the first thing he does after his cool landing is check if any lady loons are watching

By News on the Net -- Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden)- Thursday, August 31, 2023 - Full Story
