
So, what’s the difference between a Far Left Liberal and an Immoral Hypocrite? Nothing. Not one Ding-Danged thing.

Grey Matter, or Silly Putty

Grey Matter, or Silly PuttyThere is a wide gulf between the rationale of Liberals and that of Conservatives. Why do you suppose this is? After speaking with a Liberal recently, a four-word answer came to mind. I’ll share this in a moment, but first some background. When you combine traits of a hypocrite (a person who professes beliefs, feelings, and virtues they do not hold, possess, or practice) with those of an amoral individual (one who has no moral standards, restraints, or principles, you have the basic ingredients of a Far Left Liberal.
On the other hand, traits of Conservatives align closely with those held by this Nation’s Founders---the Patriots who understood that full potential of our Republic was possible only when government's role was held to the significance of pocket lint. That's blunt; however, validation is simple. Read our Constitution, paying great attention to the Bill of Rights, also known as the Ten Amendments---items, each, that specifies wide-reaching prohibitions against abridgment or destruction of fundamental rights. Then ask yourself this question: If our Founders had not truly embraced such position, how in the world would these words have found place is such an esteemed document? Now let’s look at the four words that speak succinctly to the disparity of opinion between that of a Far-Left Liberal and that of a Constitutional Conservative. These words were spoken in an old Western: "The Shootist," 1976, starring Jimmy Stewart (in the role of Dr. Hostetler) and John Wayne (in the role of Western gunfighter John Bernard Books). Books has an illness, and he visits Doc Hostetler to learn why. Now, to see my point of view, think of the Doc as a Conservative and Books as a Liberal. To explain his finding concerning Books, the Doc says, "You have a cancer." For anyone rating this analogy as too harsh, I ask only this: Show me a single, Far Left Liberal who lives by the same standards and restrictions they wish to impose on others. That this cannot be done brings us full circle. So, what’s the difference between a Far Left Liberal and an Immoral Hypocrite? Nothing. Not one Ding-Danged thing.

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Bob Burdick——

Bob Burdick is the author of The Margaret Ellen, Tread Not on Me, and Stories Along The Way, a short-story collection that won the Royal Palm Book Award.
