
Now Constitution-loving Americans must find the grit to invest a few decades into eradicating this evil infestation forever

American Armed Revolution Unlikely

The Nancy Pelosi's Marxist Democrat kangaroo court regarding the insurrection that wasn't on January 6, 2021, illustrates exactly how desperate the Democrat Party is to try to hold onto power in the Washington Beltway Bubble.  Democrats should be ashamed, but they have no shame.  Democrats should be embarrassed, but they are so far out of touch with reality that they don't have a clue what a laughingstock they have become.  They will figure it out on November 8, 2022. For years there have been backroom, shadow discussions about a second armed American revolution.  We all know there are around 100 million American gun owners that represent a hell of a potential major armed force.  However, I don't believe a formal organization could ever be pulled together successfully due to a couple of impossible hurdles that could not be overcome.

All communication systems are controlled by the Marxist minions

Organization requires communication. All communication systems are controlled by the Marxist minions of the perceived enemy of the people and the U.S. Constitution.  Even if the enemy didn't control all communication channels, the federal government computers are always monitoring all electronic forms of communications watching for tripwire terms that causes the focus on specific individuals. The first thing you might say is "Well… I mean... you know… that's unconstitutional."  Yes, it is!  But what would lead you to believe that the Constitution is an impediment to our current federal government?  What would lead you to believe that the Constitution is an impediment to some state and even some local governments? 
"But if the laws are to be so trampled upon with impunity, and a minority is to dictate to the majority, there is an end put at one stroke to republican government, and nothing but anarchy and confusion is to be expected thereafter." ~ George Washington
Thirty-three years ago, when I entered federal service, I would never have dreamed that our federal law enforcement agencies would have, as institutions, allowed the kind of lawlessness we see today to occur within these agencies.  The corruptocrats are so deeply imbedded in these agencies that the American public can no longer trust them to do their sworn duty to protect and defend the United States Constitution.  How committed are the members of the rank and file to their hierarchy rather than the Constitution?  Would they stand with the corruptocrats in the government?  Or would they stand up for the Constitution?  Or would they simply stand aside?  Very important questions if a choice needed to be made.

Since the purge of the military by Obama and  Biden, the military would in large part remain with their corrupt federal bosses

In the past, prior to the Obama and Biden purge of top military leadership, if a new revolutionary war were to break out, I would have expected the modern military to act in a fashion similar to the American Civil War.  In the Civil War, the American military officers and men divided and went with their individual North and South loyalties.  The same three questions apply as above with federal law enforcement.  My sense is that since the purge of the military by Obama and  Biden, the military would in large part remain with their corrupt federal bosses.  There would be some defection, but I fear many  who serve now in the military have little or no understanding of the United States Constitution.  These people will just "follow orders" as German soldiers did in World War II. Then there is another problem.  The oaths of office for military and federal civil service personnel have a severe conflict for those who have taken the oath without fully understanding it.  The example below is the basic oath (in bold type) common in all of them:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, …. So help me God."
From my perspective the "…. I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;..." is the primary commitment and takes priority over the "….I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me,…."  The secondary commitment is based on the expectation that the president and officers appointed are operating in accordance with the United States Constitution.

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Too much control has been ceded  to the Marxist enemies of the United States Constitution

However, this presents a quandary for "the honorable" common soldier/sailor/airmen, whether officer or enlisted.  They would have to make a determination about who is the domestic enemy, the revolutionaries or the corrupt federal government.  The honorable federal civil servants are in the same quandary.  Once again, the choices are to stand with the corrupt government, stand aside, or stand up for the Constitution. That is my assessment on how I came to the determination as to why it is unlikely that there will be any organized, armed, second American revolution.  Twenty years ago it might still have been possible.  In 2022, too much control has been ceded  to the Marxist enemies of the United States Constitution. More important, I am convinced the Marxist Democrat elites came out of the closet too soon, and they can still be taken down at the ballot box.   It may take us two or three decades for the final solution to the problem of Marxism in America, but the takedown will start on November 8, 2022.  We will start with the removal of elected Marxist career politicians.  Then while working on the next round of Marxist elected officials, start working on other corruptocrats whether elected, appointed, or career civil service. It took the Marxists Democrat Party 100 years to get to the Biden and Harris puppets.  Now Constitution-loving Americans must find the grit to invest a few decades into eradicating this evil infestation forever.


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Steve Rossiter——

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired.

In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
