
What Do We the People Do Next?

With less than a week to go before the American 2022 mid-term election, we can’t do much more for this election, so we need to start thinking about what We the People need to do for future elections.  Resting on our laurels isn’t one of our options.  We will know soon whether we have made progress toward saving our republic as Benjamin Franklin expressed concerns about over 200 years ago. If we were successful in flushing a significant number of Marxist Democrats out of their seats at the government table, that’s well and good.  After January we can then focus on throwing as many monkey wrenches as possible into the Biden’s puppet master’s plans to destroy America. However, the lame duck Marxist Congress will conspire with the Biden regime to do as much damage as possible before the new Congress can convene in January 2023. It is conceivable that San Fran Nan might even cancel the holiday recesses to inflict as much pain as possible on the American people.  Be that as it may, We the People must move on.
The remaining existential threats to the republic known as the United States of America are the professional career politicians, their professional career political staff, and the professional lobbyist who provide nearly unlimited money to perpetuate this Washington Beltway Bubble criminal enterprise. Now that the existential threat of Marxism in the Democrat Party has been exposed and is being dealt with, We the People need to start working on returning America’s Congress back to what the Founding Fathers intended, citizens serving for a short period of time, then returning to their real lives. This will be a two-step, multi-year process because the self-serving political machine of the two major political parties will fight this effort tooth and nail.  They have a cash cow in place with a sole purpose to make Washington politicians rich, and they are not about to let that change if they can help it.  Do you think we can find enough honorable people in Congress today who would do an Amendment to the Constitution to create term limits?  To do so would slaughter their cash cow.  Neither the Beltway boys and girls nor their big moneyed oligarch funders want that.  In addition, the fantasy of a Constitutional Convention won’t work because it depends on state level machine politicians that dream about cashing in on the big money in Washington themselves. Step one begins in earnest on November 9, 2022.  We the People, who want America to be governed strictly by the principle established by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution, must start convincing our local political party officials to enforce term limits at the voting booth on the professional politicians in their state.  By this I mean that no matter how much you like your current federal congressional elected officials, if they have served two terms or more, it is time for a new face to represent your state.   If your state and local party officials buy into this plan, terrific!  However, these officials are part of the corruption that has perpetuated this broken system, and it may be an impossible task. If working within the party doesn’t work, there is an alternative.

That alternative is to start a grassroots movement to oppose the legacy political parties with a new party whose primary purpose is to establish term limits at the voting booth.  The primary plank of this party is to put government power back in the hands of We the People and end the era of an American ruling class. The second plank is to end corruption in Washington by ending the career path of professional politicians with voluntary term limits. The third plank of this new party would be to re-establish the  federal government limited to the enumerated powers as defined in the Constitution and return all other activities back to the states and the people as envisioned by the Founding Fathers. The short range goal is to get voters from the whole political spectrum to buy into limited service of America’s elected officials.  This step will likely last at least 12 years (two Senate election cycles) to get enough term limit committed representatives to sponsor a term limit amendment to the constitution. The second step is to have the non-professional Congress propose a Constitutional Amendment to formerly establish term limits so there will never be another professional ruling class in the United States government.  This is one of the keys the Founding Fathers counted on to prevent what we have lived through for the last several decades. The third step is for the new Constitutional Congress to begin defunding activities that are non-essential duties of the federal government, that is to say everything that is not enumerated powers in the Constitution for the federal government.  The people and the states can engage in any of those activities the state taxpayers wish to take responsibilities for.

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For a century the United States of America’s government has tried to inflict a one-size-fit-all solution in far too many areas where government officials have no expertise.  These activities have failed miserably by failing to meet the needs of all states, failing to meet the needs of most states and, as often as not, failing to meet the needs of any state.  These failed systems are only satisfying the needs of the elected ruling class to control some portion of the American citizenry.  Recent history has demonstrated to what evil ends a ruling class will go to control the population.
"The power under the Constitution will always be in the people." ~ George Washington
"Does the government fear us? Or do we fear the government? When the people fear the government, tyranny has found victory. The federal government is our servant, not our master!" ~ Thomas Jefferson


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Steve Rossiter——

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired.

In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
