
This is your country, and your future, and the future of your children and all those you love and care about. Isn't that worth it?

When Will They Ever Learn

When Will They Ever Learn
Here we are, a week after the midterms, and things are still up in the air. Some locations still haven't even finished counting, and lawsuits are beginning to fly. The promised Red Wave has become more like a pink trickle. The talking heads and Republican pundits are wondering: "Where did we go wrong?". "Did we have the wrong message?" "Was it all Trump's fault?" "Did we have bad breath?" "Did we use the wrong deodorant?" The Republicans still trust in the integrity of elections, despite knowing that there will be cheating. We are like Charlie Brown, running to kick the electoral football over the goal, knowing that Democrat Lucy will snatch it away at the last minute. We keep believing that, despite history, things will be different next time. Already there is talk of looking forward to fixing things in the 2024 election. In 2022 we were going to fix everything wrong after 2020. When does it stop?

The Messages

There were two major factors that worked to block the Red Wave in spite of near perfect conditions in our favor. Yes, we have the most unpopular "president" in history, we have outrageous inflation, super high gas prices, rampant crime in the streets, a non-existent southern border letting in millions of criminal aliens. We have CRT in schools, a weakened military, and a whole host of other problems that can all be laid at the feet of our Democrat opponents. So what went wrong? Two things, actually. The first relates to message -- not ours, but theirs. Many analysts were perplexed when the Democrats didn't seem to have any good platform to run on in the midterms. Abortion seemed to be the most they offered. What so many failed to notice were the messages that were being delivered ever since the 2020 coup. Claiming to be a great uniter, we were perplexed when nearly every speech, every act of the Pretender in Chief seemed designed to divide the country. We, though, weren't the intended audience. All along, the messages to the Democrat base were how Republicans wanted to establish a totalitarian regime. We wanted to destroy democracy and force women back into the home and blacks back onto the plantation. Every message emphasized these points and others. When Roe/Wade was overturned, their message was: "See, their far-right court just took away women's right to choose - clearly a first step to subjugation of women." When we responded to increased crime by showing support for police, the message was: "Look, those right wing extremists support putting more racist white-supremacist bigots who use blacks for target practice out on the streets." Parents who opposed teaching CRT and gender therapy to their young children were characterized as domestic terrorists who wanted to brainwash children with fake history and to continue to bully all those poor LGBTPQRSTUV+ oppressed victims. Those Republicans want totalitarian leaders like Trump who want to destroy our democracy with their edicts.

The Left has consistently been spewing these messages of fear and hate for years

Just look how they blocked our legislation that would have made elections fair and secure across the land, and how they have sponsored ID laws to keep blacks and minorities from voting. See how they want to rape the planet in the name of their greed and capitalist profits by opposing our efforts to stop climate change. The messages go on and on. The Left has consistently been spewing these messages of fear and hate for years, all directed at the Right, to Republicans, and most recently to MAGA. The dark neoNazi Nuremberg themed speech Biden gave wasn't aimed to convince Republicans. Its purpose was to reinforce the fear that MAGA Republicans were out to turn the US into some sort of Fascist regime. It was to build hate for those awful people who wanted to oppress women, blacks, minorities, and other "victims". It was to reinforce the message that democracy was in peril and all Democrats should be afraid, be very afraid. The Democrat party wasn't running on a platform to fix the things that so many people opposed and that was causing so much misery. Their messages were of fear and hate, and their platform was to stop Republicans at any cost. Their strategy was not to show the benefits of supporting Democrat policies, but rather was to run a spoiling attack against Republicans.

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At Any Cost, By Any Means

Our failing was in believing that Democrats wanted what was best for the country and that they wanted to fix the same problems we saw. We did not realize that those problems were, to the Democrats, features, not bugs. They were merely the painful symptoms of a society in transformation to a brighter future of equity, diversity, free everything, and all the other benefits in their Utopian dreams. We missed or discounted the strength of hate and fear. That was the failure of our messaging. The second reason the Red Wave didn't materialize was something more traditional - election fraud, also known as cheating. The Democrat party has a long and cherished history of manipulating elections to get their way. Yes, Republicans have occasionally cheated, but by far, the Democrat party is the grand masters of this activity. It's in their blood; written in their genes; the slogan of the Democrats might be: "Democrats -- Cheating to Win Since 1828".

Newest mechanisms combine dirty voter rolls with mail-in ballots

All the messages promoting fear and hate leads Democrats to feel fully justified in using any means available to ensure that Republicans don't win. This includes fraud and related illegal activities like ballot trafficking. Much has already been written about election fraud so I won't dwell on that here. One especially good source of information is Dinesh D'Sousa's book 2000 Mules, the companion book to the movie of the same name. One point worth emphasizing is that some of the newest mechanisms combine dirty voter rolls with mail-in ballots to produce potentially huge numbers of ballots that look just like legitimate ones, will pass recounts and most audits, but are fraudulent and should never be counted. This is a new problem and few defenses against it exist currently. Signature checking, originally intended to detect and reject counterfeit ballots, is largely ineffective, and has even been discontinued by many states. One indication of the use of this method is given in the ratio between Democrat and Republican voters for mail-in ballots and for in-person counts. Normal expectations are that the ratios would be roughly the same and in the same direction. Where fraud by mail is prevalent, the ratios will be reversed, with mail-in ballots favoring one party and in-person favoring the other. Some attribute these differences, without proof, to the idea that Democrats vote by mail, while Republicans vote in person. Given the ease and low risk of discovery of fraud with mail-in ballots, it would be equally valid to say that cheaters vote by mail and honest people vote in person.


It's a Wrap

So there we have it. Two major reasons why the Red Wave failed to materialize. Can we afford to let things go on as they have been? Do we really want our country transformed to conform to some Utopian fantasy? We can fight back. We can change our course, even at this late date. The longer we wait, the more difficult, and the fewer good options will be available. I do not speak of violent solutions. Knowing what we know today, and what we can learn in the next few weeks, we can contest election outcomes, expose fraud wherever we can, and counter the messages of fear and hate that divide us. A little sunlight is healthy and can work wonders. This is not the time to stand by, helpless in the face of evil. Support those who are working to expose the corruption, give your time and energy to help those who are fighting to bring forth truth. This is your country, and your future, and the future of your children and all those you love and care about. Isn't that worth it?

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David Robb——

David Robb is a practicing scientist and CTO of a small firm developing new security technologies for detection of drugs and other contraband.  Dave has published extensively in TheBlueStateConservative, and occasionally in American Thinker.
