

A couple to emulate: Congratulations on 69 years!

I know some of you don't like them because he was "not a true conservative," or because she's maybe kinda sorta pro-choice or something. Forget about that for a minute and focus on this:

Not only is a strong marriage the greatest predictor of children's success in life, but married people are far more likely to vote Republican than single or divorced people. So in that respect, the way they live does much more to advance the conservative vision for American than the way he governed. Or you could just forget about political considerations entirely and enjoy the fact that two fine people have loved each other for this long and show no signs of slowing down. So happy 69th anniversary, George and Barbara Bush. I will have to live to be 99 to be married that many years to the wonderful and beautiful Angie Calabrese. And I am planning on it, especially when I look at this picture and see how happy 69 years of married bliss can make you. God bless them both.

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Dan Calabrese——

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