
The developing Nanny State

A Spade is a Spade

By Bob Beers ——--September 15, 2009

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This Daily Record story surfaced on my 35th anniversary:
“CUSTARD creams are Britain's most dangerous biscuits; it was revealed yesterday. A study claimed an estimated 25million people in Britain had been injured by biscuits.

Hidden dangers included flying fragments and daredevil dunking in scalding tea. And custard creams were the worst offenders, posing the biggest risk to innocent dunkers. Around 500 people a year need hospital treatment because of biscuit injuries.”
In Britian, the place we yanks call England,”biscuit” is what they call a cookie. They also call potato chips “crisps” and french fries “chips”. Amusing as that piece is, it points to a far more sobering trend world wide, the developing Nanny State. That is, the allowance of government intevention and control of the average person’s daily life to the point where every possible move, including the more personal bodily functions have rules afixed to them by big brother. The nanny state says that you are not responsible enough to care for yourself and in most cases, you could harm not only yourself, but others by simply walking around uinsupervised. Ridiculous, you say? Another crackpot conspiracy theory by Far Right Bob? Boy, I sure wish it were. Those of you who think this, go have a conversation about the issues with a green party staffer. Sit down and hash over the right to earn an income with a real liberal. Check out the question of Israel’s right to exist with a follower of Tikkun Olam, the perverted lefty teaching of so-called Jewish social justice, though for the life of me, I can’t figure out where Islamic Terrorists deserve any kind of justice…but I digress. Liberal culture has brought us to the point where personal injury lawyers essentially run our economic system. What, you say the coffee was too hot? You say the fourteen signs warning you about the fact the coffee was hot weren’t enough? You say you bought that coffee at an evil corporate franchise??? We have got to sue!!! There are examples nearly every day where someone does something stupid and sues to capitalize from it. What is even worse is that those who call for the restoration of common sense to a broken system become the subject of ad hominem attacks by a far left media riddled with elitist white guilt. A prime example of that guilt is Maureen Dowd. The New York Times writer has long been a fixture of the Upper East Coast Society Set. Deeply buried into the ignorant teachings of feminists like Bella Abzug and Gloria Steinheim, Dowd has yet to write a single substantive word, choosing rather to use her column to spew her bitter bias at those she perceives as having better lives than her. The Huffington Riposte, carried an incredibly revealing piece about Dowd:
Hoisted on her own pitard, Dowd has yet to rebut a single charge, but you don’t have to do that if you’re a liberal working for the NYT.
Remember the so-called Million Man March? Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan claimed to have achieved this number when he organized that bit of street theater back in the summer of 1995. In actuality the number hit closer to 400,000. The other day another march occurred in Washington protesting HR3200, Obama’s sickening healthcare reform act. Put together by concerned physicians, this march was reported somewhat differently than Farrakhan’s. Where the MMM was plastered across every major papers headline, the more conservative cause was deeply buried into the darker recesses of the tabloid. Where the MMM was given buckets of column ink, this march was restricted to as few lines as possible, if even that. During the event the only television coverage I witnessed was on Fox. As for numbers, most reputable counts places the number of marchers well over one million while the Main Stream Media typically reported 10,000. Dowd and the rest of the liberal media see absolutely no problem with having it both ways. The way they have reported Joe Wilson’s outburst is a prime example. Dowd has even pulled the race card, attempting to link Wilson with the KKK. Wilson apologized personally to Obama, but for the MSM it isn’t enough. Is it not interesting that during GW Bush’s state of the union there were enough Democrats cat calling, booing and hissing to make it seem like a normal day in the British Parliament, yet not one Democrat ever apologized to Bush? Not one member of the Mainstream Media pushed for an apology or chastised any of those members of Congress for their rudeness? Why is that? Perhaps it is the fact that most reporters today are carrying as large a load of white guilt as Dowd. They view the world though a different filter than we regular folks. You see, Bush was not only white; he was also a trust fund baby who became a traitor to his class when he joined the Republican Party (even though daddy had before him). If you are white, wealthy because of the work of your ancestors, you have to atone for that by attacking every single factor that made America the lone superpower in the world today. You do that partly by punishing the average Joe members of your race simply for being born that way and by extending privilege to members of the black race for the same reason, and if they choose to act in an illiterate antisocial fashion, even better. Doctor King is whirling in his grave. Even though she resigned from politics, and based on the never ending viciousness of the media I don’t blame her, Sarah Palin has continued to be a point of contention to the liberal elite. Perhaps it is the fact that she is happy in her marriage. You don’t see much of that in liberal circles. Perhaps it is that all her kids seem pretty normal. Again; liberal circles? Would anyone call Paris Hilton normal? What about Dowd’s kids? Oh, right, she’s never been able to get a man that close to her. Cattiness aside, the fact that the Mainstream Media has been working tirelessly to tear down the family friendly fabric of this country has to be painfully obvious to anyone with working eyes and ears. Just as you cannot stimulate an economy by raising taxes and eliminating employers, you cannot reduce crime and out-of-wedlock births by destroying those values that keep families together. Try using the phrase “family values” in a positive fashion with a liberal. Anyone want to bet that the typical response will be anything but positive? What is really sad is that liberals do not outnumber conservatives. Not where the human race is concerned. The natural state for homo sapiens is to be self-reliant, not state-reliant. We have allowed ourselves to become lazy and that has let the infection of liberalism to infiltrate our society. Political correctness be damned, it is time to call a spade a spade and use the left’s own weapons against them. Do not use services that advertise in liberal newspapers or on liberal news shows. Do not buy products for the same reason. There are plenty of good products and services owned by folks who believe as we do. Use them. Refuse to agree to a frivolous lawsuit pushed by an ambulance chaser. Use insurance the way it was meant to be used and you’ll see prices plummet. Lawyers need to become an endangered species anyway. If your kid was punished at school for being a brat, spank him, don’t call the school and threaten to sue. If you don’t own a gun, go buy one and get it registered and then take classes on how to use it. There may come a day when you’ll be glad you did. Eat meat; protein is good for you. Make your kids read instead of playing video games or watching television. If they complain, sell the game. Being a parent is your job, not the government's. There are a lot more things that you can do, but you should be able to figure that out on your own…unless you’re a liberal. The Free Market is a beautiful thing and we have a right to use it as we see fit.

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Bob Beers——

Bob L. Beers was a member of the Nevada Assembly representing District 21 in Clark County, Nevada. Prior to his election in 2006, he was an author involved in graphic arts and illustration.

Originally from Eureka, California, Beers attended Arcata High School and Humboldt State College. He currently resides in Henderson, Nevada with his wife and son.
