
Rest assured, by 2030 America will be civilized or we won’t be civilized. Time is short and the job is big.

American Civilization Lost?

In his April 17, 2023, article Mr. Gerard Baker make one of the most succinct and accurate observations about civilization in the world today.

“If we are losing, it is because we are losing our soul, our sense of purpose as a society, our identity as a civilization. We in the West are in the grip of an ideology that disowns our genius, denounces our success, disdains merit, elevates victimhood, embraces societal self-loathing and enforces it all in a web of exclusionary and authoritarian rules, large and small.” ~ Gerard Baker, if-western-civilization-dies-put-it-down-as-a-suicide

We lost our soul when the majority of people living in America quit going to church, turned away from God, discarded the moral, ethical, teaching of the Bible

I must take issue on one point. He says, “If we are losing…” I’m not that optimistic; my observations lead me to believe that there is no “if” about it. In the America I see we are losing civilization as I have known it. Just take a look at only the major population centers in America that are controlled by Marxist Democrats (make no mistake, all Democrat leaders are Marxist) and that represent nearly the majority of the American population, where civilization is already gone. All these cities have uncontrolled lawlessness, prosecutors that refuse to prosecute, courts releasing violent criminals back on the street before police officers finish the arrest reports, massive uncontrolled drug use, government sanctioned retail store theft, child trafficking, general violence in the streets, and skyrocketing murder rates. There is nothing here that supports these areas as being civilized. It is the Wild West. And the Wild West is migrating out of these cities.

In America, as a whole, we have lost our soul when the majority of people living in America quit going to church, turned away from God, and discarded the moral, ethical, and civilized sideboards provided in the Christian Bible. These sideboards are what defines what a civilization is, and without them civilization doesn’t exist. Civilization is a “we” proposition; how can we make our society and culture better for our children?

The God of the Bible has been replaced by money as a god, human caused climate change hysteria as a god, the Me, Me, Me culture, who wants what they want when they want it, as a god, and worst of all, power over others as a god. This is a society where it is every man and woman for themselves and the Devil take the hind most. These godless fools don’t understand, that in the end Satan will get them all and a lot of the rest of us too. No God, know endless misery!

In America, as a whole, we have lost our sense of purpose as a society

In America, as a whole, we have lost our sense of purpose as a society. For 250 years, America had a singular purpose to make things better for our descendants and our world. The American version of civilization worked perfectly and created the most prosperous and giving culyure that ever existed on the planet. Not only that, America brought along the rest of the Free World on her coattails. God blessed America, and as Americans we passed those blessings along to much of the world by spending our blood and treasure along the way. God provided the necessary guidance for America, and if we allow it to get away, only God knows if and when He will provide this opportunity again.

The current American Marxist government has divided the country into so many victim subgroups that they have convinced are entitled to something from some other subgroup that there is no longer an identifiable purpose for this nation. Right now America is a rudderless ship sailing among monster icebergs waiting to sink. This, of course, is by design by the agents of Satan that need America gone so they can dominate the world. There is nothing civil about a purposeless civilization.

Marxists clothed in the skin of progressive liberal Democrat indoctrinators have denied students the fundamental skills of critical thinking and reasoning. It was worse, much worse because they also taught a false version of American and world history that was needed for an adult to understand the real context of our times. These indoctrinators perpetrated an ideology of shame toward the genius of America and its unprecedented success and prosperity.

Today, the current American government distains meritocracy in favor of inclusiveness and diversity, no matter what damages result. The Marxist government of Joe Biden also distains self-reliance in favor of victimhood. The federal government is trying to indoctrinate and create self-loathing in White men using terms like White privilege and toxic masculinity.

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Is American civilization lost?

Is American civilization lost? It isn’t totally lost in April 2023, but major portions of America are no longer civilized, and government sanctioned lawless chaos prevails no longer in just poor neighborhoods. Downtown areas are now feeling the chaos and major retail corporations are pulling out due to unrestrained crime. Once magnificent and beautiful major cities are being converted to third world style dung heaps, and their governments tell your lying eyes there is nothing to see here.

I will be a bit more direct than Mr. Baker. The current American government leadership was not elected. The Marxist globalist elites allegedly used technology to hack the voting and tabulation machines to select the people who were to fill positions of elected officials. Joe Biden told us they were going to cheat and that they had already cheated getting Obama elected twice. The cheaters have control of the voting machines, which is why we have a visible police state using law enforcement to bully their political opponents with fear. By the same token, these elites have no fear of openly using lawless, unconstitutional, dictatorial, edicts as Joe Biden has just like tyrants everywhere.

At the time of this writing, American civilization, as a whole, is on the precipice of a bottomless abyss. Either control is restored to the lawless rogue cities, states, and federal government in America or there will no stopping the chaotic lawlessness that will spread to the rest of the nation. God has placed the problem squarely in our hands to handle. Too many of our fellow Americans have, figuratively, flipped God the bird by abandoning Him, and it’s now our problem as Constitution-loving Judeo-Christian patriots. Rest assured, by 2030 America will be civilized or we won’t be civilized. Time is short and the job is big.

"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak, and not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless." ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Know God, know civilization. No God, no civilization.


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Steve Rossiter——

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired.

In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
