
Bullies are cowards with bravado. Oppose them and they will scurry back into the shadows

American Conservatives can win our Country back even with McCarthy as Speaker

American Conservatives can win our Country back even with McCarthy as Speaker
If Sun Tzu had witnessed the ruthlessness of 21st Century politics he might have skipped writing "The Art of War" and opted for "The Art of Chinese Pottery" instead. Now that the heated battle for the Speakership is over, we are left with the question, "How can we accomplish the conservative goals of the country with a House leader who works for the other side?" Most agree that Kevin McCarthy is a creature born of the swamp who chooses personal power and fortune over the needs of his country. He looks to the winds of the day to determine his position. Check this video with conservative attorney Mike Davis at the 3:31 mark.

McCarthy's no friend of conservatives

It's clear that he's no friend of conservatives. His "Liberty Score" is an F. He and his dark money allies systematically undermined MAGA candidates in the 2022 GOP primaries and even in the general election. Rank and file GOP members didn't want him, and only 36% of likely voters think the country is on the wrong track. We learned a lot about Kevin McCarthy over the last few days, especially his willingness to pull out all the stops to intimidate any who opposed him by threatening to strip them from important committees. Other McCarthy supporters threatened incoming GOP congressmen. McCarthy has spent his career putting special interests ahead of those of the American people in favor of lobbyists, government bureaucrats, the military industrial complex, and has done nothing to control our borders, oppose the drug cartels or oppose Chinese expansion.

So how can the powerless defeat the powerful?

First, understand the agreements made in "the Great Deal of 2023" with the 20 brave conservative holdouts. From The Daily Mail…
"Members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus got commitments to be added to the Rules panel. "The Conservative Leadership Fund, a PAC backed by McCarthy, brokered a deal with the Club for Growth that will impact Republicans that join the House in the future.  The CLF committed to stay out of 'open' primaries when a lawmaker vacates a seat. "There will be 'open rules' on spending measures, which could lead to lengthy debates and efforts to zero out funding for programs unpopular with Republicans. "A proposed subcommittee to investigate "weaponization" of the federal government — a key demand of House conservatives who delivered Speaker Kevin McCarthy the gavel — would be given sweeping investigatory powers that include explicit authority to review "ongoing criminal investigations." "A "select subcommittee," which would operate under the Judiciary Committee expected to be chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), also gives the panel power to access any information shared with the House Intelligence Committee. "A promise that the left's hiring of 87,000 IRS agents will be tackled first. "A rule that there must be 72 hours given to review bills before they come on the floor."

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So how can we hold McCarthy's feet to the fire and ensure he follows through on his promises?

Despite these concessions, a House of Representatives chaired by a weak Speaker with a Democrat-controlled Senate and presidency has little power, especially when the 2023 budget was settled by the massive $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill in December. There's not much that a single branch of government can do against the Swamp, especially when it, itself, is controlled by the Swamp. So how can we hold McCarthy's feet to the fire and ensure he follows through on his promises? One word, "Hearings." This is something the House CAN do – hold hearings on multiple topics that will expose the corruption that is enabling our enemies and dismantling our country from the inside. The corrupt always fear exposure, including those who control McCarthy. If the hearings are handled properly, they can shed sunlight on the roaches infesting our government, sending them scurrying back into the dark. Preliminary hearings can be held by the various congressional committees to gather information and well-crafted final sessions can be conducted where the perpetrators are grilled in public and forced to defend their actions. The topics need to be those of interest to ALL Americans who are being pressed from all sides.

A Sample List Of Potential Hearings

Here is a sample list…
  1. What is causing inflation? (wasteful government overspending and policies that are ruining our economy.)
  2. Why are energy costs so high? (our loss of energy independence and the truth about "green energy.")
  3. The drug crisis and how Fentanyl is killing tens of thousands of Americans.
  4. The border crisis, including sex trafficking, terrorist infiltrations, drug smuggling, and humanitarian tragedies.
  5. The corrupt FBI and DOJ and how they interfered with elections and how our laws are unfairly applied depending on political affiliation.
  6. The spike in inner city crime.
  7. The FTX scandal and how they were funding Kevin McCarthy and the Democrats.
  8. Ukraine funding and where the money is actually going.
  9. China and their stealing of American data, including patents and military secrets.
  10. Election fraud with emphasis on Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.
  11. COVID, including how the government reacted and HHS bureaucrats used false information to force vaccines. Is the recent rise in "sudden deaths" from the shots?
  12. The truth about the January 6th hearings and why video evidence has suddenly been sealed for 50 years.
  13. IRS abuses and how it mostly targets the poor for investigations.
  14. Insider trading by Congress and their families. Did you know Liz Cheney is $37 million richer than when she came into office just six years ago?
  15. Our education system and how it's failing American children.
  16. Military un-preparedness and trillions in missing military assets.
  17. Election fraud and how it strips the people of their power to control who governs them. (Note the amount of care taken during the 15 Speaker votes to ensure each vote was tallied accurately!)
  18. The Biden crime family. This probably should come later since it will be seen as partisan payback.


The people of the United States are left to fight the OmniParty by ourselves

These televised hearings need to be "good TV," clear and succinct enough that the general public can understand what's actually happening, without the boring procedural details that cause ordinary Americans to tune out. Done properly, exposure to the corruption in our government will make it impossible for these special interest groups to come to Congress for more favors. How will we get the word out, since we can't expect help from formerly-conservative Fox News? Sean Hannity's rude interview with Lauren Boebert on January 4th, shows their new stripes. On Thursday morning, January 5th, the FOX and Friends hosts labeled the principled conservative holdouts as "insurrectionists" and "saboteurs." They have been almost completely silent on the Kari Lake lawsuit in Arizona. We can't expect help from most of our Republican leaders – most have been co-opted by the RINO faction of the GOP. No, the people of the United States are left to fight the OmniParty by ourselves. The good news is that we have plenty of strengths - courage, willingness to work hard, video cameras on every cell phone, websites to load the videos, brave conservative news sites, and now we can use Twitter again. Direct your spending to U.S. and local businesses, even if it costs a few bucks more. Support true Conservatives known by their actions during the Speaker battle including Michele Bachmann, Andy Biggs, Ralph Norman, Byron Donalds, Lauren Boebert and many more, along with over 60 prominent Republicans who signed a letter opposing McCarthy as Speaker, representing "the millions of voters across the country who are disgusted with the business-as-usual, self-interested governance in Washington." Write checks directly to their campaigns, never to the RNC which needs new leadership. Bullies are cowards with bravado. Oppose them and they will scurry back into the shadows.

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Jack Gleason——

Jack Gleason is a conservative political writer. For reprint requests on other websites, inside information for important issues, article requests or comments contact him at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

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