
Republicans continue the failed appeasement gambit with the Marxist Democrats as the death spiral of the Republic gets tighter and tighter. Wake up, America, and get to work. You’re not going to be happy with what results if you don’t

Appeasement Still Doesn’t Work

In 1938, Prime Minister A. Neville Chamberlain tried appeasement when dealing with Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime. Well, peace in their time didn’t even last one year before Adolf Hitler started World War II. We all know how that turned out. Well, maybe the last couple of generations don’t know because history doesn’t seem to be a thing in modern education (or rather indoctrination).

Republican Party leadership try appeasement over and over again with the Marxists of the Democrat Party

For the last 50 years, except for the Reagan and Trump administrations, I watched the Republican Party leadership try appeasement over and over again with the Marxists of the Democrat Party. Republicans prefer the term compromise, but it has really been appeasement. Republicans could never find the collective backbone to firmly hold the line against the lockstep Marxists, and the result is that the United States of America has been dragged so far left we now have a tyrannical Marxist Democrat dictator as President. As a matter of fact, so many Republicans are in lockstep with the Marxists that they are now considered just one faction of a career professional political uniparty by many observers.

The fact the Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump demonstrated that solid “America First” resolve can change the character of the political landscape, both domestically and internationally, should have held people’s attention, yet here we are. Even the self-identified Republican Bush family tenure in the White House didn’t slow down Marxism that has resulted in the disaster that is our government today. However, unlike the many talking heads that “W” lied to to get us in a war in the Middle East, I’m more inclined to believe that the Marxist Deep State and the military industrial complex lied to George W. Bush as the Marxist Deep State at CDC lied to Trump regarding COVID. In both cases, the Deep State lied and millions died.

And here we are in 2023, and Republicans continue the failed appeasement gambit with the Marxist Democrats as the death spiral of the Republic gets tighter and tighter. Wake up, America, and get to work. You’re not going to be happy with what results if you don’t.

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Steve Rossiter——

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired.

In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
