
So when members of the loony left shout that President Trump is a “fascist” etc., etc., look upon them as having an advanced case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) besides having that liberal malady called CRI (Cranial Rectal Inversion)

Are the Anti-Fascists the Real Fascists?

Are the Anti-Fascists the Real Fascists? To listen to the radical left, you'd think that the Republicans and the Conservatives were the real “fascists” who are undermining our society, including the people who support that “Hitler Clone”, President Donald Trump. Is that charge true or are those pushing that narrative the ones who are the real “fascists”?

That libel and slander of calling the opposition “fascists”, has persisted up till the present day

Back in 2010, during the height of the “Tea Party Movement”, the left (a/k/a Democrats and Progressives), were accusing that group of using “fascist” tactics in opposing the policies of the media's fair-haired boy, President Barack Obama. The more the Tea Party pointed out the failings of the Obama Administration the more they were called racists, bigots, and, of course, “fascists”. The great dichotomy of those labels is that wherever and whenever the Tea Party demonstrated, no violence occurred, no property damage happened, and no violence-inducing rhetoric was spoken, no arrests were made by the police, and by the way, whenever the Tea Party left a demonstration venue they left the area practically as clean as they found it (compare that with the left's version of the Tea Party, the “Occupy Wall Street” (OWS) anarchists who demonstrated around the same time and left mounds of filth and trash). That libel and slander of calling the opposition “fascists”, has persisted up till the present day when the radical left has smeared Republicans and Conservatives with those same unjustifiable libels and slanders. Two good (or worse examples) of the “fascist” left are ANTIFA (an acronym for anti-fascist) and BLACK LIVES MATTER. They do not demonstrate peacefully, they demonstrate by inciting riots, they damage private property, and they harass law enforcement. They are the ones who use “fascist” tactics by stopping speakers with an opposing point-of-view on college campuses, and other venues, they are the one's who chant “Pigs in a blanket", "fry 'em like bacon” (referring to policeman) and “What do we want, dead cops, when do we want it, now”, and they attack others using violence causing physical injury to others.

President Trump using “fascist” tactics

Compare them with how the Tea Party demonstrated, and they and the media have the nerve to accuse others of using “fascist” tactics when they are the perpetrators of those very same tactics. While President Trump is in office, the cries of the opposition include the accusation of President Trump using “fascist” tactics. If you listen to the main stream media talking heads on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and Public Radio, those accusations of “fascism” are routinely voiced in describing what Trump has proposed and his manner of addressing his critics. The historical reference of labeling President Trump a Hitler is ludicrous and is used just to inflame the citizens against him.
  • Is reducing taxes for all, “fascistic”?
  • Is decimating ISIS, “fascistic”?
  • Is canceling the lousy Iran Nuclear Deal, “fascistic”?
  • Is renegotiating the one-sided NAFTA deal with Mexico and Canada, “fascistic”?
  • Is trying to enhance our national; security by building a border fence to control illegal immigration, human trafficking, and drug smuggling, “fascistic”?
  • Is cutting the unemployment rate to 3.6% and a GDP of over 3%, “fascistic”?
So when members of the loony left shout that President Trump is a “fascist” etc., etc., look upon them as having an advanced case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) besides having that liberal malady called CRI (Cranial Rectal Inversion), which in most cases is irreversible if that person remains a liberal. They are blinded to the facts by their loony liberal ideology.

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Chuck Lehmann——

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann (Chuck on the Right Side
