
A Faustian Deal is one where one makes a pact with the devil; short term gain for long term pain

Barack “Faustus” Obama

"Stand still you ever moving spheres of heaven, That time may cease and midnight never come, Fair nature's eye, rise, rise again and make Perpetual day, or let this hour be but A year, a month, a week, a natural day, That Faustus may repent and save his soul." - Christopher Marlowe, "Faustus"

A Faustian Deal is one where one makes a pact with the devil; short term gain for long term pain. Is Barack Obama making some sort of Faustian Deal to ram Obama Care down our throats and damn the consequences? In Christopher Marlowe's tale, Doctor Faustus makes a deal with the Devil [Mephistopheles] for worldly power and knowledge in exchange for his soul. Faustus agreed to set aside his allegiance to God and Truth to give the Devil his due at the final moment of his life. The deal was struck, but rather than repent in the end, Marlowe's Faustus was dragged off to Hell by Mephistopheles' demons. Faustus' personal hubris overcame any desire to repent. I am now reading and hearing that the Obama Care "Public Option" is dead. The "Public Cooperative" idea floated over the weekend was a lead balloon. The public is apparently not as gullible as President Obama and HHS Secretary Sebelius think. Look out for what is coming next. Of course, the President and Secretary say they have a "preference" for a bi-partisan solution. Nonsense! This is pure DNC Propaganda! They have no intention of working with Republicans to achieve any agreeable, realistic reform. The Democrats, who hold overwhelming majorities, intend to blame the GOP for lack of progress. This is an interesting premise. Half of the Republicans in Congress are go-along RINOs who never met a flawed "compromise" that they couldn't grow to love and for which to vote. Kumbaya. Do you feel the love yet? Barack Obama has made Universal Health Care the signature battle of his Administration. So now, the Democrats may be prepared to go it alone. The Democrats have the majorities and the votes to move this legislation in the House and the Senate. Public sentiment be damned. Through legislative maneuvering it is very likely that the Democrats intend to cut off debate. Under a controversial "fast track" maneuver called "Reconciliation," Democrat Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, will avoid a Republican filibuster. "Reconciliation" limits debate on the 600 page Senate bill to twenty hours, and requiring only a simple majority to pass the Senate Bill. Assuming such a move in the Senate, it is unlikely that the so-called [and unproven] "Blue-dog Democrats" will stand up to the House Leadership. They will buckle under pressure; bet me. So much for courage and integrity in Congress. All of Obama's vaunted rhetorical sales skills have have failed to sell this Universal Health Care "lemon." Obama will make one more attempt to persuade Americans by force of a "moral argument." This is interesting. This President has demonstrated an ability to say one thing and do another; to say one thing and then say another; and then shift attention and blame to the Republicans, George Bush, and now most recently the American Public at large. In fact, the blame game has already begun. Watch for the ghost of Herbert Hoover to appear at any time. The Administration bulldozer will press relentlessly forward. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs dodges, weaves, bobs, and fellow-travels his way though avoiding hard truths. Instead, The President, his Secretaries, and Congressional Democrats spin an opaque web of obfuscation that quibbles with facts. This is "Transparency?" Nonsense! We may be but a short time away from Mr. Obama wagging his finger at us and telling us that we have a "malaise." Fortunately for President Obama, the H1N1 Swine Flu is there to distract and divert public attention, as will the Hurricane Season. He'll be quick to address any crisis with swashbuckle ... courtesy of the MSM; without commercial interruption. But let's not mention Iraq or Afghanistan. Let's not go there. Having abandoned final victory in Iraq to a trend of rising violence, and, failing to achieve any measureable goals of success [in the Liberals favorite "just war"] in Afghanistan makes winning the Obama Health Care bill all the more important ... before the Reverend Jeremiah Wright's famous chickens come home to roost. So now I wonder about that original deal made with Mephistopheles. Was Obama's goal only to become President? Was no thought given to the complexities of the job? Did he think the deal would ... "poof" ... automatically include the abilities to make it succeed? One should be careful for what one wishes. Is President Obama's hubris too large to allow him to avoid victory at any cost? Repentance means turning from one's misbegotten mistakes and changing one's broken ways. Faustus' hubris and refusal to repent was his downfall, and he paid the piper. I shall pray hard for President Obama to repent. But, I sure as Hell won't even contemplate praying for the passage of any Health Care Reform until he does!

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William R. Mann——

William R. Mann, is a retired Lt. Colonel, US Army. He is a now a political observer, analyst, activist and writer for Conservative causes. He was educated at West Point [Bachelor of Science, 1971 ]and the Naval Postgraduate School [Masters, National Security Affairs, 1982].
