
Part 1 - Gestation Period: Pride in America hasn’t been so high since World War II. But once again the SDe and “never Trumpers” just could not stand that. The gestation period is over!

Birthing of A 21st Century Coup

First, in the interest of brevity, I am going to define a few terms and abbreviations I will use in this article. Coup: The taking control of a government by any means other than that government’s established legal process. Revolution, insurrection, or revolt could be used as alternative terms. Socialist Democrat elitist (SDe): I mean the progressive, socialist, Democrat elitists and their co-conspirator surrogates in the print media, broadcast media, social media, electronic media, and the foreign and domestic government and civilian agencies underwriting the funding of all the anti-American causes in America and around the world. Useful idiots (UI): A term originally introduced in the 1950s by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, referring to those people that drink socialist/communist “kool aid” (my words, not his) and people who fail to educate themselves about socialism and communism.

The Setup for the Coup

To establish a basic understanding of the situation, what began on November 3 and 4, 2020, and completed on January 6, 2021 in Georgia, was a coup. The Socialist Democrats elitists (SDe) conducted a successful bloodless coup to depose the legally elected President of the United States. How can I be so cocksure of myself? If an honest legal election had taken place, the winners would have had no need to be fighting tooth and nail to prevent a detailed examination of the results of those elections. Criminal enterprises and corrupt politicians cannot allow the election material to see the light of day. Criminal enterprises and corrupt politicians fear the truth; honest people seek the truth. American voters have the right to see the details and know the truth about any election held in the United States of America. Some of the roots for the 2020 coup extend as far back as the Clinton administration and the original establishment of what some people have come to call the Clinton crime family. The Clinton crime family was shocked when it got run over by a young fellow named Barack Obama. Looking at the long game, the Clinton crime family grew and helped give birth to the Obama crime family. By 2012 these crime families had become a successful Clinton-Obama-Biden crime family triad. This evil triad was so arrogant that they saw no obstacles between them and eight more years in the White House after Obama. They had Hillary, how could they lose? They were so arrogant they made no major attempt to hide their criminal activity. Hell, once Hillary was installed, burying their criminality would be a piece of cake. So far they’ve been right. Their criminality has been exposed, but due to the corruption of the Deep State, it is doubtful these criminals will ever be held accountable. The SDe criminal empire is now too well established.

The Golden Escalator Man

The SDe, Hillary, and the evil triad’s arrogance was so complete they knew for sure that Trump was only a Big Apple clown that would never even win one Republican delegate. Well, they were wrong on that point. But, no worries. He won’t get enough votes to make it to the Republican debates. All of a sudden Donald Trump won the Republican nomination. They were run over by the Trump bus the first time. Hillary and the SDe were certain Hillary could and would embarrass Donald Trump in the debates. Wham! There’s that bus again. Then the SDe understood it was not who voted or where they voted; the only thing that mattered was who counted the votes. Make a few adjustments to the vote count here and there and it would be an easy win. Precincts in several states reported more votes cast than the number of registered voters, all for Hillary. Then the whole SDe and Hillary’s world was shattered when they found out they hadn’t cheated enough. That’s when Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) was birthed in Hillary Clinton’s hotel suite the very night of the election. TDS has been on display across America every single day since and is only getting worse. In Washington the SDe leadership have lost their grip on reality and the Constitution, and too many UI are tagging along in the rest of the country. They are being driven by pure blind hate, not by reason.

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A Coup Was Their Only Option

President Trump caused a hurricane of biblical proportions when he blew into Washington. He promised to do things like clean up the corruption in Washington politics, what we now call the Deep State, and explode American prosperity like never before. When Hurricane Donald struck town, it was a Category 5 storm. The swamp was not prepared. The crime family triad continued conducting illegal activities in conjunction with the Obama Deep State operatives to try to destroy and/or undermine the goals of President Trump to “Make America Great Again.” The details of the crimes that were committed are well documented. The Deep State violated their oath of office in order to protect the spider web of criminal activities, lies, and deceptions within the Executive Branch on behalf of the SDe. The end result was the most vile violation of trust that can be imagined by those sworn to protect the Constitution. Even with the overwhelming effort by the SDe doing their best, they simply could not stop Donald Trump from doing more to return America to greatness than any president in our life time. No matter what the SDe did to block him, Trump ran right over them again and again. Pre-COVID, he gave America the strongest economy in history, the highest employment numbers ever for all demographic groups, and the worst thing for the SDe Trump allowed Americans to be proud of America and of being an American. Pride in America hasn’t been so high since World War II. But once again the SDe and “never Trumpers” just could not stand that. The gestation period is over! Part 2 tomorrow


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Steve Rossiter——

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired.

In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
