
True believers must be involved in the political process of America, Speak out against political correctness, injustice, godless laws, and creeping socialism

Conscience of a Christian

As a Christian who also happens to be a pastor, an apologist, and who also believes in sound doctrine, I have come to the inescapable conclusion that true believers must be involved in the political process of America. Too often I hear preachers who shun any involvement in governmental affairs on any level because they claim that Christians are not citizens of this world. While that is spiritually true, it does dishonor to God who expects us to use the gifts we are given and protect those gifts for others

America is a gift of God

America is a gift of God. With all her blemishes and struggles, this country has stood for liberty and justice for all. That ‘city on a hill’ has been a beacon of hope for generations not just here in the homeland but around the world. God’s gift of gathering the Founding Fathers in such a place for such a time as the birth of a nation was no accident. God’s imprint on the emergence of America is unmistakable. His hand on our independence in the face of incredible odds is reminiscent of how God guided the Israelites again and again through impossible situations- even to the fulfillment of Israel’s own rebirth as a nation in 1948. God indeed ordains human government-- but He doesn’t always bless it. Marxism, communism, socialism, totalitarianism, dictatorships-- all have come and gone and left in their wake a history of brutality, genocide, and enslavement.

Constitution framed with Judeo-Christian ethics and principles

America was not only ordained by the Creator, but directed by His hand with a Constitution framed with Judeo-Christian ethics and principles. God’s gift to the world was a strong America. While she has not always been governed with Godly principles and has had her share of scandal and sin, nevertheless America has responded to evil with strength and honor. She stood against communism and watched the Wall crumble and the Iron Curtain split apart. At times this country has boldly stood in the way of evil aggression and at times the motives were not always beyond reproach. Now we are facing the clear and present danger. Our God given gifts, so clearly spelled out in the Bill of Rights, are being tossed onto the trash heap of history. We are seeing God’s grace being pulled back from America as the government assimilates more and more godless legislation. It didn’t start with the current occupant of the White House. It has been a process of evil that included the legalization of abortion, the rise of ‘hate crimes legislation’, political correctness, homosexual rights, the redefining of marriage and the family, and so much more! Any Christians who sit back and think this isn’t their fight are dead wrong. God’s gift of America is being abused by men whose consciences have been seared, whose god is power, and who worship at the altar of Self. America was formed by Divine providence. Too many Christians deny the hand of God in the direction of our country. Too many have adopted a form of Christianity that tolerates lies and half-truths, that welcomes diversity with open arms without ever questioning the basis of its worldview. I am sure there are other pastors who will read this and admonish me for getting involved in politics. They will say that the pulpit is no place for mixing God and Government. To them I say this: If you retreat to the comfort of your sanctuaries, if you turn a blind eye to the dismantling of our inalienable rights, if you choose to ignore the efforts of those who have no regard for the true gift of God which is America--then how long will it be before your freedom to practice your faith is just a footnote in history?

How you could NOT be involved in the preservation of a nation that was founded on religious liberty and freedom

Some of you would quote Romans 13 and tell me that we are not to be involved in the affairs of government. I would ask you how you could NOT be involved in the preservation of a nation that was founded on religious liberty and freedom. It’s time real men of God stopped avoiding the obvious degradation of America. By all means preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ! You might want to start by preaching to any politician who claims to be a Christian yet endorses gay marriage, or rubber stamps bills that assist the federal funding of abortion. Or any who are in power that would in any way trample the God inspired principles of the US Constitution. Pray? Absolutely! Preach? Of course! Do good works? Yes! Speak out against political correctness, injustice, godless laws, and creeping socialism? You avoid those topics at your own peril!

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Dave Macy——

Dave Macy (aka: Dave Deppisch) spent 30 years as a conservative talk host on a variety of stations in markets like Atlanta, Nashville, Toledo, and Ft. Wayne. He was drawn out of his profession into the ministry and now serves as an associate pastor. He preaches several times a year and is also available to bring his unique style of common sense conservative talk along with his faith in Jesus Christ to any setting that is looking for a speaker with humor, common sense, and Christian values.

He is the author of DoubtFreeLiving.com,and has been privileged to speak at CBN and appear as a guest on World Harvest TV.
