
How they're hiding the real issues everyone should be talking about

Democrat denials, distractions and lies

I know we have documented some of the Democrat denials, distractions and lies before, but the list just keeps on growing. Sadly, many Democrat supporters just look the other way, and it's not toward Republicans. I also know we have pointed out liberal media bias with many specific examples, but the liberal media continue to get away with it because many people just don't have the time or take the time to notice. As a result, many voters are confused, frustrated and inclined to tune out the entire political process because they don't know what to believe. That's why we will continue to give some clarity to the confusion, because I'm still optimistic that we can save enough of the savable to make the right decisions based on the right information.
Frequent readers of this site and listeners to my radio show are already familiar with the ObamaCare lies, the disastrous impact of ObamaCare on people's lives, the Benghazi lies, Hillary's lies about her e-mail server when she was Secretary of State, and multi-million dollar contributions to the Clinton Foundation that just happen to coincide with who Hillary met with while in her official capacity as Secretary of State. So let's highlight some recent important developments that will only get a drive-by mention, if any, by the liberal media. First, the economy. We are experiencing economic stagnation with a mere 1 percent GDP growth for the first six months of 2016. Democrats want you to believe this is the new normal, and this is as good as we can do. No it's not! Democrats don't want you to remember the decade of the 1980s, when annual GDP growth was anywhere from 4-to-6 percent. It was due to tax cuts and regulatory restraint instead of regulatory overreach like we’ve gotten from this administration. Even in the 1990s, we had good economic growth, because Bill Clinton was smart enough to work with Republicans during the dot-com boom.

We had two decades of economic prosperity. And now, we've had nearly eight years of economic stagnation at between 1 percent and 2 percent growth. This is what Hillary wants to continue. Democrats will argue that it's because the Obama Administration inherited a recession. That’s true, but Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress the last two years of the Bush Administration, and the first two years of the Obama Administration. Democrats had four consecutive years of congressional control, during two of which they also controlled the White House, and they still want to blame Bush. That dog has run out of hunt! Second, it was just revealed that nearly $600 billion of 2016 overspending will be added to the national debt, which will hit $20 trillion with this latest addition. That's twice what it was when Obama was elected for his first term. Democrats don't care, because they are still promising more free stuff to get themselves elected once again. Third, national security is about letting good people into our country and keeping bad people out. It's also about declaring war on radical Islamic terrorism and fighting to win. That's what Trump is proposing, but the liberal media want people to believe it's about an insensitive immigration plan when it's not. It just common sense and putting America first!

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Hillary wants to do just the opposite by continuing the national insecurity policies of the Obama Administration. But you will never hear the liberal media describe it that way, even though that's exactly what it is. It might hurt Hillary's chances of getting elected president. The economy, the national debt, and national security are just three of the important areas in which we can expect the Democrats to continue to deny, distract and lie because they have no successful policies, proposals or programs they can point to as a symbol of success. As Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence often says, "The American people are tired of being told that's as good as it gets, and that Congress will get to a solution tomorrow." It can be better, and we are tired of waiting!


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Herman Cain——

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain
