
The “Progressive Ladder To Destruction” has been a fascinating study in political madness

Democrats Climbing The Progressive Ladder To Destruction: One Wrong At A Time

Democrats Climbing The Progressive Ladder To Destruction: One Wrong At A TimeAmerica’s struggle between Democrats and Republicans is becoming politically the most intense since the American Revolution when Great Britain suffered a rare but massive exercise in authority. The Brits also suffered poor generalship resulting in an independent Republic with all citizens protected by a carefully crafted constitution, which worked wonderfully until “Progressives” began to intrude upon ordinary folk. As with communism in Europe, America’s progressive movement started in the early 1900s, and folly really began with the election of Woodrow Wilson as president. Wilson was an academic who saw imperfections in politics and had the power and temerity to impose his personal ideas. He forced America into the Great War, and created the League of Nations, which became the United Nations, that William Buckley later described as not making the world safe for democracy, but making it safe for socialism.

The “Progressive Ladder To Destruction” has been a fascinating study in political madness

A great tragedy as the “progressive” movement has become outrageous in its mania to impose its will upon everyone, with a ferocity so severe as to not understand the damage that is being done. To both the economic and the political fabric. Unfortunately, such political adventurers never seem to understand the ruin they cause, because government has always been considered as an agent for good and never for harm. But being led by those with righteous ideas has again become a vehicle for considerable damage. The “Progressive Ladder To Destruction” has been a fascinating study in political madness. Authoritarians think that ordinary people who were not moved by the message of intrusion are inferior beings. French revolutionaries condemned them as “petite bourgeoise”. A latter-day progressive Hillary Clinton scorned us as “deplorables”. All under the “Rules for thee, but not for me” mania. As intrusive as the Democrats have been, the vicious recourse to cultural Marxism is now unpresentable to even ordinary Democrats, so political campaigning is not required by the Dems. And as wherever possible, real Republicans are not allowed to express an opposing view. Regrettably, RINOs provide essential support to progressives. To extend Lenin’s quip about capitalists providing the rope, today’s RINOS, big business and even chambers of commerce are building the ladder that progressive are climbing “one wrong at a time”. The general wrong has been that Dems have been the authoritarian party. Initially for slavery and always for war. More lately employing fear to the limit. If you don’t do what we say, the Earth is going to fry. And even more lately that the fear of COVID is the greatest such fear since the Black Death that killed from one-third to one-half of the population of Europe and England.

Amazingly, Democrats can’t or won’t run on ideas that would be popular with the majority of voters

And recently Resident Biden shouted that those who don’t support him are enemies of the state, which is about as authoritarian as it gets. Of course, totalitarian begins when the governing classes grant themselves the privilege of state murder, which is the ultimate wrong on the progressive ladder. Amazingly, Democrats can’t or won’t run on ideas that would be popular with the majority of voters. They’ve gone radical such that the only way they can win is to import millions of aliens who are profiled to vote Democrat. Emigrants from Cuba who might vote GOP are rejected. And this week, Biden declared that the key to elections is about “who counts the vote”. Thus, the Democrat attempt to federalize the running of elections. Constitutionally, it is in the mandate of each state legislature to run the elections. Look at what the federalists have done to DOJ, FBI, CIA and education and you will know what nationalization of voting will do. Fortunately, the issue of political madness is being more widely understood. The Left is in a mania of madness to control every aspect of life, and considers that opposition is itself a form of madness. That both are not mad is readily determined by history. By this writer’s research there have been two previous periods when authoritarian politics became a mania. The first destroyed the political and economic wonders of Rome at its best. In the Third Century government went for control and the greatest accumulation of wealth was not enough to fund unlimited ambition.

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Communism in Eastern Europe and with the “Progressive” movement in the Western countries

Taxation became confiscatory, which was supplemented by chronic and massive inflation through deliberate depreciation. Rome’s unique example of prosperity and freedom collapsed. Another experiment in political brutality erupted in the 1500s when that set of authoritarians corrupted the Church into a venal and murderous dictatorship. Appropriately called “Tyrannical Centuries”, the third example began in the early 1900s with communism in Eastern Europe and with the “Progressive” movement in the Western countries. That each dreadful experiment ended in political and economic disaster makes clear that the impassioned intruders are insane. Those that wish to reform the madness have always been sane, and a growing number in figuring it out now are about to trash the “Progressive Ladder”, one right at a time.


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Bob Hoye——

Bob Hoye (BobHoye.com) has been researching investments for decades, which eventually included the history of financial and political markets. He considers now to be the most fascinating time for both since the Great Reformation of the 1600s.  Bob casts a caustic eye on all promotions and, having a degree in geophysics, is severely critical of the audacity that a committee can “manage” not just the economy, but also the temperature of the nearest planet. He has had articles published in major financial journals and, as a speaker, has amused assemblies in a number of cities, from London to Zurich to Tokyo.
