
What is touted by democrats as the be-all and end-all of equality – universal healthcare and special rights for so-called minority populations – is the institution of unequal treatment, the ultimate perversion of “all men are created equal.” No one

Dems set victimhood criteria – most lives don't matter

By the time Hillary Clinton accepted the democrat nomination for President of the United States, the party's concept of what constitutes a victim had finished undergoing some thorough redesign. It’s taken decades, but words like ‘race,’ ‘slavery,’ ‘privilege,’ ‘rights,' ‘equity,’ ‘education’ and the most bandied about ‘healthcare,’ now have different application. As much as politics have always been integral to life in general, permeating everything from the PTA and church to the local grange, it has taken such root in our society that it's reflected in most conversation. The Democratic National Convention, however, has set its standards for acceptable speech and the backpocket media have absorbed the talking points. Consequently, there are only two types of victims – those disadvantaged by sex or skin color – and, accordingly, both determine economic status.
Don't look for logic to enter the discussion. Democrat policy clarifies the worth of a life by a convoluted formula that equates being a woman, LGBT or ‘non-white’ with being destitute and/or disadvantaged, and thus, valued less by society. What they disregard and redefine are the words of the Declaration of Independence, “all men are created equal.” Liberal educators have forced the (lack of) thinking on students that has promoted the acceptance among the general public of a literal definition of ‘men’ to mean only males and ‘equal’ to unequally favor rich white guys. ‘White’ is, of course, indefinable as no person is actually white any more than they are really black. In the same way the progressive newspeak has made sex indefinable as well, since it now refers to what you happen to feel like at any given moment, superseding the sex you’ve worn from birth. Along the same lines, the concept of equality has been reduced to which rung one lands on in the earnings ladder. In the confines of this concept, welfare (pardon me, entitlement) recipients are ‘unequal’ because they’re handed their economic status, which is, of course, inadequate due to the nature of their non-earning. Thus, complete provision of healthcare is a right and lacking it is a basis for discrimination as being economically unequal. If this confuses you, it should. Earning or economic inequality is a contrived category of discrimination in order to empower the takers above the providers, forcing socialistic redistribution that destroys all economic classes to create one – the equal class of ‘poor.’

By these standards, everyone is meant to become a victim, except the unborn, and anyone who holds to faith to set societal standards becomes the oppressor. The lack of thinking (referenced above) is that an unborn child is an impediment to personal freedom, which is yet another redefinition of a word that forms the core tenet of American culture, i.e. freedom. The two have become indistinguishable even though the first is wholly based on emotion and the second is based on responsible action toward oneself and others. So, if one lacks money, a definable sexual identity, or light skin tone, then he/she/q lacks equality and freedom. They are now victims. This new victimhood includes everyone except those who act responsibly. By not earning, these victims have earned the right to be cared for, even at the cost of refusing care to those without a voice – the children who have yet to enter the world. Anyone who buys into this characterization of what comprises a victim does so at their own peril. They are abdicating any will over their own lives by submitting it to government to determine who gets what. Instead of realizing that wealth is infinite and therefore available to any person willing to work to achieve it, they bought a lie that only so much wealth exists and, in order for equality to reign, it must be redistributed. As a part of this fallacious argument, any new life that impinges on an individual’s activities, or happiness, is a hindrance to receiving the maximum ‘wealth’ available to them.

Pro-choice (abortionists) and BlackLivesMatter (racists) have demonstrated that, in the end, no lives matter but one’s own

It’s this kind of (lack of) thinking that underlies Hillary Clinton’s statement – “If you believe we should expand Social Security and protect a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions, join us!” Healthcare is no longer about preserving life but removing it from the unborn. As well, freedom isn’t about preserving the law but removing it from anyone who would enforce it. Pro-choice (abortionists) and BlackLivesMatter (racists) have demonstrated that, in the end, no lives matter but one’s own. All should be servile to a few. This (lack of) thinking constitutes the demise of a nation into the squalor of senseless violence inflicted by street and surgical weapons. What is touted by democrats as the be-all and end-all of equality – universal healthcare and special rights for so-called minority populations – is the institution of unequal treatment, the ultimate perversion of “all men are created equal.” No one wins.


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A. Dru Kristenev——

Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes’ College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at cw.o@earthlink.net.

ChangingWind (changingwind.org) is a solutions-centered Christian ministry.

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