
Such leftist anarchy brings nihilism resulting in a true bloodletting culminating in national suicide of these insipid and bombastic, cockroach-spirit, elitist rebels

Disaster Artists: Dems Must Stop Attacking Trump While Blindly Ignoring Biden’s Reign of Destruction

Quoting Elvis, America is caught in a trap, and we can’t get out -- of the habit of attacking Trump as we ignore mad Joe, his incompetent VP, and the rest of his crazy government. It’s understood that Trump is still an existential threat, but only because of how bad Uncle Joe is performing. There is simply no area of policy or performance that isn’t worse off under Biden. Therefore, Trump’s 2nd term has a feeling of inevitability. But who’s fault is that?

The savage hunt for Trump obscures the hasty devolution of our Republican style government

Meanwhile, the insane continuation of the Trump purge moves forward, unabated. Like some scene out of Shirley Jackson's The Lottery, the feral sense amongst leftists is Trump's blood must finally spill for order to return to the cosmos. And while expiative blood sacrifice is as old as mankind, the Democrat's mad need for revenge against Orange Man Bad brings us incrementally closer to national destruction each day.  But the very opposite of this mindless bloodlust for Trump is what's currently needed. For it is Biden who's completely out of his mind, failing cognitive tests, making weird and inscrutable comments, handing target lists to foreign leaders, while rubber stamping every demented socialist policy. If we aren't atomizing the border, we're shuttering productive petroleum concerns, or hobbling our allies whilst arming our enemies who seek to launch WWIII in the Middle East in apparent fulfillment of divine prophecy. And Intellectual yet Idiots lead the way with spectacular failures at every turn, such as the Covid response ultra-debacle.  The savage hunt for Trump obscures the hasty devolution of our Republican style government, threatening to wed two sad events into one finale -- the illegal, 6-year targeting of an elected official, now private citizen, along with mass sabotage of US institutions. If this continues unabated, global liberty itself will be snuffed out. As it is, everyone feels our culture sliding into lawless chaos where all things are possible because now only power speaks for truth.   We've lost our thread in America--and any connection to God. To quote Chesterton -- "When men stop believing in God they don't believe in nothing; they believe in anything." And while believing in their own goodness, progressive Americans now think they're worshipping the Spiritus Mundi by attacking figures like Trump. This humanist apotheosis is terrifying, for when men raise themselves to the levels of God--like Hitler, Lenin and Mao, no argument remains to stop mass bloodlettings in the Darwinian pursuit of evolved humanity. Stalin, with paranoid side-glancing rat-eyes, came to worship arbitrary executions as spine-tingling. 

Liberals seek a strange culmination of lawlessness along with the festive public execration, sacrilege, and execution of God

What liberals seek is a strange culmination of lawlessness along with the festive public execration, sacrilege, and execution of God. What Eric Voegelin calls the Murder of God
"The nature of a thing cannot be changed; whoever tries to "alter" its nature destroys the thing. Man cannot transform himself into a superman; the attempt to create a superman is an attempt to murder man. Historically, the murder of God is not followed by the superman, but by the murder of man: the deicide of the gnostic theoreticians is followed by the homicide of the revolutionary practitioners."
The left really believes if they cancel religion, they can kill God and then will overthrow the entire divinely created order to build a new world. There will be no gender, or constitutions, or family, property or rights -- only duties to the deified state. Paradise will be constructed on earth when all wealth belongs to government. The state will mandate the lion lay down with the lamb, prosperity will flourish with peace on earth. Of course, as Voegelin foretells such leftist anarchy brings nihilism resulting in a true bloodletting culminating in national suicide of these insipid and bombastic, cockroach-spirit, elitist rebels. 

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Kelly O'Connell——

Kelly O’Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.
