
No Child Left Behind, Failures of Education

Dumber and Truly Dumber

“College ready” means something entirely different for Barrack Hussein Obama than it does for most of the people I know. This link will take you to a March 15, 2010 article describing how George Bush’s No Child Left Behind, intended to somehow increase academic proficiency, wound up reducing it. The article also notes what the effect of Obama’s proposal would do; that’s right, reduce them even further.

The basic problem with American education being handled by a single, centralized authority (the liberal dream), is that such authorities eventually develop into a rigid bureaucracy whose only interest is in its own continued existence. No Child Left Behind wound up focusing on the liberals’ favorite demographic, poor minorities, which include the children of non-English speaking illegal immigrants. In order to get their share of the federal dollar, the schools had to have a certain percentage of these children not only being passed as proficient, but in some cases simply attending. Nevada has in its archives a glaring example of just how idiotically rigid the Washington Education Bureaucracy has become. Esmeralda County in Nevada listed a population of 1,262 for the 2006 census. The high school in Esmeralda County was dunned by the Bush Administration for not maintaining a proper level of minority students as a percentage of its student body…the one black family living there moved. Imagine what an administration run by old radicals will do. Because the Obama proposal puts all of the weight for proficiency on the teacher and none on the parent, we all know what is going to happen, grade inflation at a massive level. This isn’t because most teachers aren’t interested in the students actually learning, but because they know the sort of bureaucracy they have to deal with. Money for the school is the end result of proficiency scores; the better the scores, the better the check. If a school happens to be located in the center of gang central, you know that a good number of those kids have never cracked the spine of a book. And not only that, the welfare parents of these young thugs have a tendency to sue if little Dwayne and Alma get the grade they deserve. Does the school; administration back the teacher who had the bad grace to be honest? Not on your life, at least not in the experience of the teachers I have head from. I am a Baby Boomer. Baby Boomers are those folks born roughly between the years 1945 and 1960. Different studies list differing years, but they all center around those dates. Because of who their parents were, boomers are sometimes called the best educated generation because a massive percentage attended college. It is no surprise that the greatest number of advances in nearly all the sciences and arts came out of that group, but boomers also contained the eventual seeds of the cancer that now infects this country. Nearly every single Czar appointed by Obama is a boomer. So are his cabinet members. More boomers went to college than any other generation. Unfortunately for this country that was also the time that revolutionaries occupied many professorships and they began the work of infecting young, pliable minds. We are now reaping that crop. Poisoned by what they learned in what America called higher education, these boomers went on to carry the revolution to American government and society. Through their efforts the welfare system began to change and a few devious "progressive" individuals noticed that a path to wealth had been created...being a shepherd of the dependency class. Using the egocentric notion that “your troubles are caused by someone else, namely, The Man”, these grifters conned the poor, the needy and the lazy into avoiding education and gainful employment and to move to supporting their new masters in their quest for wealth and power instead. These wolves in sheep’s clothing somehow convinced the underclass that if they lifted their “shepherds” up to the upper class, they would in turn feast off the crumbs falling from the table. What is remarkable is that so many millions have fallen for that line to the point where, in many schools, a good black student is accused of acting white if they are proven proficient. But it isn't just the blacks. Today every race is guilty of producing sorry students where this country is concerned and, frankly the problem is not just in the classroom. We have devalued education to the point where not even the parents care if they can read or not and It is a good bet their children certainly don’t. True proficiency is now a rare gem…and we are going to be placing our countries’ future in their illiterate hands. Isn't that a cheerful thought. I have said before that the Obama Administration’s chief agenda was the destruction of this country as a sovereign nation and nothing in this current administration proposal exists to change my mind. Both Bush Senior and Junior were unabashed globalists, convinced that a European-style union was the eventual destiny of our country. Both Bush’s made their presidencies global disasters. Unfortunately for us, both Bush’s look good in comparison to what we are saddled with right now. Many apologists for Obama are still attempting to place the current troubles on Bush Junior. Over a year into an administration is a bit much for blame placement, especially when every so-called fix only increased the problem rather than alleviating even a tiny bit of it. No, Obama is no just a disaster but an avowed enemy of this country as it exists now. If he achieves only one of the assorted changes he wants for this country we are in for more trouble than we can currently handle. If you thought the economy couldn’t get any worse, just wait. For my mind November cannot come soon enough. I know a great many teachers. I also know a great many who are going to retire as quickly as they can and still get a pension. They are no longer willing to put up with battling the foul-mouthed, bad mannered, abusive, disruptive brats being sent their way by fathers and mothers who have failed miserably as parents. If I was a teacher now, and I have taught in the classroom by the way, I would be looking for a way out. If the collection of pimps, hookers, bums and human detritus that currently constitute the Democrat constituency want their little darlings babysat, they can send them to Washington.

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Bob Beers——

Bob L. Beers was a member of the Nevada Assembly representing District 21 in Clark County, Nevada. Prior to his election in 2006, he was an author involved in graphic arts and illustration.

Originally from Eureka, California, Beers attended Arcata High School and Humboldt State College. He currently resides in Henderson, Nevada with his wife and son.
