
Similarities between Rome and United States

End of An Empire, Part II?

Historians disagree as to when the greatness that was Rome began its decline. But the similarities between the problems that caused the Roman Empire to crumble and the challenges facing the United States are hard to ignore.

After the reign of Marcus Aurelius, the Roman economy was hit hard with inflation. Yes, even hundreds of years ago inflation was something to be reckoned with. The United States is speeding toward an oppressive inflationary cycle because of printing money and it will cripple this country’s fiscal foundation. Some historians say Rome was hurt beyond repair when the Empire split into two segments. The USA has always been separated by its politics-- but since the Civil War has never seen a president so polarizing as Barack Obama that there is some talk of secession by a few state officials. Huge problems developed in the areas of health and welfare. Disease, sickness, and poor sanitation weakened the empire. In the US, we have the advent of what may be a new and virulent outbreak of flu, but the disgrace and sure death of 1.5 million babies each year through abortion rivals any disease Rome might have suffered. Rome also was beset by the disappearance of morality. Sexual promiscuity, political corruption, greed, widespread crime, and weakened military all contributed to the fall. Ditto for America. However there is one element that is blamed for Rome’s ultimate demise: Christianity. When Constantine made it the official religion Rome turned to pacifism-- which emboldened its enemies. The difference is this. Constantine misunderstood peace through strength and self-defense for the Roman Empire. Evil doesn’t honor peaceful solutions. In the US, Christianity was its strength. During the first 250 years or so, the roots of the faith were strong enough to influence the culture and keep immorality to a minimum. But as America turned from its moral foundations, the very thing that Rome embraced is the very thing that we have turned our backs on. If the present ruling party in America has its way, the Republic will be replaced by a creeping and oppressive socialism. Many think it’s already here. But the old axiom is true to form: Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

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Dave Macy——

Dave Macy (aka: Dave Deppisch) spent 30 years as a conservative talk host on a variety of stations in markets like Atlanta, Nashville, Toledo, and Ft. Wayne. He was drawn out of his profession into the ministry and now serves as an associate pastor. He preaches several times a year and is also available to bring his unique style of common sense conservative talk along with his faith in Jesus Christ to any setting that is looking for a speaker with humor, common sense, and Christian values.

He is the author of DoubtFreeLiving.com,and has been privileged to speak at CBN and appear as a guest on World Harvest TV.
