
The "Patriot Republican Party" ... it has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

Endangered RINO = “Lame Duck” RINO

By William R. Mann ——--September 15, 2010

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"A monarchy is a merchantman which sails well, but will sometimes strike on a rock, and go to the bottom; a republic is a raft which will never sink, but then your feet are always in the water." - Federalist Patriot, Fisher Ames, Speaking in the House of Representatives, 1795 As a post requiem to yesterday's Primary Election in Delaware, I offer some random thoughts.

This election is not an ending but the beginning. American Patriots stand tall. This was an opportunity to poke a finger into the Establishment's puffed up, puny little chests and knock the air out of the Left's wind-bag analyses ... it was successful. I must also say, sadly, that the GOP's Establishment's reaction to the O'Donnell victory in Delaware was both disappointing and predictable. So listen up! This is important. The Democrats, the MSM and even some in the Establishment GOP will assert that Christine O'Donnell is un-electable. Know this: She is a candidate that bridges gaps in our hardened system of purely partisan politics. She appeals to the broad middle class who have been disenfranchised by the Democrat-Republican Establishment "tag-team matches" since 1988. I recall the same being said of Ronald Reagan in 1980 ... he was unelectable ... twice. In 1994, liberal Peter Jennings of ABC News claimed of the 1994 Gingrich Revolution landslide, "The voters had a temper tantrum last week.” This is how they think of you ... as the little people. How petty it is of Mike Castle to be so ungracious in Primary defeat. Shame! For 100 years, Conservatives in the GOP have loyally supported every candidate of RINO Republicanism that the GOP has offered up, for the sake of party unity. But RINO loyalty is apparently a one-way street. This smacks of 1964. I am old enough to recall Nelson Rockefeller and his RINO lobby walking out of the GOP Convention in a huff and not supporting Barry Goldwater. Christine O'Donnell is a Republican Conservative. Today Media Reports say that the Delaware GOP establishment says they will not give O'Donnell one dime of support for her campaign. Uh ... excuse me? Time to "man-up" Republican Establishment! Point 1: This was a Primary Election to select the Republican Candidate for a Delaware Senate seat? Who says that we Conservatives should simply roll over and accept dynastic succession by a very Liberal GOP Establishment? Who says Mike Castle was a Conservative? Whoever you are, prove it. Read Castle's own campaign site. This is the language of a RINO, not a Conservative. It sounds good until he casts a vote. Mike Castle had an ACU Rating of 28% in 2008 and only 52.5% Career. This is Big-time RINO-land folks! Point 2: Just where does the GOP get its money? It comes from you, every time the GOP solicits money claiming to want to stop the "Pelosi-Reid Democrat Machine," and you respond with a donation. In reality, this is similar to the Democrat Progressives acting as though Tax Revenue is theirs for the taking. Their taxation confiscates your hard earned money, but acts as if it is their to do with willy-nilly. As Thomas Sowell frequently points out, your hard earned money is just that, your hard earned money. The Democrats, naturally, want to confiscate your money in taxes, and redistribute the wealth of this Nation [... all except for theirs of course]. So, it is now that the Delaware GOP Establishment won't give money that you contributed to elect your Party's Senatorial Candidate? Does this tell you how Castle might have voted on issues that raise taxes "for good purposes" that essentially redistribute wealth in order to "level the playing field"? Point 3: What does this tell you Conservatives out there about what the GOP Establishment really thinks of you? Karl Rove says that Christine O'Donnell "says some nutty things." This is a strange remark coming from Karl Rove, who frequently had to defend his own Boss from the same kind of inane smears! Christine O'Donnell won! Thanks for the non sequitur Karl. Likewise, Karl's diminutive buddy Dana Perino was interviewed last night on O'Reilly. Bill kept pushing Perino to say something good about the Christine O'Donnell and the Tea Party. Perino practically came out of her seat to defend the GOP Establishment and diminish O'Donnell and her Tea Party Supporters ... as if the GOP Elites were some kind of Star Chamber, far above answering challenges from the riff-raff rank and file. My, how different the GOP Establishment looks now that Conservatives have an upper hand. Recall: only a few years ago, the National Party was still endorsing Arlen Specter! Point 4: The Delaware GOP is apparently fretting over opposing such un-American issues Stimulus, Obamacare, and Cap & Trade. A real Republican, Conservative Federalist like Alexander Hamilton would condemn what has become of the Federalist Republican Cause, for trying to field such a wimpy Senator Wannabe as Castle. Hamilton was a fearless warrior of the Revolution, and Washington's #1 Go-to-Guy. He was the Father of American Trade and Manufacturing, and a fierce advocate for American Exceptionalism. Hamilton might have preceded modern Liberal Progressives by a Century, but he would spew them out of his mouth as an alien philosophy, reminiscent of European classism and our former status as Colonists without a voice. Point 5: On a brighter side, encourage traditional, clear thinking Democrats and Independents out there in Obamaland to join this Patriotic cause. Perhaps a true After Action Review by the GOP will cause them to wake up and smell the coffee, perhaps not. But here is a driving imperative: Either the RINOs should support Conservatives, for a change, and become a true majority Party, or walk away, join the Democrats, and go the way of hapless old Arlen Specter. If the GOP fails to recognize this moment and these warning, they will go the way of the Whigs Party in 1856. "An' thet warn't pretty." Point 6: We Conservatives have great alternatives and ideas to replace our present drift in the Obama Doldrums. The good fight to renew our Constitution must be viewed as generational. Do not for one minute believe that the Progressives [or the RINOs for that matter] will fold their tents and leave the battlefield. If you believe this for one moment you are mistaken. Even if our foes give that appearance it is not so. We must pursue them, expose their lies and distortions, and keep forging ahead with renewal. So fight fight, fight, fight for your posterity, if not yourself. Point 7: Consider sending donations directly to Traditional/Conservative candidates like Joe Miller [AK], Sharron Angle [NV], Christine O'Donnell [DE], Alan West [FL22]. I encourage you to look across the land and find other deserving candidates who can also use your help. Share their names. Let's elect freedom fighters and defenders to Congress. Point 8: Republicans: It is time to wake up and fight the good fight ... no more "going along to get along." We have seen what this has wrought. Ask the People whether they want Fundamental Transformation a la Obama and his RINO allies, or the renewal of America as "the Shining City on a Hill." To those wanting to return to the fold like, John McCain and others: You were singularly betrayed and burned over and over by your erstwhile Liberal colleagues when you "reached across the aisle." I say, "Welcome home." Do the right thing. First, restore your Country and its Constitution . Then ,repair your Conservative relationships. As you and Sarah Palin said in your campaign: 'Country First!'" The "Patriot Republican Party" ... it has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

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William R. Mann——

William R. Mann, is a retired Lt. Colonel, US Army. He is a now a political observer, analyst, activist and writer for Conservative causes. He was educated at West Point [Bachelor of Science, 1971 ]and the Naval Postgraduate School [Masters, National Security Affairs, 1982].
