
Satan and the evil we are living with in our government and society, that is God trying to give you a wakeup call. At some level deep in your soul you do understand the difference between right and wrong and good and evil, and it is trying to get out

Eyes of the Serpent

“When you look at the dark side, careful you must be. For the dark side looks back.” ~ Yoda

As recorded in Genesis, Adam and Eve were deceived after looking into the hypnotic eyes of the Serpent. Satan and his agents of the Evil Empire have done a masterful job hypnotizing their indoctrinated useful idiot minions into believing everything their Marxist Democrat handlers spew out. The absurdities that these bedeviled minions believe with religious fervor is absolutely astounding. Satan’s agents of the Evil Empire have done a masterful job keeping their bedeviled minions focused on things such as human caused climate change, the “evils” of CO2, the abortion of abortions, equity instead of equality, diversity rather than competence, and on and on and on.

"A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good just because it's accepted by a majority"~ Booker T. Washington

While the bedeviled minions have focused on nonsense, Satan’s agents have been stealing the minion’s rights from right under their noses. For the minions and too many others, everything is beautiful and life is not too bad.

Satan’s agents have been over sexualizing their minion’s children and doing irreparable harm to children without parent’s consent. Then there are children of the Evil Empire’s Satanic COVID lockdown, who are underdeveloped socially, emotionally, and educationally. And there are the babies of the lockdown who are now showing up for pre-school and are noticeably behind in their development as young human beings.

So here is the question for Satan’s bedeviled minions and everyone else in America and Canada. Are you happier in 2023, with the massive divisiveness and hate that has blanketed your life since January 2021, than you were in the prosperity in the world before January 2021? Is there someplace deep in your heart that tells you there is something seriously wrong in your life? Do you like what you are seeing around you? Is the information you get from the media and the government square with what you see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears?

"If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed." ~ Mark Twain

The “trusted” media of the 1950s lost its luster and trustworthiness in the 1960s when reporting the Vietnam War. By the end of that war, there was an obvious left lean to reporting by the mainstream media, which was the only media that existed at the time. By the time of Bill Clinton, the mainstream media had become a mouthpiece for the Marxist Democrat Party. It was during this time that Rush Limbaugh came along with an alternative to the lamestream media, birthing conservative radio which presented options to America for the first time in 50 years. Americans began hearing reasonable, well thought-out arguments to the propaganda being spewed by the lamestream media. The Leftists tried over and over again to duplicate what conservatives were doing on radio and failed because their positions on issues lack substance and the average listener could shoot great big holes in them. This was the first tip off that most liberals did not have reasoned arguments for the positions they took. They were letting other people think for them and tell them what their position on an issue should be, an interesting tactic, but a losing strategy.

So the agents of Satan’s Evil Empire not only control the United States government, they are in control of the lamestream media that is more than willing to spread the lies of the father of the lie, Satan. So, if you follow the major lamestream media, you are peering into the hypnotic Eyes of the Serpent, and most official government pronouncements are lies to achieve their Marxist agenda to enslave you and me.

If you find yourself uncomfortable with the way I have highlighted Satan and the evil we are living with in our government and society, that is God trying to give you a wakeup call. At some level deep in your soul you do understand the difference between right and wrong and good and evil, and it is trying to get out. Let it out! Reconnect with your place of worship and help re-establish greatness in America, the greatness which was the America where you grew up.

You are looking into the eyes of evil and evil is looking back.

Know God, know good and right. No God, know evil and wrong.

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Steve Rossiter——

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired.

In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
