
Death Panels

First, Kill All the Boomers

Democrats so over used their race card that it has finally been revoked. Their efforts at fomenting class warfare on a scale we’re seeing in Europe is not really catching fire, so to speak. Then their Marxist in Chief caved and refused to raise taxes on America’s job creators leaving liberals spitting with rage.

However, those inclined to pursue the Marxist divide and conquer schemata are nothing if not resourceful in creating imaginary evildoers. Referring to them as the “most troublesome age group ever”, The Economist announces that America’s newest public menace is the Baby Boomers, the oldest of whom will turn 65 in 2011. It’s indisputable that social security is a mess. But, the left cavalierly ignores the fact that those despicable boomers have been paying into the system for decades with little expectation of seeing any significant return. It’s been a terrible investment –at least Madoff didn’t take his victims’ money by force. Social security is not in the state it’s in because Baby Boomers insist on living beyond the age liberal elites consider seemly. It’s in a shambles because of shameless politicians. Note: liberals never go into hysterics about the economic damage done by public sector unions; their venom is reserved for Americans who have actually contributed to wealth creation. The NYT considers Boomers to be offensively self absorbed. So unlike today’s youth, one must suppose. Lindsay Lohan is a paragon of sagacity by comparison to that wildly narcissistic bunch of mid lifers:
This means that the 79 million baby boomers, about 26 percent of this country’s population, will be redefining what it means to be older, and placing greater demands on the social safety net. They are living longer, working longer and, researchers say, nursing some disappointment about how their lives have turned out. The self-aware, or self-absorbed, feel less self-fulfilled, and thus are racked with self-pity.
The Denver Post warns of the horrors of increasing life expectancy:
But as life expectancy rose, our economic ship saw more and more of its bulkheads breached.
Quick! Somebody throw some Boomers overboard! We can surely afford the massive, destructive spending binges we endured during the 111th Congress; but these old people have gotta go! The president, clearly sensing the urgency of the situation, crafted a fool-proof plan for altering the demographic to reduce health care costs—appoint Don Berwick, without benefit of senate confirmation, to resurrect the death panel. The new head of the Euthanasia Department is especially partial to the British National Health Services use of algorithms to determine whether senior citizens are worthy of treatment. The blogosphere is already infested with comments about those greedy Baby Boomers who are being cast as the cause of America’s economic woes. Irresponsible politicians have found a new bête noir. The left has a new make believe Enemy of the People. And, Obama has a way to make the whole death panel scheme more palatable. The real reason for the left’s fear and loathing of the older generation:
In recent years the elderly have become a more distinctive voting block. People over 65 increasingly identify themselves as conservative and vote Republican, while young voters do the opposite, according to Andrew Kohut of the Pew Research Centre. The pattern was particularly striking in the last mid-term elections (see chart 2), when Republicans’ share of the over-65 vote exceeded the Democrats’ by a whopping 21 percentage points. For those under 25 the shares were reversed.
The really bad news for Democrats is that older Americans are also the most dependable people on the planet when it comes to actually getting to the polls on election day.

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Joy Tiz——

Joy Tiz,Joytiz.com, has been quoted by Ann Coulter, as heard on Lou Dobbs radio, The Rusty Humphries Show, Bill Cunningham, KSFO in San Francisco, WOR in New York, Premiere Radio Networks, Air America and other major shows.

Joy was born in Chicago, long enough ago to remember when many democrats were actually normal people who were just wrong about everything. Joy holds a M.Sc. in psychology and a JD in law.  Joy hosts The Joy Tiz Show  Wednesdays at 2 pm Pacific/5 pm Eastern.


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