
Reagan told us 40 years ago that the government is the problem, not the solution.  The Biden/Harris administration is actively demonstrating exactly how right Reagan was.

Food for Thought

As I was cruising down the highway, contemplating the current plight of the United States of America and some of the presidents we've had in the last 40 years, an awareness struck me that I had not previously considered.  Who were the U.S. presidents in my voting lifetime (1967 to present), who have been most revered by the anti-Marxist conservative patriots of America?  Of course, the two that immediately came to mind were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. These two great men entered the White House and totally shook up the political machines of the Republican and especially the Democrat parties.  In 1981, Ronald Reagan initiated and got things done like no previous President in my lifetime.  In 2017, Donald J. Trump came along and was "a Ronald Reagan on steroids" and shook up the professional politicians of the Republican Party as much, or more, than those of the Democrat Party.  Why were these two men so disruptive to the conventional professional career politicians of both political parties?  Did this question already give you the answer?  What were the two specific things these two men had in common?
First and most important, they were not part of the established political machine.  Neither Reagan nor Trump were professional career politicians. They were simply patriotic American citizens that took a break from their real life to serve their country and fellow citizens. Exactly what the Founding Fathers intended. Second, both were already wealthy enough not to be subject to financial corruption as are far too many professional career politicians. Some will try to say Reagan was a politician when his only elected position before being Governor of California was president of the Screen Actors Guild,  not exactly a political machine position. Now, connecting the dots, these two men demonstrated to all Americans the benefits to America when elected officials come from the real world and bring real world solutions to problems.  The Founding Fathers had it right.  How many of the problems in America today are self-inflicted by the ruling class career professional politicians?  Reagan told us 40 years ago that the government is the problem, not the solution.  The Biden/Harris administration is actively demonstrating exactly how right Reagan was.  Maybe, just maybe, the concept of an elite cadre of corrupt career professional politicians has outlived its usefulness.  

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Steve Rossiter——

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired.

In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
