
Socialism dampens the human spirit. Statism kills it

Food Stamp Nation?

"Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayan

Keep Obama and the Democrats in Congress in power and these pictures [below] show what America will be looking like in a few years. Obama is a Total Failure. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Leader Harry Reid have acted with with negligence aforethought. Those in Congress who voted for Stimulus and the Obama Healthcare Bill have sabotaged the prosperity of our posterity. Expanding Government Programs and Regulations decrease personal responsibility, inhibit personal incentive, and increase human dependency. Socialism dampens the human spirit. Statism kills it. Presidents Hoover and FDR both tried it all from 1930-1934 and failed:
  • Public Assistance [Welfare, Unemployment, "Make-work" Projects]
  • Taxing the "Rich" [class warfare]
  • Deficit Spending [Keynesian Stimulus Economics]
  • Protective Tariffs on Trading Partners
  • Propping up Bad Loans with borrowed Government [printed] Money
  • Stock Markets within the same trading range for a decade
  • Manipulation of Money Supply, Interest Rates, & Commodities [FDR set the price of gold]
  • Constantly telling Americans that, "Better times are just around the corner."
  • Banks and Insurance companies called evil and greedy Capitalists [class warfare]
  • Playing "good cop, bad cop" games within the polity.
  • Passing the buck.
There were flirtations with totalitarian solutions in the 1930s: Socialist, Fascist and Communist. Socialism said that Capitalism had failed, Fascism claimed to be a Middle-way, and Communism promised a Worker Utopia. American Liberals, many of them advisors to Roosevelt, fell in love with Stalin's great transformation of Russia and his grandiose Five Year Plans. These Marxist notions and experiments, with American workers lives at stake, further set back economic recovery. The Financial Collapse of 1929 and the recession of 1930 did not need to become a twelve year Depression where production was stagnant due to government regulation, and deflation destroyed economic demand. The Recession that began in 1930 became the Great Depression and lasted until 1942. It was ended by World War II's wartime production necessities. It was not ended by the Federal Government directing the National Economy. We have not learned. The Great Society Programs of the 60s coupled with Vietnam War expenditures and Federal Government meddling in the economy brought on a fiscal crisis exacerbated by the International Oil Cartel. The fabulous 60s ended in turmoil in the early 70s. Richard Nixon's New Federalism sounded good, but created further Government mandates as pre-requisites for Federal Funding and Block Grants. Nixon tried Price Controls to tame inflation and made it worse. Ford tried to "Whip Inflation Now" with a pathetic program that included a lot of Presidential Vetoes but did not balance the budget or cut spending. Jimmy Carter used the same Keynesian tax and spend philosophy that LBJ and FDR used, and drove us further toward this present situation [that coupled with totally inept leadership]. Reagan did cut taxes, but without a friendly Congress, Reagan was impotent to stop spending and rarely used the veto. He decided that winning the Cold War was the priority, Debt and Deficit reduction were the trade-off. Bill Clinton balanced the budget and brought down the deficit only after the Newt Gingrich led Congress and Congressman John Kasich forced his hand. Note how the duplicitous Clinton takes credit for eliminating the deficit today, even as he supports all of Obama's Marxist Economic schemes and his agenda for Statist Government. According to the sources I checked, no Administration has very come close to eliminating our debt since Andrew Jackson did it in 1836. So, there is every reason to stop, not reduce, the current exponential increase. My friends, make no mistake. Obama talks about Bush running us into a ditch when Pelosi and Reid held the Congressional purse strings in Congress since 2006 ... a full two years before the Mortgage Crisis and Bank meltdown. Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd ignored Administration warnings about easy credit and flawed mortgages claiming that the system was healthy. The video tapes do not lie. And despite this recent sad lesson, the entire Congress has continued to spend like there is no tomorrow.

The Socialist Democrats are passing on Trillions in debt to our Grandchildren to fund their grandiose Five Year Plans

The Socialist Democrats are passing on Trillions in debt to our Grandchildren to fund their grandiose Five Year Plans [note: many openly admire Che, Castro, Mao and Stalin in the White House]. And just as the GOP in FDR's time was nearly powerless, so today they sit and watch it all happen. Keynesian economics are a fiction, and the New Deal and the Great Society were great Potemkin Villages that only created debt and a new enslavement, the Food Stamp Nation.

November 2nd is Judgment Day for America

November 2nd is Judgment Day for America. We either return the ship of state to a Republic that the Founders would recognize, or we continue the slide into Statism and totalitarian oblivion. Yes, those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. Keep this in mind as you stroll down "History Lane" and view the pictures.

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William R. Mann——

William R. Mann, is a retired Lt. Colonel, US Army. He is a now a political observer, analyst, activist and writer for Conservative causes. He was educated at West Point [Bachelor of Science, 1971 ]and the Naval Postgraduate School [Masters, National Security Affairs, 1982].
