
Conferences, conventions and rallies are where the kindling is sparked that ignites a wildfire of individual efforts to burn out corruption and cleanse it with ash from which truth will emerge to light the future

Getting the story straight – is it organized, a cult or tribalism?

ReOpen America Tour in Tampa: Pastor Artur Pawlowski (C) greeting attendees Carmen (L) and Angie Fioravanti(R)
Getting the story straight – is it organized, a cult or tribalism?
Having just left an assembly of 10,000 Americans who convened to hear expert and personal testimony about critical issues affecting their lives, liberal pundits labeled attendees with rabid terms. Trapped by their own disinformation campaign, mainstream media has applied oxymoronic epithets to advocates and parents speaking out to protect children from educational and medical malpractice. Between network and cable "news" shows, the description of families flooding school board, city council, county commissioner meetings, and political and Christian conferences has taken a ludicrous turn. Undecided on how to attack, pundits have named the backlash factional 'tribalism,' an emotional 'cult of Trumpism,' a 'conspiracy theory of Qanon,' and then doubles-down calling it all 'organized.'
Make up your minds, mainstream mullets (those are sucker fish, by the way). Cults are driven by unregulated feelings. Tribalism is based in deliberate sectarian exclusiveness. Conspiracy theories are promoted by propaganda. All are incompatible to a vast organized movement. What is occurring is the coming together of communities in a groundswell countering detrimental educational and healthcare programs that are organized by leftists endeavoring to subvert the culture and, thus, destroy citizen sovereignty. Families are being forced to battle victimization embedded in Critical Race Theory (true racism), Social and Emotional Learning (opposite of critical thinking and logic), LGBTQ advocacy (the real 'Q' conspiracy), mask enforcement (demoralization) and vaccine acceptance (segregation). Taking the initiative set by individuals willing to stand up to political persecution (mostly conservatives, Christians and Trump supporters) and institutionalized subjugation precipitated by the contrived Covid-19 pandemic, information-based gatherings are cropping up around the country. June 17-19, 2021 in Tampa, Florida was the second installment of Health and Freedom Conferences sponsored by the ThriveTime Show. Bringing together speakers to expound on the factual science behind the 'Covid Crisis' that was designed to board-up businesses, empty churches and debilitate Christians and patriots, individuals arrived from across the continent to learn the truth behind lockdowns, riots and vaccine development. Numerous doctors, scientists and attorneys presented evidence regarding the effects of mask-wearing for long periods and during physical exertion. They addressed verified data about the lab-developed virus and the administration of experimental serums referred to as vaccines, setting the stage for viable legal challenges. Because of organized digital censorship in collaboration with corporatist news agencies suppressing information and valid questions about universal vaccinations and/or mask requirements, these face-to-face venues accommodating thousands have become necessary to fill the data void. The alliance of tech and media to bury pertinent facts is not only organized, it comes under the heading of racketeering as a purposeful attempt to extort compliance under threat of incarceration and loss.

Individuals have been hounded and jailed for their willingness to speak their mind, resist, and condemn compulsory governmental decrees

Individuals have been hounded and jailed for their willingness to speak their mind, resist, and condemn compulsory governmental decrees. In Florida, Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne was arrested for refusing to close The River Church, standing by his and his congregation's First Amendment right to worship in their chosen fashion, which included continuing to fellowship in spite of governmental interference. It was Pastor Howard-Browne's church that housed ThriveTime's ReOpen America Tour in Tampa. In Canada, Pastor Artur Pawlowski demanded terrorist law enforcement leave his flock alone to worship God in the church sanctuary, which they had tried to breach. Unwilling to make an arrest inside the church, after weeks of harassment he was waylaid on the public highway, cuffed and led to jail for the crime of following God's calling rather than the ambiguous, anti-Christian mandates. Both men spoke in Tampa with the passion for liberty, espousing it's biblical basis, the same upon which America's founders established this nation to bring independent states under a loose federal umbrella meant to serve individual rights, not collective oppression. Investigators and truthseekers targeted by the corporatist press, tech giants and entrenched judicial, political and government authorities have taken advantage of a platform to reach the people that have been under attack by State agencies – public gatherings. These venues are essential to begin the process of change by providing an uncensored voice for the General Michael Flynns, Leigh Dundases, Mike Lindells, Roger Stones and other freedom workers. Dr. Judy Mikovitz, one of the outspoken researchers, said that originally they thought it was good to work with animal tissue but when they found viruses could be transmitted from animal to human "we should have quit." Asked why she made the decision to expose virus studies and experimentation, placing her life and career in jeopardy, she responded, "To speak truth in love in medicine."

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The vital takeaway from these assemblies of citizens is that rallying together is necessary for encouragement and sharing facts but it is only the starting point. As in a church, the members can fellowship in their enclave every week and lift one another with faith and edification. Should the knowledge stall behind the walls of the church or be left at rally locations then the purpose is lost and, finally, so will be the freedom that made the gathering possible. Go for the camaraderie, knowledge and inspiration but don't confuse it with action or mistake it for getting involved on the community level… attending meetings, supporting neighbors seeking office or taking on the responsibility to run yourself. We've become conditioned to believe that we can accomplish important works by posting on social media that's now restricted to reaching the like-minded. For change to occur, our presence is required at places like conferences to digest the facts and learn the ropes, then take that information to church, grocery stores without a mask, community meetings and visiting with neighbors on the street. Conferences, conventions and rallies are where the kindling is sparked that ignites a wildfire of individual efforts to burn out corruption and cleanse it with ash from which truth will emerge to light the future.


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A. Dru Kristenev——

Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes’ College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at cw.o@earthlink.net.

ChangingWind (changingwind.org) is a solutions-centered Christian ministry.

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