
Climate Update

Global Temp Continues Flat – Be Alert to "Tropical Coolness"

Global Temp Continues Flat – Be Alert to Tropical CoolnessOn the UAH Satellite Temp record, the global anomaly for June was +0.06 C, down from +0.17 C in May, which compares to the +0.26 C on the April posting. The high with the El Nino of 2016 was +0.70 C, essentially offsetting almost half of the hysteria about a 1.5 C increase. Under the heading of "Tropical Coolness" the UAH report noted that for June the anomaly was -0.36 C, the coolest in 22 years. And the seventh coolest on the 44-year satellite record. Overall, "Climate Cooling" could last for decades, if not centuries.
Also, flat-lying is the temperature record for an island some 280 kms from Tokyo. The feature, of course, is no urban heating. Note the warming from the 1930s through to the early 1950s. Overall, the net is a flat temperature record. hoye A long way from Japan, the Arctic Sea Ice Extent in getting close to the standard deviation band represents the greatest coverage in a number of years. Arctic Sea Ice Extent

On the bigger picture, the severe cold of the "Little Ice Age" reached its worst in the late 1600s and all forms of life have enjoyed the subsequent warming trend. Essentially, this was driven by increasing Solar activity that peaked some twenty years ago. In the 1990s, solar physicists Penn and Livingston determined from internal action in the Sun that a significant trend change to less activity was possible, that could be accompanied by cooling. Other researchers in reviewing the periodicity of the solar system confirmed the likelihood of the reversal to cooling. On the nearer-term, these Climate Updates have noted that the high anomaly of 2016 was due to that strong El Nino. The opposite is the La Nina, which forces some cooling. The latest post shows that it is still on the cool side of the chart. El Nino Increasing volcanic activity can force some cooling with particulates and sulfur aerosols launched into the upper atmosphere, screening energy direct from the Sun. A recent chart includes an impressive rising trend that could be significantly influenced by the increasing ability to observe and record. The important chart is the lower one, recording individual eruptions with each blasting more than 0.1 of a cubic kilometer of former mountain into the stratosphere. The chart by the Smithsonian shows an interesting increase in activity (lower red line) over the past decade. Volcanic Eruptions

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The next chart is called the "Annual Heat Wave Index in the United States", as presented by NOAA. Annual Heat Wave Index in the United States Another chart shows that cooling is not just the record for the Arctic or Tropics but includes to Antarctica. The temperature at the Amundsen-Scott Station for their 2021 winter shows a remarkable drop. Down to -60 C, it is the coldest on the chart back to 1957, clearly extending the big freeze that has been on for some 32 million years. The temperature at the Amundsen-Scott Station

The last item records considerable irony.  Usually open by late June, the road through Montana's Glacier National Park has not been cleared to today's date. Going along with the climate promotion, park management has had signs warning that the alpine glaciers would be "Gone By 2020". Prominent for more than a decade, they were quietly taken down in January 2020. Gone By 2020 The following cartoon elegantly describes the difference between Warmist "models" about man-caused "Global Warming" and reality. Cartoon


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Bob Hoye——

Bob Hoye (BobHoye.com) has been researching investments for decades, which eventually included the history of financial and political markets. He considers now to be the most fascinating time for both since the Great Reformation of the 1600s.  Bob casts a caustic eye on all promotions and, having a degree in geophysics, is severely critical of the audacity that a committee can “manage” not just the economy, but also the temperature of the nearest planet. He has had articles published in major financial journals and, as a speaker, has amused assemblies in a number of cities, from London to Zurich to Tokyo.
