
"All of them are untrue."

Harry Reid to endless parade of ObamaCare victims: You're all liars!

To be Harry Reid means that you are shameless enough to say absolutely anything. Truth is no barrier. Credibility is not an issue. If you can come up with words that could serve as an instrument to bludgeon your enemies, then you say those words. It matters not if they are a total lie. Why would Harry Reid care about that? He doesn't.
And even if you are telling lies at the expense of cancer victims whose plights you have made worse, who cares? That is not your concern. You are Harry Reid and your one and only responsibility is the political viability of the Democratic Party in general, Senate Democrats in particular, and specifically you. Harry Reid. All this was too much for Hot Air's Guy Benson, who acknowledges he flew into a barely restrained rage when he saw Reid's claim that all personal accounts from people whose health care was screwed up by ObamaCare are untrue. But good on Benson: He channeled that rage into an exceptional effort to demonstrate otherwise, compiled from Twitter: You'll need to click the link, and you should, to see the parade of examples that prove Reid is a filthy liar (as if you had any doubt about that before). We're not going to steal them from Hot Air. But here is a passage from Benson that really gets to the heart of the matter.

Reid asserted that “all of” the personal accounts from people who have been harmed by Obamacare “are untrue.” In short, this known liar unironically and casually smeared millions of Americans, including a number of cancer patients, as liars for daring to notice that Democrats’ unpopular healthcare law was actively hurting them. With a tip of the hat to our Twitchy cousins for compiling these tweets into a single post, here is a small slice of what the second most powerful Democrat in America sneers at as “untrue” fabrications of the Koch brothers. Cancer patients whose plans they liked and depended on were canceled under Obamacare, violating the president’s promise and throwing their lives into turmoil:
On this site we've been especially following the case of Julie Boonstra, whose insurance and health care costs were thrown into chaos thanks to ObamaCare, but is nonetheless being called a liar by Democrats and the media based solely on a Washington Post "fact checker" column that doesn't even understand the point she was making. So Boonstra is a liar on Planet Democrat, but why stop there? They're all liars! Why? Because that's the way Harry Reid wants it to be, and no one will make him pay for saying it, no matter how utterly false it is. What a horrible man. My God, Nevada, stop inflicting this cretin on the rest of the nation, would ya?

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Dan Calabrese——

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