
The principles that make me an American Black Conservative.

He called me Uncle Tom, but most just call me Mister C

Turning a negative into a positive is always a liberating experience. It happened again last week when a caller to my radio show insisted that I was an "Uncle Tom". His assessment was for all of the usually ignorant reasons, against which I tried to use facts and logic to help him see the light.
Not surprisingly, facts and logic did not matter to him, because he had finally gotten on the show to set me straight and give me a piece of his demented mind. He failed to realize that I do not collect scraps from a shallow mind. He also did not realize that I got over being insulted by mindless name-calling decades ago, and that his attempted intimidation inspired me to write this commentary. I followed up that futile exchange in the next short segment of the show with several reasons as to why he probably felt the way he did. That's when it occurred to me that those are the same reasons millions of people listen to my opinions and analysis, read my commentaries, watch me on TV and invite me to give keynote speeches all over the world. I know who I am, and Whose I am! For all of the reasons the caller thinks I am an "Uncle Tom", millions of people respect those reasons and many of them call me "Mister C".

These reasons are reminders for people who know me as Mister C:
  • An American black conservative who believes in the Constitution, less government, less taxation and more individual responsibility.
  • An American black conservative who does not subscribe to "black group think", because I learned to think for myself from childhood.
  • An American black conservative who understands our history, but who is not a slave to our history. My dreams are bigger than our history.
  • An American black conservative who does not blame the white man, the Republicans, or the rich for the problems in America. Look in the mirror!
  • An American black conservative who is not afraid to criticize the failed policies of a black president. Just look at the facts and only an idiot could conclude otherwise!
I know that my perspectives on America represent the perspectives of millions of patriotic Americans of all colors. Some people will never get past the color of someone's skin to see their own failure, or the failure of someone else. Name-calling to try and keep people from hearing the truth is as old as dirt. But its impact is becoming less and less, because more and more people are becoming smarter and smarter. So to those people who want to call me and millions of other black conservatives ugly and nasty names, save your breath and listen ... You just might learn something!

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