
I think Meryl Streep and all of Hollywood need to remember just one thing. Without we the people paying for those movie tickets, their industry will not and can not survive!

Hollywood, Like Government, Has Forgotten Its Place!

If you refuse to watch, yet another, conservative bashing, congratulatory award program showcasing the self-absorbed, ultra rich in Hollywood, then you didn't miss much by not tuning into the Golden Globes. Although it was tough to decide who was the most inappropriate self-centered idiot of the night, the "snob" award of the evening goes to Meryl Streep. It appears as Ms. Streep along with Hollywood and our government of late, have forgotten their place. "You and all of us in this room, really, belong to the most vilified segments in American society right now. Hollywood, foreigners, and the press..... Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners. If you kick 'em all out, you'll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts."- Meryl Streep

I think Meryl Streep and many of the so-called actors in Hollywood are a little full of themselves

I think Meryl Streep and many of the so-called actors in Hollywood are a little full of themselves. They have truly gotten a little big for their own britches as well as the ones given to them by the costume department. Do they really believe that if Hollywood stopped acting, the whole world would fall apart and die in pure misery having nothing to bring true meaning into their empty lives without movies like, A Bullet to the Head, Scarface, Django, and The Devil Wears Prada? I think that bigger names than Streep might disagree with the premise that Hollywood is the only source of true art in the world.....Rembrandt, van Gough, Monet, Mozart, Beethoven and yes, even Bruce Lee are probably rolling over in their graves at this very moment. "And this instinct to humiliate, when it's modeled by someone in the public platform, by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody's life, because it kind of gives permission for other people to do the same thing. Disrespect invites disrespect. Violence incites violence. When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose."- Meryl Streep Where has she been the last eight years while Obama has done nothing but demean and disrespect every American who has differences of opinion regarding his policies? Does she not see the irony in this statement? Is she not using her platform to demean and disrespect the president-elect and the American people who voted for him? Does she really believe that the senseless violent movies that come out of Hollywood have not incited their own amount of violence on our streets and in our communities? This is the same hypocrisy that produces videos and tv appearances, ad nauseum, to tell the public that we must support gun control. All while they go to the bank cashing their million dollar checks protected by armed guards while making movies that senselessly kill, maim and destroy through the very gun violence they claim their principles force them to scorn? I guess principles are easily forgotten when money and fame are the alternatives.

You exist for my entertainment

"We need the principled press to hold power to account, to call them on the carpet for every outrage. That's why our founders enshrined the press and its freedoms in our constitution."- Meryl Streep Our founding fathers, yet another group of folks rolling over in their graves because of the lies and disregard for their vision by the liberal left. The "principled" press? We all watched as the so-called principled press lied, cheated, deleted and misled the American people during the entire election process and the Obama presidency. Obviously learning nothing from their lack of journalistic practices, we watch today as they continue to misrepresent the truth in order to protect the agenda they are all determined to fulfill. I recently read a letter written by Nigel Bennett, @ncb58 on twitter, that says it best. "You exist for my entertainment. Some of you are great eye candy. Some of you can deliver a line with such conviction that you bring tears to my eyes. Some of you can scare the crap out of me. Others make me laugh. but you all have one thing in common, you only have a place in my world to entertain me. That's it. You make your living pretending to be someone else. Playing dress up like a 6-year-old. You live in a make-believe world in front of a camera and often when you are away from one too. Your entire existence depends on my patronage. I'll crank the organ grinder, you dance. I don't really care where you stand on issues.

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You see, you aren't real. I turn off my TV or shut down my computer and you cease to exist in my world

Honestly, your stance matters far less to me than that of my neighbor. You see, you aren't real. I turn off my TV or shut down my computer and you cease to exist in my world. Once I am done with you, I can put you back in your little box until I want you to entertain me again. I don't care that you don't like Mr. Trump. But I bet you looked cute saying it. Get back into your bubble. I'll let you know when I'm in the mood for something blue and shiny. And am I also supposed to care that you will leave this great country [when] Trump becomes president? Ha. Please don't forget to close the door behind you. We'd like to reserve your seat for someone who loves this country and really wants to be here. Make me laugh, or cry. Scare me. But realize that the only words of yours that matter are scripted. I might agree with some of you from time to time, but it doesn't matter. In my world, you exist solely for my entertainment." I think Meryl Streep and all of Hollywood need to remember just one thing. Without we the people paying for those movie tickets, their industry will not and can not survive! I think that Hollywood, like government, has forgotten its place.


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Leigh Bravo——

Leigh Bravo works in the Hospitality and Marketing Industry.  Leigh considers herself a concerned citizen interested in reaching those people who may not be aware of the entire truth. Leigh is happily married and a mother of three looking towards a better future for her kids. Leigh also writes for thetrumpet.me
