
Homegrown terrorism--BLM and Black Panthers. What, not ISIS?

Following the officer-involved shootings of two black individuals in Louisiana and Minnesota, a spate of marches purportedly in support of minority communities has blistered into incendiary rhetoric and, ultimately, deadly assaults on law enforcement. The major incident dominating news cycles for more than a week was the Dallas ambush of 12 police officers where five lost their lives. Thursday and Friday, the Dallas law enforcement veterans were laid to rest in separate services around the city. Soon after, "day of rage" rallies (allegedly arranged by Anonymous via video) were slated for 36 major cities nationwide only to have their thunder stolen by the overwhelming news of terror in Nice, France and a coup attempt in Turkey.
Pulling together any and all fringe groups nursing a complaint against police, the protests were meant to show solidarity with BlackLivesMatter. As media directed full attention on major breaking news overseas, lack of coverage for Friday's events may have influenced some flaring tempers as the poorly attended marches fizzled. A few protests were reconvened and resumed on Saturday, one of which took place in Baton Rouge. Pandering from the White House toward the BLM contingent of angry, and evidently otherwise unoccupied, individuals has done nothing to abate the growing animosity toward law enforcement. The president's remarks at the memorial last week honoring the five Dallas officers, initially praised law enforcement but quickly turned into a gun control rant, demeaning their service by the time he finished. Obama's continual undermining of law enforcement, in order to appeal to a race-based ethos that embellishes discrimination, has encouraged anger among the BLM crowd. From there, it doesn't take much to trigger violence, which is what occurred Sunday morning, July 17, 2016. A masked gunman, later identified as a 29-year-old black man from Missouri, set himself on a shooting spree near police headquarters in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, killing three police officers and wounding three others. The president quickly acknowledged the crime beginning with these words: "attacks on police are attacks on all of us." If only he meant it.

This is not an isolated incident. It is part of a developing pattern of choosing to lionize individuals who resist law enforcement and suffer subsequent harm or death, creating a false narrative of oppression. Organizations promoting misinformation and complete falsehoods instigate public panic that can be manipulated to their own power-hungry ends. BlackLivesMatter, Black Panthers and any other race-oriented "action" group splinter their communities by using their own brand of terror. Murder sprees by individuals loosely affiliated with ISIS--Paris, San Bernardino, Brussels, Orlando, Nice--are inarguably tagged with the terror label. But the rise in domestic plots of confrontation, riots and ambushing law enforcement is not a blacklash against police violence, it is a new tide of terror initiated by race-baiting provocateurs... and the ringleaders are invited to White House confabs. Today's 'civil rights' activists such as 'Reverends' Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson don't appear to have any affiliation with Christian theology. They are the worst kind of racists that, were they white, would be vilified as the epitome of evil Christianity. Too many in the grievance industry (aptly named for its extortion methods) promote illegitimate claims of injustice with violent language. Long ago, they replaced Dr. Martin Luther King, jr.'s passive resistance methods of advocating for a worthy cause with this vile incitement. The new concept of community organizing is the old concept of terror. The new Black Panthers are the old Black Panthers pointing guns and shooting to kill whites and law enforcement in a skewed justification for black racism, or reverse racism of any stripe or color. The new wave of domestic terrorism is being wrought by fomenting race wars as opposed to jihad. Both are splintering American society for the purpose of collapsing it as an 'unfair' system.1 Ironically, the American system of liberty is the most forward thinking and equitable system of government ever to be established.

As no one in the BLM, illegal immigration, LGBT or other grievance movements will admit, I'll do it for you... There is no great black hope any more than there was ever a great white hope. The only hope is in that of Christ, where all are equal in the eyes of God--equal to choose whether to believe and be blessed by His Grace; or choose to reject His gift which translates into a futile struggle with feeling overwhelmed by the world and blaming it on others.
  1. A. Dru Kristenev, 2012. OWS... the Fall of Jerusalem All Over Again, Pp. 79-83. Scripture Led Politics ...Mutual Exclusivity Be Damned. ChangingWind
  2. A. Dru Kristenev, 2015. The Reichstag is burning, Pp. 134-136. Pay Attention!! ...your life, family and nation depend on it. ChangingWind.


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A. Dru Kristenev——

Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes’ College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at cw.o@earthlink.net.

ChangingWind (changingwind.org) is a solutions-centered Christian ministry.

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