
Mobs occupying Wall Street

I Stand With the ‘One Percenters’

According to the mobs occupying Wall Street and other financial centers around the nation, they represent 99% of the country. That's means out of a nationwide population of roughly 300 million people, they speak for 297 million of us. Well not us. I'll take my chances with the other 3 million, or the One Percenters if you will. And I have a solution for dealing with people like me: quarantine us.
Why quarantine? Because with us out of the way, say in some remote location in West Texas where there's a lot of open space, or on an island where we can be kept completely apart from the general population, the last remaining obstacle to the workers' paradise envisioned by the discontented will be removed. The Marxist-inspired re-distributers will be free to re-distribute, the unionists can unionize to their heart's content, and the generally disaffected can wallow unimpeded in their disaffection. In the spirit of generosity, I propose that the One Percenters leave 99 percent of their wealth behind, which I assume is a substantial amount of coin. It ought to keep the other 99 percent well supplied with the pizza, Macs and Birkenstocks that they seem to have a particular fondness for, as they pursue their noble effort. Or course, after a while they're going to have to learn to make their own pizza, computers and sandals, since all the entrepreneurs, visionaries, and risk-takers — dare I say capitalists — will have been packed off to the One Percent Reservation.

The big banks and Wall Street firms? Keep 'em. The shiny corporate headquarters? Ditto. Staff them all with the 99 percent who turn their nose up at profit, if you can find enough of them willing to put in a full day's work dispensing "social justice" — for precisely the same wages as those who are content to put in a half day's effort, or no effort at all. Once "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" becomes the economic reality for which the protesters yearn, it will surely work itself out. That's what "fairness" is all about. The One Percenters? Leave us to our own devices. After all, if we're the cruel, heartless, money-grubbing low-life zombies we're being accused of being by the other 99 percent, it shouldn't be long before we devolve into some Lord of the Flies version of survivalist anarchy. What else could happen? I suppose it's possible that a bunch of people used to freedom, self-reliance and not feeling sorry for themselves when faced with adversity might be able to put together something resembling the country that vaulted to the head of the world pack in less than two hundred years. But as the 99 percent are no doubt certain, it will never be as nice as the Socialist Utopia we're leaving behind. Those who say the Occupy protests have no coherent message are wrong. Their message is very simple: it's all about Us Against Them. It is an ongoing effort to divide the capitalist sinners from the socialist saints. Saints who believe they have a legitimate claim on the efforts of the sinners, irrespective of their own shortcomings. Yet once the sinners are removed and their confiscated wealth is exhausted, the two most frightening words that any self-entitled, welfare state-dependent looter will ever face can no longer be avoided: What now? When the unionists take out the Wall Street firms that not only create the wealth that pays their union wages, but also manage their health benefits and retirement pensions, what now? When the corporations who supply the computers, the phones, the clothes, the tents and every other item that has made the standard of living in this country the envy of the world have been pulled down, what now? When the hoarders hoard because there is no more incentive to make even the slightest extra effort to produce goods and services, what now? And most importantly, when the inevitable sub-class of "specialists" arise, as they must in any society where fairness can only be assured by constant monitoring — and rigid, jackboot enforcement — what now? Make no mistake about who these people are. This is the true face of a progressive movement which can no longer mask the ugliness of its failures. And for socialist/Marxists, what now is completely irrelevant. What now is something to be dealt with after they crash the system. The progression has a logical sequence. Clueless students have been joined by public service unions, who will add organization — and muscle — to the movement. The tipping point will come when unionized police are forced to choose between protecting the innocent or joining their unionized brethren. If they choose the latter, it will be necessary to bring in the National Guard. If the protesters decide to engage the National Guard? At that point America will find out the real percentage of people who are dedicated to the proposition of "fundamentally transforming the United States of America" espoused by the current — and worst ever — occupant of the White House. The bet here? A lot more than one percent of America has had it up to their eyeballs with progressivism. If not, a quarantine in West Texas or on an island awaits. But make no mistake: it's not a quarantine to prevent you from being infected by us. It's quarantine to prevent us from being infected by you.

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Arnold Ahlert——

Arnold Ahlert was an op-ed columist with the NY Post for eight years.
