
Nothing new under the sun--indulgence destroys nations

Is there a tax rebellion coming?

By A. Dru Kristenev ——--August 28, 2016

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Solomon wrote that there is nothing new under the sun. He was on to something. The king of greatest wisdom and wealth (estimated between $100-$7350 Billion by today's standards) ever to reign, who built one of the wonders of the ancient world, understood the corruption that emotionalism could bring about. He'd tried it all. And despite his wisdom he could not keep his own overly indulged children from dividing his nation and destroying the peace he had built. Our Constitution reflects the wisdom Solomon penned in the Books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, pointing out that freedom comes through wisdom, which doesn't change with the times, vernacular or mores. Repeatedly, he wrote of all the things done "under the sun" and, of those, there is "no new thing" to emphasize that painting old ideas with new colors doesn't change a core concept.
Scorning wisdom acquired through past experience, gained individually and collectively as a society, encourages people to make life decisions that can leave them devastated emotionally, socially and financially. In a free society, they are free to choose poorly as well as wisely. But in a Constitution-based nation (when it's followed), they are not free to demand others pay for their detrimental decisions. However, we are now bearing the burden of doing just that, financing popularity-inspired choices that dissolve the very fabric of the lawful order. Individuals who've followed profligate whims place blame for their resultant circumstances on every form of 'discrimination' the disruptors can devise: racism, economic inequality, sex identification and practice, religious affiliation (or lack thereof), animal, environmental, and non-sentient being and inanimate object rights. May as well throw in bias against bestiality and human sacrifice for good measure. No cause is considered unworthy of support by donations or government funds. The latter option being the main focus for agitators--pardon me--activists. This has been a multi-millennial problem and, correctly identified by Solomon as nothing new, no twist of contemporary and evolving technology can change the common denominators of unrest--pride, envy and laziness. Responsible and irrational citizen movements are cyclical in every social order, from tribalism to a compound Constitutional republic. It is out of resentment (either the elite looking down or the lower classes looking up) that rebellion is fomented.

The elite rebellion, brought on by burgeoning entitlements to the coddled populations, is slamming hard into a bubbling citizen rebellion against direct and, most damaging, indirect taxes

Elitist rebellion, i.e. power consolidation, has been underway for decades. It has been waged by convincing people that the professional political class acts out of compassion. And it is this 'compassion' that has created the mounding pages, no, tomes of regulations that now beleaguer any individual who earns his keep. Regulations piled onto open-ended legislation are forcing public, private and religious organizations to pay for implementing special accommodation for: transgenders (DOEd, DHHS--bathroom and homeless shelter access; DHA--treating gender dysphoria), lesbian farmers (USDA), atheists with hurt feelings, people of color for being of color, muslim employees at the expense of public safety and business needs, illegals being housed at public expense (DHS), climate change (EPA--burdening coal/oil/gas industry and power plants) and, well, anything else "under the sun." The elite rebellion, brought on by burgeoning entitlements to the coddled populations, is slamming hard into a bubbling citizen rebellion against direct and, most damaging, indirect taxes. The entrepreneurial spirit is crushed under spiking energy costs levied to underwrite ineffectual green technology, a disintegrating job market and an influx of government-subsidized anti-American culture immigrants which include a criminal element. The brilliantly timeless structure of the Constitution echoes the timelessness of Scripture and the Wisdom of Solomon, warning that what we call innovation is just a new tweak to an old idea. His brother Adonijah gave him his first lesson in subterfuge, thinking to buy the throne by purchasing allegiance of corruptible men. Despite a parole for the treasonous attempt to usurp David's reign while he still lived, Adonijah used the mother of Solomon to finagle a foothold toward the throne. In short, he was a traitor twice over, having no moral compass, only an emotional drive for power. (1Kings 1-2)

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In like manner, Hillary Clinton, believing it is her right to sit in the Oval Office, has sold the United States of America to the highest bidder in an attempt to consolidate a foothold on the presidency. Peddling access and secrets, purposely using unsecured methods of communication, she has laid bare the classified workings of our nation to anyone willing to pay the price for American assent to their wanton deeds--US uranium to sell to unprincipled despots (Russia); arms to degenerate states and terrorists (Libya, Syria); importation of murderous religious fanatics (various Middle Eastern states); goodwill to anti-liberty shariah states (Saudi Arabia). Each of these and numerous other acts threaten America, unmasking her as an enemy of the State, not a champion of it. Like Adonijah, she has sold her prospective influence for the emotional gain of power as any envious backbiter would do. This kind of leadership stirs the indolent to pride and lassitude, motivating them to defy wisdom and act foolishly, because they're educated to feel hurt, discrimination and entitlement. Spitting and stomping on the source of their "welfare" will eventually rouse the overtaxed and overworked source to revolt. Like the kids in the backseat always ask on a long road trip... "Are we there yet?" The answer? "Almost."


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A. Dru Kristenev——

Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes’ College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at cw.o@earthlink.net.

ChangingWind (changingwind.org) is a solutions-centered Christian ministry.

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