
The Liberal Party, trashed in the recent election and dismissed by the electorate, defunct of any morality

It is all about Power

The Liberal Party, trashed in the recent election and dismissed by the electorate, is so defunct of any morality that it has combined its paltry, leaderless and bankrupt Party with the perennial wallflowers of Canada’s lost souls, the National Democratic Party. Worse yet, is their joint palsy-walsey self-revealing lack of integrity in seeking the political support of the Block Quebecoise separatist traitors, set on destroying what remains of the unity of Canada.

These men and women MPs should hang their heads in shame. We the public, should make it a point of never forgetting who these people are, for they are interested in only one thing, power at any price! They want to run Canada, even though they are leaderless, broke and have been rejected by a well-run civilized election only a month or so ago. The precedent they wish to set is horrific. Their argument being that their combination of public votes constitutes the votes of the majority of Canadians. That has for the most part been true when the Liberals were in power, or any Party. How long has it been since any Party was elected by a majority of the public’s votes? It is the price we in Canada pay for having so many political factions, especially the outlandish separatist faction of the Bloc, to say nothing of the Quebecoise-loving nationalists of all parties. If we start allowing parties to govern by combining in coalitions, Canada will become a basket case headed for post war Italian-type political anarchy. How many changes and coalitions will we be headed for? What happens when political unrest of this type of power hungry elite seizes power at the sacrifice of their personal integrity? What happens is that criminal factions step in and the payoffs begin. Many individuals in government will see little difference between immoral political conduct and illegal lobbyist conduct. We have seen our share of that already, derived from our unbalanced Quebec and the Rest of Canada (ROC) political and social divide. One can understand that a coalition government may have a practical purpose to conduct a war or to govern effectively in an extreme national emergency. It may be the way to go for the duration of a war or a major catastrophic event, but in a situation such as this, after a recently held and honest election, with issues that have been presented but have not had the time to play out, is nothing but shameful conduct and an extreme abuse of the electorate. One can argue about policies. The present Prime Minister may have been too slow to deal with the present economic meltdown. He may want to do away political party election funding, he is “scary” to the unions, but none of these excuses are justification for a Machiavellian subversion of the political will of the electorate. These power seekers should be despised by all those citizens who have any loyalty to our free and democratic system. We must all drop our Party identity and get this monstrous trick stopped now, before it goes any further. This is the typical ploy of the leftist-socialists and their political friends and once again demonstrates their willingness to stop the free political process when they don’t get their way. When Mike Harris was elected Premier of Ontario the socialist crowd said, “We are going to make it impossible for the Mike Harris government to govern.” For a time they did interfere with the democratic process. Partially funded by the United Way, believe it or not, they instituted the “Days of Action” protests, tried to set fire to the doors of the Ontario Legislature and blocked our MPPs from entering the parliament to do the electorate’s business. Our weak-kneed politicians actually negotiated with these anarchists and allowed them to hold them up for 10 minutes while they subjected them to political diatribes. They should have been thrown in prison; the anarchists that is. That is the mindset we are faced with in today’s putsch. Any Canadian that supports this travesty of a so-called coalition needs to consult a psychiatrist. The precedent if this goes ahead will assure a never-ending succession of like machinations. We will all pay a terrible price. Our governments will become dysfunctional far into the future. If this goes to Her Excellency Michëlle Jean, The Governor General to decide, I think it will pass into effect. One has to remember that she has in the past been associated with the Quebec separatists. It is doubtful she has the best interests of Canada as a whole at heart. No doubt she loves her office, who wouldn’t with all its perks and trappings, but that is not within her normal and rational identity. I could be wrong because unlike many of my critics I do not pretend to be able to read minds. However, if she were sitting on a judge’s bench I would be sure to ask her to recuse herself as being a tainted person, likely to be perceived as being in a conflict-of-interest position. Should the coalition tragedy go to the GG and I am right, then the fat will be in the fire and we all will lose mightily for the reasons I have outlined. My biggest fear and warning to all is this; do not let this happen, regardless of Party affiliation or none. Your duty to freedom itself is to do everything in your power to stop this crime. Shame these power hungry dolts that care nothing for Canada and only care for their own egos and POWER. A government’s duty in a true democracy is to GOVERN in the best interest of all its citizens, not to seize power by any means in order to dictate to the electorate. All Parties have been power mad in Canada for a long time, at least for the last two generations of the electorate. It is time to stop the power hungry from assuming a non-elective right to exercise power. It is time to insist on having rational and mature governments that will govern with the best interests of all the people in mind. Please Write to The Governor General and your MP

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Dick Field——

Dick Field, editor of Blanco’s Blog, is the former editor of the Voice of Canadian Committees and the Montgomery Tavern Society, Dick Field is a World War II veteran, who served in combat with the Royal Canadian Artillery, Second Division, 4th Field Regiment in Belgium, Holland and Germany as a 19-year-old gunner and forward observation signaller working with the infantry. Field also spent six months in the occupation army in Northern Germany and after the war became a commissioned officer in the Armoured Corps, spending a further six years in the Reserves.

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