
Because anyone can quote Scripture. It doesn't mean their heart is with the Lord

Kerry: We're big Bible readers at the State Dept., Tells us to protect Muslims from global warming

I'm in favor of everyone reading the Bible, but sometimes I think Democrats ought be supervised when they read it - especially the ones who dive in not to search for God's truth, but rather to find words they can twist to justify their left-wing agendas.

And that especially goes for John Kerry. On Tuesday, during a ceremony appointing attorney Shaarik Zafar as "special representative of the Muslim Communities," Kerry enlightened us all about the true meaning of Genesis: I suppose the most effective rebuttal of anything John Kerry says is to simply point out that Kerry said it. But if you need more, let's look at the passage in Genesis most cited by liberals as a call to environmental stewardship. It's Genesis 1:26-28:
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” 27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
In other words, he gave us dominion (cue the secualarist liberal freak-out) over the Earth, and with that position comes a responsibility to properly care for it. True enough. We rule over it and just as God made us in His image, we are to be rulers over the Earth in the same manner in which He rules over us. Well and good, but no one is arguing we should do otherwise. The global warming (or "climate change") debate is not about whether we should be good stewards of the Earth. It's about whether a) the evidence of anthropogenic global warming is really convincing; b) it really presents the threat liberals insist it does; and most importantly, c) whether the big-government, high-regulation, high-tax "solutions" liberals are demanding really solve anything, or whether they will do more harm than good, or whether we might be better off looking to the private sector for these solutions - if, in fact, we need them at all. And why exactly is it that the Muslim world is most vulnerable to the supposed ravages of global warming? I thought people who lived along ocean coastlines and on islands were most vulnerable. Remember when Miami was going to be underwater by 2016? Besides, the Bible says to do a lot of things Democrats have no interest in doing, so I'll take John Kerry seriously as a theologian when he starts urging his party to stop abortion, stop celebrating homosexuality, stop encouraging the tormenters of Israel, stop encouraging the advancement of the sexual revolution, stop encouraging drug use, stop contributing to the destruction of the family . . . yeah, then come and talk to me about Genesis. Because anyone can quote Scripture. It doesn't mean their heart is with the Lord.

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Dan Calabrese——

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