
America’s Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, has devolved into a sorry collection of losers


Anyone looking for further evidence that America’s Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, has devolved into a sorry collection of losers need merely reference what just transpired in the House of Representatives. After adamantly insisting that no continuing resolution would happen without some changes to the Affordable Care Act, (aka “ObamaCare”) the party caved and gave the Democrats everything they wanted in the form of a “clean” bill.

So my question is: Why shut down the government in the first place if they weren’t prepared to go to the wire. Admittedly, shutting down the government was an incredibly poor decision, as it gave Obama a respite from his myriad scandals. Had the Republicans said, “okay it’s the law of the land, run with it!” rather than try to avoid the train wreck this law is, they would have accomplished two things. First and foremost, it would have demonstrated to Americans just how incompetent the Democrats are in drafting laws and how poorly their stewardship of these laws works. And more importantly, it would not have taken the focus off Benghazi, the IRS, the NSA mass surveillance of American citizens, the ‘Fast and furious’ scandal that saw the US Government conveying weapons to Mexican drug cartels to have them used against their enemies (including the dead American Border Patrol agent Brian Terry).

The leadership of the Republican Party is an embarrassment sporting a wealth of incompetence

Better mileage would have accrued to the Republican Party had they allowed Americans to see for themselves that ObamaCare would vastly increase the price of healthcare, while reducing the quality of care on offer. Additionally, there is no question that Obama’s train wreck will result in a massive increase in the number of unemployed and under employed Americans. As it stands, Obama, Reid and Pelosi now have cause to say that the coming economic woes throughout the land are all the fault of, wait for it: The Republicans, because they shut down the government for 17 days. They can easily point out that the U.S. Government spends a cool $10.4 billion each and every day and claim that this 17-day shut down deprived the economy of over $23 billion in government spending, which they can and will claim had an adverse effect on the economy; ergo fewer jobs and poorer economic performance, while all the while more and more people are pushed onto the government teat, thereby creating more Democrat voters. The leadership of the Republican Party is an embarrassment sporting a wealth of incompetence. Or maybe it isn’t and this whole Kabuki Theater was just a put-on to make sure that nothing in Washington changes any time soon. Either way, America really needs some change if there is every going to be hope for the Republic’s survival. The best and most promising place to start then would logically be with the Washington Fat Cat lawmakers, whose sense of entitlement is clouding their view of reality. Let’s take them down, one at a time if need be, over as many election cycles as necessary to effect this much-needed change.

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Klaus Rohrich——

Klaus Rohrich is senior columnist for Canada Free Press. Klaus also writes topical articles for numerous magazines. He has a regular column on RetirementHomes and is currently working on his first book dealing with the toxicity of liberalism.  His work has been featured on the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, among others.  He lives and works in a small town outside of Toronto.

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