
Any proposed program or initiative that advances his transformative socialist agenda can’t be enacted quickly enough

Losing in Afghanistan—on purpose

An interesting trait that has come to light about the Procrastinator in Chief is that any proposed program or initiative that advances his transformative socialist agenda can’t be enacted quickly enough.

The TARP bailout monies that saw wealth transferred from American taxpayers to Wall St. fat cats was coughed up without debate, as (it was claimed) the world economy hung in the balance. That money was given to AIG so fast, that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, didn’t even bother going to AIG’s creditors to see if they were open to accepting a reduced payment to fully settle the debt. The GM and Chrysler bailout is another case in point. President Obama was so eager to take over the American auto industry that legitimate bondholders and mom and pop shareholders were deliberately screwed out of their assets. GM’s CEO was summarily fired over a weekend and replaced with an Obama lackey who would dutifully toe the line. And for what it’s worth, the GM saga isn’t quite over yet, as the government and union-owned company is no less cumbersome and uncompetitive than when it was a publicly traded company. Ditto with the healthcare initiative, which fraudulently worked its way through Congress and in order to pass it as quickly as possible promises that were never intended to be kept were made to representatives with moral reservations about federal funding for abortions. A similar strategy is now being played out in the Senate in hopes of quickly passing a comprehensive healthcare bill before Americans have an opportunity to take action against it. Another example is the Waxman-Markey cap and trade initiative, which the President is urging Congress to pass into law before global warming burns up the entire planet. It’s another of those initiatives based on dubious assumptions and much like the healthcare scheme, it is founded in massive deception. Yet a decision that literally means life-or-death for American military personnel is being hemmed and hawed to death, as the President asserts he will not be rushed into deciding whether or not to send additional troops, as recommended by his general on the ground. It’s interesting to note that during the election campaign, in order to appear sufficiently butch to American voters, Obama called Afghanistan “the right war”. Now that he’s safely ensconced in the Oval Office it’s clear that he never intended to prosecute that war. This is abundantly clear to the Taliban who, despite their 13th Century environment and social mores, are watching CNN and seeing that the guy in the White House is no George W. Bush. Consequently they are stepping up the violence in Afghanistan, knowing that this President doesn’t have the stomach to do anything about it. They’re betting that Obama will not decide to send more troops, which will then result in America being forced to withdraw from that arena, while the former “war on terror” shifts venue to Europe and North America. If I were in the US military or had a relative in the US military, I would be outraged that the President of the United States is so ready to play politics with the lives of the brave young people serving there. It’s doubly outrageous that since the terrorist attack on Ft. Hood, the President urged Americans not to rush to judgment about the nature of that act. Given the many missteps, faux pas and embarrassing decisions this President has made, one could logically conclude that not even Jimmy Carter was as incompetent and clueless as Mr. Obama appears to be. The only possible other explanation is that the President is doing all these things purposefully to “fundamentally transform America”, and not for the better. Isn’t that what the laws against treason are all about?

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Klaus Rohrich——

Klaus Rohrich is senior columnist for Canada Free Press. Klaus also writes topical articles for numerous magazines. He has a regular column on RetirementHomes and is currently working on his first book dealing with the toxicity of liberalism.  His work has been featured on the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, among others.  He lives and works in a small town outside of Toronto.

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