
The Climate Industry flourishes on government funds and is dominated by vested interests and their media trumpet

Lying for the Cause

Modern climate alarmism was launched with the 2001 IPCC report featuring the now infamous “hockey stick” graph. This showed global temperature flat for 1,000 years and then soaring skywards from about 1900 onwards. There is just no way to say this politely - this graph was based on lies.

First, the Medieval Warm Period was erased from the record and second, they used selected tree-ring temperature proxies that were known to be misleading and unrepresentative. Then they stretched the vertical axis to create a more alarming picture. The Hockey Stick established the idea that it is OK to lie in support of a great cause. Confirmation of the Medieval Warm Period: The Hockey Stick was followed by Al Gore’s 2006 film “An Inconvenient Truth” – inconveniently, a British judge found that there were nine “scientific errors” in this film. The biggest lie was Gore’s claim that carbon dioxide triggered and drove global temperature. However, the ice core graphs which he presented showed that temperature changes always preceded the changes in carbon dioxide. High Court Judge finds Nine Errors in Al Gore’s movie: An ever-green climate lie says: “Sea levels are rising fast and will soon drown a city near you. We need money from rich countries to cope”. Leaders in the Pacific nations should monitor the tide gauges which surround the Pacific Ocean from US west coast, Canada, Alaska, Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii. They show no unusual rising in sea levels. Land and sea levels are always changing, totally oblivious to trace gases in the atmosphere. There are marine fossils in the Himalayas and the Andes, and ancient cities now lie beneath the oceans. No Rise in South Pacific Sea Levels since 1993: What would happen to sea levels if we burnt all fossil fuels?: Sea level Changes in Coastal NSW: Then there is the recurring lie that ocean “acidification” will kill the Great Barrier Reef. Corals have survived for many millions of years, despite many changes in the climate and the atmosphere. The vast oceans are not controlled by the puny atmosphere and if they do warm for whatever reason (including natural changes in solar intensity, volcanic activity, Enso/El Nino events or ocean currents) they expel carbon dioxide or deposit it in vast beds of carbonates on the sea floor. Ocean chemistry is controlled by river inflows, melting and growth of ice sheets, oceanic sedimentation, marine plant growth, submarine volcanism and changes in ocean currents, not the atmosphere. Finally, there are two big lies - the “Consensus” myth and the “Settled Science” claim. Both ignore the fact that over 31,000 scientists have signed a petition disputing them. Moreover, the shoddy science, data manipulation, concealment of worksheets and distortions of truth are exposed on a daily basis by competent scientists and dozens of sceptical bloggers, many with relevant qualifications and experience. Global Warming Petition Project: Temperature Fraud: The Climate Industry flourishes on government funds and is dominated by vested interests and their media trumpets. Climate Science is so infected by lies created and spread by red/green promoters and one-world government extremists that honest enquiry and research rarely gets public airing. All of this wasted effort is just adding to the burdens on tax payers and electricity consumers: Here is the real hockey stick: Anyone may reproduce this cartoon providing the cartoonist and the web site is acknowledged: Hitler once said: “People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough, people will sooner or later believe it!” The Climate Industry is following this advice. They need to be told that lying for the cause is not science. New PM Turnbull was quick to clean out the cabinet room. Now he needs to clean out the climate stables. Viv Forbes, Rosewood, Qld, Australia

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Viv Forbes——

Viv Forbes, Chairman, The Carbon Sense Coalition, has spent his life working in exploration, mining, farming, infrastructure, financial analysis and political commentary. He has worked for government departments, private companies and now works as a private contractor and farmer.

Viv has also been a guest writer for the Asian Wall Street Journal, Business Queensland and mining newspapers. He was awarded the “Australian Adam Smith Award for Services to the Free Society” in 1988, and has written widely on political, technical and economic subjects.
