
Congress is full of unscrupulous liars that will do anything for wealth and power. I'm not saying that McCarthy is an unscrupulous liar; however, his desire for power was stronger than his self respect, and that's not a good sign

McCarthy: His desire for power was stronger than his self respect, and that's not a good sign

McCarthy: His desire for power was stronger than his self respect, and that's not a good sign
Rep. Kevin McCarthy finally won the speaker's gavel on the 15th round of voting. Finally, the brotherhood of bankers, corporations, and media tycoons, the oligarchy, can celebrate another victory. After all, they are used to controlling Congress. In fact, they own most of Congress, the media, and the justice system. How could they possibly lose? Did anyone really believe that a few Republicans could overturn a totally corrupt Congress, Pelosi, FBI,

From Pelosi's hands to McCarthy's: Media can rejoice because the oligarchy got the speaker's gavel again

As observant citizens, we knew that McCarthy would eventually hold the speaker's chair because, like Nancy Pelosi, he's been in bed with the oligarchs for a very long time. Besides that, the FBI probably has a file on McCarthy that with which the 'Department on Injustice' can use to prosecute him. That means, no matter what concessions the rebel Republicans were promised, nothing will change. After all, politicians are known for reneging on their promises. Furthermore, we saw media talking heads on the left and the right express their anger and outrage over the fact that a few Republicans used the democratic process to help level the playing field in their favor. Everyone should remember the media's anger and outrage the next time one of them uses the term "our democracy". They like to say that, but their reaction to the democratic process is proof that they really don't like Democracy. They prefer delusions over Democracy; delusions like holding elections to fool people into believing they can choose their leaders, when they really can't. Moreover, the media can rejoice today because the oligarchy, that they all work for, got the speaker's gavel again. It went from Pelosi's hands to McCarthy's. That means members of Congress can get back to fleecing the people and stomping on the document that they swore to uphold and protect, the Constitution. It also means we can look for more misleading legislation that does the opposite of what Congress says it does - like the Affordable Care Act. If Congress had any integrity at all, they would have called it the Unaffordable Care Act because it actually made healthcare unaffordable.

The Democrat party is full of imbeciles that will agree to anything for personal power or profit

In addition, the Patriot Act was the most unpatriotic act that Congress has ever passed. It stripped Americans of their Constitutional rights. How could anyone with any integrity at all call it patriotic? How could any patriotic American sign such an egregious assault on our rights? That's the point! Only our enemies or an imbecile would have voted for such an unconstitutional and unpatriotic bill. Sadly, we have more than our share of imbeciles in Congress. The Democrat party is full of imbeciles that will agree to anything for personal power or profit. And, Congress doesn't have to pass every bill that special interest groups and corporations dream up. That's because previous administrations created a bureaucracy that makes their own laws, in the form of rules and regulations, outside of Congress. These bureaucracies can also be turned inward and used against the people--just like the Democrats used the justice system and FBI to investigate and arrest their political opponents. They also used the FBI and CIA to spread false and misleading propaganda, and they used the secret courts they established under the Patriot Act to spy on American citizens that disagreed with their agenda. No, the rebel Republicans did not change the way the government works. It remains a government by and for the oligarchs and their minions; minions that control all three branches of government as well as the bureaucracies under them. The U.S. government hasn't been by the people or for the people in over 100 years, and McCarthy will insure that doesn't change. That means more tax payer money will be used to fund more worthless investigations, like the John Durham investigation.

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Endless investigations are a waste of taxpayer dollars because Democrats will never be held accountable no matter what they do

These endless investigations are a waste of taxpayer dollars because Democrats will never be held accountable no matter what they do. That's because Democrats control the justice system even when Republicans control Congress and the White House. Even during the first 2 years of the Trump administration, when Republicans controlled Congress and the White House, Republicans refused to do anything for the people. And, the justice system, FBI and CIA was still working for Democrats. Even some of Trump's own appointees were against him and the American people. In the end, we the people are left with a corrupt government made up of people that are there to promote themselves, gain power over others, and gain wealth at the expense of the people that voted for them. Talk about a knife in the back! Congress is full of traitors, not only to the people, but to the Constitution. In fact, Congress is full of unscrupulous liars that will do anything for wealth and power. I'm not saying that McCarthy is an unscrupulous liar; however, his desire for power was stronger than his self respect, and that's not a good sign.


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Charles Wills——

Charles Wills is a retired Engineer.
Since retirement, he has devoted much of his free time to reading and researching
world and biblical history. He enjoys reading and collecting old books, especially
textbooks published before the turn of the 20th century, as well as writing about the
wealth of information hidden in them.
