
Is America seeing a Democrat recipe for perpetual racial strife taken from the pages of U.S. history? Let’s hope for reconciliation in Tulsa but keep watch for an overt manifestation of resentment and retribution

Motivations Behind the Commemoration of the Tulsa Race Massacre: Genuine Reconciliation or Resentment-driven Retribution?

Rumor has it that Tulsa, Oklahoma has been targeted for racially-instigated retribution on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Riots. The decent people of Oklahoma, 100 years later, are wondering just what kind of commemoration will take place this weekend in Tulsa. Based on the donations from the “woke” culture of White corporate executives hoping to assuage their thin veneer of guilt for crimes of their ancestors, the contemporary “BLM Brown Shirts” have become very wealthy, stealthy and on the ‘rise.’ Antifa and the militant arm of the BLM have now become emboldened over the past few years, in their capabilities to destroy inner-city downtowns and neighborhoods and the private property of many innocent people and suffer no consequences in the aftermath. So, this weekend in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is shaping up to be a showdown over an incident, to say the least, that was a despicable demonstration of evil and a clear example of man’s inhumanity to his fellow man that is reminiscent of last year's rioting in the wake of the tragic death of George Floyd.
The tone of this 100th-year commemoration in Tulsa over the horrible tragedy that took place in another dimension in time is what needs to be examined in light of so much that has happened in America in 2020. Next week, Joe Biden may emerge from the shadows and show up as part of the basic effort at “reconciliation” in Tulsa. It is that important to the Left. Consequently, one need not wonder why political activist Stacey Abrams is featured as the keynote speaker in a nationally televised event for the Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Commission. If one looks at all the events that have been scheduled leading up to the Memorial Day event, it appears that there is a broad scope, and a sincere effort at “reconciliation” is being made. But, the language being predominantly utilized is not politically neutral; it is polarizing. And because Stacy Abrams is at the forefront, one definitely has to wonder about the intended outcome. While this is a commemoration that is absolutely understandable due to the mainstream media’s long inattention to this horror, the event can trend toward genuine reconciliation over such loss of life as well as property, or it can trend toward fomenting the divisions that surfaced in Georgia not long ago. Stacey Abrams was at the core of the “woke” culture’s public condemnation of the efforts Georgia legislators made to strengthen their election laws. Abrams is supposedly actively fighting for voting rights, yet makes claims that efforts to ensure fair and honest elections are “racist” measures. According to centennial commission fanfare, Abrams as “a former Georgia lawmaker, is best known for her decade of voter-access and political infrastructure work that helped turn the state of Georgia Democratic in 2020.” If that infrastructure work included the convincing of the GOP leadership to invest big with Dominion voting machines, then it is likely she had some hand in turning Georgia partially blue.

Yet, one has to wonder what lies behind the words of Phil Armstrong, the centennial commission project director, when stating, “We are excited to hear from Stacey in person and apply her tenacity and dedication to the reconciliation of Greenwood beyond this year.” Reconciliation? - what does that word mean? Phil Armstrong explained somewhat: “Her tireless efforts to create equity and access for Black Georgia voters have inspired the entire country to re-envision what inclusive structures, systems, and communities should look like.” Wait - does that mean the centennial commission is working covertly to get Dominion voting machines in Oklahoma? A news release quoted Stacey Abrams as stating that the race massacre centennial:
compels us to reflect on this tragic history, without which reconciliation is impossible. Its reverberations continue across communities today, where too many Black Americans face economic hardship, disproportionate police and gun violence, and assaults on their freedom to vote… I join in the recognition of what Tulsa’s Black families endured 100 years ago, knowing that together, we can create a more equitable nation where systemic racism is conquered at last.
So, is political activist and “woke” corporate community organizer Abrams the tip of the spear to help the “unwoke” learn the Marxist definitions of “equity” and “systemic racism,” and will those terms be the core of the Tulsa “reconciliation” that translates into resentment and retribution? This is a serious question, and the good people of Oklahoma need to know that critical race theory is being showcased in a valid historic event, which excludes diverse political participation exposing a one-sided purpose of the core events. There is minimal transparency of the genuine purpose and without the genuine ability to “reflect on the tragic history,” in an adequate manner, reconciliation is impossible. That portion of what Abrams said is quite clear. A one-sided, biased narrative of such horrific events will not lead to reconciliation.

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It is absolutely agreeable that “reconciliation” in Tulsa over the horrible tragedy that took place 100 years ago is important, as it had been ignored by the mainstream media for far too long. However, intelligent people need to seriously drill down on the genuine history of this horrible event and not just skim the surface or be content with a pre-packaged narrative by the people who have orchestrated a made-for-television event. The fact that a race massacre occurred is astounding, but the fact that the mainstream media ignored it, is even worse. The deeper fact that a sensationalist newspaper may have sparked the racial strife with fake news is the most despicable aspect of the entire horrible ordeal. The actual history, however, and not progressive-revisionist narratives alluding to all the White people being privileged oppressors, will provide clarity. This race massacre in 1921 occurred in an Oklahoma that was politically dominated by the Democrat Party and terrorized by the Ku Klux Klan at the time. Of course, that part of history doesn’t show up in progressive-revisionist narratives infused with contemporary critical race theory, but would it not be important to know? That the Klan was racist is indisputable, but the “theory” that all White people are racists and White supremacists is highly disingenuous and seriously disreputable. Such a leap in logic is dangerously evil and likely that such blatant race-based propaganda is what initiated the racial strife in Tulsa in 1921 in the first place. So, have we come full circle? Would it not be important to know that Tulsa, Oklahoma, was founded by a member of the Ku Klux Klan? That would not be in the progressive-revisionist narrative, but progressives would not want it known that their Democrat ancestors controlled Oklahoma in such a time, or that the Klan, initiated and run by Democrats, became quite prominent in Tulsa in 1921. This may be due to the fact that after (even during) the Civil War, many Confederates fled West, and many ended up in Oklahoma. Wyatt Tate Brady migrated to Oklahoma from Missouri, and in 1898, along with a few other prominent businessmen, became a founding father of Tulsa as an incorporated city.


Brady was a known member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, which in their May 1914 Reunion in Jacksonville, Florida, unanimously endorsed the 1914 book The Ku Klux Klan or Invisible Empire, by Laura Martin Rose. The organization also made a commitment to "have it placed into the schools throughout the South." In a 1923 military tribunal, Brady stated that he, like his father before him, had been a member of the Klan. And, in that same year, the Ku Klux Klan, which had been organized as the “Tulsa Benevolent Society,” paid $200,000 for the construction of a large "Klavern," or gathering hall, capable of seating 3,000 members. The Klavern was built upon land that was reputedly owned by Rachel Brady, wife of Tate Brady. To compound the tinder box waiting to explode, one of the white-owned media outlets in Tulsa prone to sensationalism, the Tulsa Tribune, published the story: "Nab Negro for Attacking Girl In an Elevator," even though there were no facts or actual proof regarding such an attack. Another report indicates that the same edition of the Tribune featured an editorial regarding a potential lynching, which was titled “To Lynch Negro Tonight.” Of course, all copies of that one edition, as well as the microfilm copy have disappeared. However, a June 2, 1921, article in the Tulsa World reported that Chief of Detectives James Patton discredited the report in the Tribune as “yellow journalism.” Today, it is known as “fake news.” The Tulsa World quoted Patton as stating that "If the facts in the story as told the police had only been printed I do not think there would have been any riot whatsoever." In 2021, Democrat-controlled states and cities where rioting is routine, Brown Shirt militants resembling modern-day Klansmen, and fake news media outlets spewing lies -- is America seeing a Democrat recipe for perpetual racial strife taken from the pages of U.S. history? Let’s hope for reconciliation in Tulsa but keep watch for an overt manifestation of resentment and retribution.

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Jonus Freeman—— Jonus Freeman is a conservative political commentator who has written for numerous online publications including Canada Free Press, Communities Digital News, Examiner.com, Fairfax Free Citizen, Red State, and The Washington Times (Communities)
