
MSNBC is right about something, and CNN is there to back them up!

MSNBC: Administration banking on media to blame Republicans for shutdown

It's pretty rare that MSNBC gets something right. Usually, their ranting is the kind of delusional left-wing race baiting predicated on falsehood and fantasy. Every once in a while, though, they let the mask slip and tell the truth. MSNBC's senior political analyst, Mark Halperin, did just that on today's installment of "Morning Joe."
According to Halperin, if there is a government shutdown, the media will be instrumental in turning it against the GOP:
“Here’s what the White House and the Hill will monitor: One is how the press covers the shutdown and does it go back into 1990s mode of saying, 'Obstructionist Republicans are causing a shutdown, and real people are hurting?' Then they're going to watch the polls and see whether - it's not just partisan - whether by the end of the week there's surveys that show - both public and private - that people are blaming Republicans. And that's going to put pressure on Boehner to come to the floor and force some members of his own conference - beyond the handful that will never be with him on this - to come to have a compromise."

"So, The White House does not have much incentive [to compromise] because they think the trends are going to go in their direction by the end of the week or early next week at the latest, because again, the Press is largely sympathetic to their argument on this - that it's the Republicans fault." Translation: the press will do everything they can sell the bogus notion that, somehow, the Republicans are spoiled brats who want to take away your health care and have shut down the government to do so. They'll do that, because they are in favor of Obamacare, and will spare no effort to make sure the President gets his way. This may be the most honest thing we've ever heard anyone on MSNBC say. As if to confirm Halperin's claim, CNN released a ridiculous poll which actually used the phrase "spoiled children" in its questions. From CNN:
If the federal government shuts down starting Tuesday because of a bitter partisan battle over the new health care law, more people say congressional Republicans rather than President Barack Obama would be responsible, according to a new national survey. A CNN/ORC International poll released Monday morning, hours before funding for the government is scheduled to run out, also indicates that most Americans think Republicans in Congress are acting like spoiled children in this fiscal fight, with the public divided on whether the president is acting like a spoiled child or a responsible adult. And six in 10 questioned in the survey say they want Congress to approve a budget agreement to avoid a government shutdown, and if it happens, most people say a shutdown would be a bad thing for the country.
According to the numbers, the President is acting like a "Responsible adult" while Congress is acting like "spoiled children" by a margin of 49/47. Despite the very narrow two point victory, CNN is presenting this as proof positive that America is fed up with the GOP, and that U.S. citizens want the Republicans to fund the Affordable Care act.

By a margin of 57 to 38, America disapproves of Obamacare

We'll ignore the fact that our exalted leader has only managed to eke out "responsible adult" status by such a meager margin, and look deeper in the poll. There, Americans were asked about Obamacare's approval rating. The results are telling. By a margin of 57 to 38, America disapproves of Obamacare, and that disdain is present in virtually every key demo. Men disapprove at 60%, women at 55%, and independents at 67%. So, Americans may not like Congressional Republicans, but they also hate Obama's train wreck law. All of this indicates that - if the GOP members would just get out there and fight - they'd stand a good chance of turning their fortunes. Of course CNN isn't doing much to dig into these numbers. They're too busy pushing the "spoiled children" line...

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